Why The Jedi & Darth Vader HATED Palpatine's Lightsaber

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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I'm imagining a neutral website in the Star Wars universe where both Jedi and Sith look at lightsabers and rate them if they're hot or not.


I can imagine that's why the one Jedi Master died so quickly in ROTS. He was too busy naming off all the reasons why he hated Palpatine's lightsaber that he forgot to block and just got stabbed.


Sidious' lightsaber is also a call back to his home. The aesthetics of it are distinctly of the artsy world of Naboo he hails from. In fact, I could not see any Naboo Jedi wield anything less than a work of art.


Little known fact;
The first 3 jedi that ever saw it considered it so gaudy that they just stood there and let Palpatine kill them, because they thought it was a better fate than having to look at his lightsaber for even a second longer.


I find Sidious’ lightsabers to be a perfect reflection of the man. Opulent, gaudy, and self-important.
It’s like a foreman on a construction site, who scoffs at a worker with a $10 hammer, only to show off his $300 hammer that he doesn’t even use.


Can you do a video on if Vader and Sidious ever sparred together??? Would love to hear about how their practice sessions went when dueling.


I wonder what kind of crystal Sidious used? In Legends we can assume it was a synthetic Sith crystal. But in canon Sith bleed crystals. If they can bleed any crystal, wouldn't they get the best crystal the could first.
But there isn't really a "best" crystal. Different crystals from different places have unique attributes. I can't see Sidious settling with a basic Ilum crystal.


They're just jealous that Palpatine has style in terms of lightsabers.


I find his sabers to be works of art and it is hard to argue with his effective use of them, therefore they are perfect for Palpatine. As someone more suited to use single-handed sword techniques, I would probably like them as well.


The best light saber design has to be Count Dooku's was my favorite 10 years ago and still my favorite to this day


Mace also had a electrum hilt, just about as done out as sidious, with rubber and were bigger for 2 hand swings, this one i cant see anyone gripping it 2 handed, wich jedis do alot. Idk about it being the most expensive and the best, this is supposed to be held one direction only seeing how the hilt is ergonomic to fit a hand holding it from one way only. if u were to grab this hilt very fast u might would need to rotate it in ur hand because it would be sideways or backwards, thats not really an issue with jedi hilts they seemed to be gripped 360 around the bottom with a rubber like material. thats alot better then gripping raw polished metal. Idk i think Windu's is more attention to detail and is actually a better serving hilt as a swordsman. It might be an insult and made nice, but its also alot less functional and versatile. Dooku also had a hilt to be basiclly only held in one way, but thats because his blade required that. But the main issues why sidious hilt is imo kinda shit is because, you cant grip it to 2 hand parry or swing, ur just reliant on using it 1 handed. In the original shot when sidious faught mace, anakin was originally there just watching, and sidious used his lightsabre, thats why during the fight u can see a big hilt in sidious hand. The original scene had anakin basically watching the entire fight doing nothing until the end, and sidious ends up using anakins blade to fend off windu. It would of probably been alot harder and more awkward to film some of the fighting manuevers with his personalized hilt because like i said, u cant hold it 2 handed its just way to small.


Vader holding Sidious' lightsaber looked like Agent J holding the Noisy Cricket.
"Man, I feel like I'mma break this thing!" - Darth Vader


Interesting! Maybe a "Fate of the SWTOR Sith Empire" since we never see it collapse (but there's a Dark age suggesting it did and we never hear of it again).


I've been watching your videos for awhile now. I hadn't subscribed yet but when you said "Force crush that subscribe button" you gained a new follower. I love it


Why the Jedi HATED Palpatine's lightsaber
answer: they didn't. They probably had no clue about what it was made of. It was Palpatine's own private mockery of Jedi ideals.

Why Darth Vader HATED Palpatine's lightsaber
answer: he didn't. It was an annoying to wield temporary lightsaber after he lost his at Mustafar, but he made his own lightsaber shortly after.


We need a palpatine series honestly. I’ve never liked him mostly cause he’s just powerful but we don’t see any of his training or anything. Would be cool to see his early days


Wait. How would the Jedi even have time to know about and hate Palpatine’s lightsaber if he doesn’t reveal it until Revenge of the Sith, and only Yoda, Anakin, and _maybe_ Mace Windu survived to know anything about it?


Another reason why I love palpatine so much. Easily my favorite Star Wars character and greatest villain in cinema history.


This dude is really milking the whole thing with “characters supposedly disliking other characters abilities or weapons’ without ever having an interaction together.


Sidius' saber was a fine example of Masterful Craftsmanship at work; the man studied the ideal alloys for augmenting and easing usage of his lightning manipulation with and through it, if the images throughout the video are anything to go by you'll briefly see a "LIGHTNING EMITTER..." -- Sidius is the sort of person that views all things as tools meant to be shaped to fit the wielder/master, and in that way this light saber is utterly perfect for him. I don't feel he did it specifically to 'spite the Jedi' alone, but those metals were likely all conductors necessary for the highest out put of the energy emission and how he uses it.
