20 Things Developers Didn't Think ANYONE WOULD TRY

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Players with some time on their hands tend to think of some crazy things in games that the developers didn’t even think of. Here are some great examples.

0:00 Intro
0:16 Number 20
1:11 Number 19
2:04 Number 18
2:34 Number 17
3:10 Number 16
3:43 Number 15
4:26 Number 14
5:20 Number 13
6:09 Number 12
7:12 Number 11
7:43 Number 10
8:41 Number 9
9:32 Number 8
10:46 Number 7
11:41 Number 6
12:44 Number 5
13:25 Number 4
14:31 Number 3
15:29 Number 2
16:09 Number 1
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I love when I’m looking for something to watch on YouTube and nothing is catching my interest so Gameranx decides to upload a video just for me. Thanks guys!


Dung Pie protection was actually deliberate, they knew they were doing it. They discovered it by accident during development and then decided before release to leave it in, hoping players would use it.


The striker glitch or ditman glitch was actually acknowledged by the devs in the remake of RE4, with the charms you can hang on your case now, one of them is a small model of the striker which increases your movement speed by 8%.


In diablo (1) single player I'd leave any stuff I might need later in town. It doesn't disappear, so if you have enough town portal scrools you essentially have an endless inventory. I mostly used it to keep stuff I couldn't use when I found it, but it was also useful for gathering up stacks of gold for buying stuff I needed, rather than filly my inventory with it. Leaving my inventory free for stuff I could sell for more gold.


Early Cyberpunk had a couple of oversights that could be used to get CRAZY amounts of money. One of them was that you could disassemble consumables. And then sell those dissasembled parts for more than the consumable was worth. then there was one area of the game where there were like 45 vending machines all next to each other -- which funny enough, you can get to right after the tutorial missions -- and there, you would just buy all the consumables. Then fast travel to the same spot to make them respawn. There was another one with a painting, where one of the quests would reward you with a painting you could sell for 4k or something. But then you could buy it for free. These two tricks made buying every single car easier lol.


fun fact about the dung pie thing, it would later be the inspiration for contact medicine in sekiro, it would give you a long lasting slow tick poison effect and thus makes you immune to some of the worse poisons in the game


At some point in the past, playing Deus Ex, I accidentally noticed that I could stack items to the inventory without a limit (that I'd ever found). I think it was as simple as right clicking an object in the inventory while moving it on top of another item, making space for more stuff. I remember having a hard time with hoarding as I had so much stuff on top of another that I had to drop tons of stuff in order to use some of it.


The BFG weapon wheel exploit is, to an extent, extremely similar to the Megaman Thunder Beam pause exploit, often used notoriously to defeat Yellow Devil. Manipulating time to amplify damage. By spamming pause with the Select button, you could amplify the damage output of the Thunder Beam by essentially causing it to hit the enemy multiple time midflight. Each time you unpause it causes the beam to register an additional hit.


In elder scrolls oblivion, if you had the wizard's tower DLC, you can climb to the top of the tower, save the game, exit, delete the DLC then when you load back into the game you will just fall through the map and land in a developer's testing area that had all sorts of weapons and items for you to collect for free. Once you loaded up on whatever you wanted, you can just fast travel away and download the DLC again.


Correction about the Skyrim Bucket thing. Bethesda DID try patching it. IIRC, they made the hitbox for NPC heads bigger. But that issue was fixed by using a bigger bucket


I always play FF8 that way, using the Card Mod ability to junction high powered spells into massive stat points right at the start of the game. I also still have a strategy guide that tells me all the SEED Exam answers to massively increase my rank at the start of the game and get HUGE amounts of money with my regular salary.


Huge lesson for all game developers: YES, SOMEONE WILL TRY THAT.

Related note: GTA San Andreas also had a trick to perform the super bunny hop on the bicycle WITHOUT entering the cheat code. It was just a matter of quickly holding another button just before the jump button (I can't remember which now; it's been years but I could do it again if I got the game in front of me) that causes the bike to spring upwards just like the cheat code. It was just a basic piano input type of technique but once mastered, it worked every time. Once I noticed what I was doing, I was leaping buildings all day long with no cheat code required.


The "airmail" attack in Metal Gear 5 definitely hasn't been patched out. It's not only something I still do to this day, but it's a recommended strategy in the official guide. The devs absolutely intended for this one to be used.


Jake and Falcon are the superhero duo I needed as a busy father. You guys legit make this UK residents chores soooo much easier to get through! Thankyou from across the pond!


fondest glitch memory was the first one I found playing Ultima ii where pirate ships could be duplicated. Spent hours filling up the oceans building bridges and structures out of pirate ships. Too young to recognize the value in this different mode of extended gameplay. Fast forward years later seeing build gameplay to be so popular in games once the main story mode had been played out.


A heads up no, they actually never patched out the Quiet Airmail Trick. Vs the normal version of Quiet, she still falls for the trick.

However, if you play the Extreme Version of Cloaked in Silence, Quiet has various buffs to make things far harder on you, including a more powerful sniper rifle, her wearing a sneaking suit that makes her invisible in thermal vision, and... she no longer falls for the box trick and will run off to another position if you try to bonk her over the head with a resupply box. This does NOT apply to the normal mission.


Fun thing about number 12 is that the "Dung pie" makes a comback in Sekiro! Sort of: you get an item that ONLY poisons yourself, but it explicitly states that the poison damage will usually be far less than the actually dangerous toxic effects elsewhere in the game.


In Ultima Online, you could put your stuff in chests but you couldn't lock the chests, yet you could block access to your chests by locking tables in place around them, which only you could remove. BUT, the severed heads of players turned out to be 1 pixel in thickness--the only item in the game with any thickness--and if you collected enough heads, and put them in stacks, you could place them on the ground like steps and walk over the tables blocking you from accessing another player's chest.


For Skyrim my favorite exploit was that if you followed a particular path, you would find a chest hovering under Eorlund Grey-Mane, as in under the level, and it contains the entire inventory of Eorlund Grey-Mane and you could take that entire inventory without consequences.


I thought it was going to be sword cancelling, but the super jumps make sense. Could have included the rocket jumps with it, I think, since those also sent you flying in the air.
