My Pokémon Teams in Every Game

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Every Pokemon Team I used for my first playthrough of every Pokemon game

I make Pokemon videos, such as Pokemon Scarlet and Violet content, Pokemon Legends Arceus content, Pokemon playthrough challenges, Top 10 or Top 5 Pokemon videos, Pokemon Talk, Pokemon Meme Review, and lots more! If you're any level of Pokemon fan, subscribe for videos you're sure to love!


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really love your breakdown on this! strategy is really key in being the best pokémon trainer around 🏅


I'm honestly happy Gen 5 did the "new gen only" thing because it left such a mark on me that I still do it to this day. Makes each of my teams feel super unique.


I love that this is his third time covering this particular topic, and he still manages to make it engaging and fun. Respect.


After the EXP Share change, I started training up at least 3 teams per title. The levelling just got that much faster. I enjoy being able to use more mons and theorycraft more widely


The thing I love about every gen of Pokémon, is that every team is going to be different. Whether you use new Pokémon or old, they are never the same team for the first playthrough.


I think one big draw of replaying Pokémon games vs other games, is the experience is going to be entirely different depending on the team you have. If you play a game like Kingdom Hearts for example again, it's not gonna be much different in a replay. But with Pokémon, while the story will be the same, how you play and maneuver will be entirely different depending on what team you have.

This is evident in playthroughs Mikey's done for content over the years. It's what makes Pokémon feel more....immersive and lived in for games. You and your friend could have entirely different experience with the same game because of the teams you had. And that's exciting.


You can actually get a dawn stone before Wally gives it to you, its a reward from secret super training... It just takes around 5ish hours of grinding to unlock it, which when I ended up tackling Omega Ruby, I did. Had a Gallade before the third gym, and 15 hours of playtime.


Fun fact: You can get a dawn stone in the remake hoenn games by super training. It will take a while but faster than waiting to get one from wally


Hey, I like Drifblim. That Pokemon has helped me through several playthroughs since I discovered it in Pokemon X. Very bulky due to its high HP and strong physical attack moves it can learn. And its flying type also made it my main Pokemon to learn fly and that also makes it immune to ground moves (as well as Normal and Fighting moves thanks to its ghost typing.) Very underrated Pokemon in my opinion.


The discussion of the sun and moon team gave *me* nostalgia. Binge-watching that playthrough is what first got me into pokemon.


My theory with BDSP was that it was only made because the higher ups at Nintendo thought that Legends Arceus by itself was too risky. BDSP was never intended to exist, hence why it's so bad.


You can actually get a dawn stone prior to the first gym in ORAS. If you grind the super training till one of your mons is maxed out, you get access to secret super training, where the 6th level is gallade - you have a solid chance to get a dawn stone from it.


You can actually get a dawn stone prior to the first gym in ORAS. If you grind the super training till one of your mons is maxed out, you get access to secret super training, where the 6th level is gallade - you have a solid chance to get a dawn stone from it.


I thought it was interesting that you usually DIDN'T use more than six 'mons. I literally ALWAYS do throughout a playthrough and the total number of Pokemon I use in a regular run usually ends up pretty massive.


Krookodile is the coolest gen 5 pokemon


I loved the hard league in Brilliant Diamond. I know Pokemon has to assume each game will be some kid's first game so they have to make it easier, but since it wasn't my first game, I had a blast going up against competitive-level teams. I wish they would have the option to make the league harder in Scarlet and Violet.


random thought i got while watching, i feel like an ability called “evaporator” would be kinda cool, makes the users fire moves super effective on water types, and possibly making water moves deal neutral damage to the pokemon with the ability


It's great to see how much your team has evolved throughout the years. Thanks for making this video.👍


love how mikey and grunty boi’s friendship has evolved


Love your scarlet team

Nice to see someone else gave Quaquaval a shot during their first time in Paldea. Using Aqua Step to set up can really come in clutch
