Romans 9 Is Not About Calvinism

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God's choice is to show mercy to whoever comes to Christ.


A Slightly distorted view is an understatement. A corrupt, unbiblical, twisted, false view is more accurate.


Romans 9 is Paul's rebuttal to Israel and their hardening. Once you see this, calvanism disappears from the text. So who will God have mercy on? Read Roman's 11:32...


There is no doubt that Paul is saying that God is choosing people in Romans 9. His thought in Romans 9 actually concludes in Romans 10:1. In summary, he states first that he greatly desires that the Jews would be saved. He then argues but the choice is up to God. He then concludes in Romans 10:1 by saying:

Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved.

In the end he leaves their salvation up to God because it is God’s choice… as he just spent the entire previous chapter explaining.


Absolutely it's not! Great job Jordan! Keep it at 👍👍


Laz was already a believer, so believers must be regenerated?


This video explains nothing at all. Also you are still ignoring all my previous comments.


It’s clear as day Paul was saying. “ Jacob I loved, Essau I hated” Paul was saying how God had given favor to Jacob before he was even born. How can that be? Paul also answered the question of people who would doubt or didn’t like what he was going to write, verse 14 says What shall we say then? Is there injustice on Gods part? By no means! For he says to Moses” I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16- So it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God who has mercy” Romans 9 14-16 I just recited is clear as day. We may not like that God decides who he has mercy on, but we should be happy he even has mercy on us to begin with. Ephesians 1 is a good one to look at too. God bless you all.


You said a lot without saying anything at all


None of the Bible is about calvinism. Calvin was just a Theologian. However, Calvin has pointed out what the Bible said pretty accurately.

Romans 8-11 touches on many things. But you see many of Calvin's (or just reformed theology in general) assertions spelled out pretty plainly.


Keep kicking against Romans 8 & 9 and John 6 and Ephesians 1&2 Jordan... eventually they will knock you on your behind and have you on your face infront of God. Much love and much disagreement brother. 😘


This Jordan guy is a professional blasphemer. He does not believe God has the sovereign right [and I would also add power] "to choose whatever He wants however He wants it"? Also, to choose whomever He wants for salvation? Let those questions sink in. This is God, the Creator of the universe that this pipsqueak is blaspheming.
Jordan does not rely on scripture in his videos. He relies on his opinions about scripture when he bothers to even discuss scriptures at all (in his generic way).
What a blasphemer he is. If he does not repent God will surely judge him for this.


You guys and you're imaginary friend make me laugh.
