Debugging STM32 with ST Link Remotely

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In this video I will show how you can debug any STM32 device remotely ( can be any where in the world if you have VPN ) using a low cost Raspberry Pi.
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From the video:
0:00 - Introduction
1. Net Analyzer
3. Putty:
4. To update the Raspberry:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
5. min:
2.53: install openocd
sudo apt-get install openocd
3:30 - openocd configuration
7. Min.
7:40 - CubeIDE configuration
8. Min.
9:40 - Check the network:
netstat -an | grep tcp
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From the video:
0:00 - Introduction
1. Net Analyzer
3. Putty:
4. To update the Raspberry:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
5. min:
2.53: install openocd
sudo apt-get install openocd
3:30 - openocd configuration
7. Min.
7:40 - CubeIDE configuration
8. Min.
9:40 - Check the network:
netstat -an | grep tcp
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