English Grammar: MUST & HAVE TO

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You must watch this lesson. You just have to watch this lesson. It's really important, because it'll help you, and it's confusing in English. Actually, you don't have to watch this lesson, if you don't want to; it's your choice, but you've already clicked on it, so let's continue. I'm going to explain to you two modal verbs that are really confusing in English because the positive and the negative have different meanings.

Let's start with the first one and the easiest one. You guys have learned this, I'm sure before, if you studied grammar; or if you haven't studied grammar, you guys maybe have even heard about this. It's confusing. So, what I'm going to teach you today is the difference between the modals: "must" and "have to".

In the positive, "must" and "have to" have the exact same meaning or the exact same function. When we use this grammar... It's grammar. When we use this grammar, "must" you can think about it like a law or a rule. Okay? Something that is very, very, very important; basically, if you don't do it, there will be bad things that will happen. So: "must" and "have to" we both use for very strong rules or laws.

So, I want you to think about in your daily life. Or I'll give you an example of travelling. So you're going to get on an airplane, so you go to the airport. What are some things you must have to get on the airplane? One, you must have-or you have to have-an airplane ticket. If you don't have an airplane ticket, you're not going to get on that airplane, so you buy one. The second thing that you must have-or you have to have-is a passport or some kind of legal ID; depending on where you are travelling to. If you're flying internationally to a different country, you definitely have to have-or must have-a passport. It's important to have money. You must have some money, or you have to have some money. How are you going to live? How are you...? You got money. Okay.

So: "must" and "have to" in the positive form are exactly the same. I don't care what anyone else has told you before; I don't care what your grammar books tell you; I don't care what your mom tells you - "must" and "have to" in the positive are completely equal. We don't make a difference. You have to do this or you must do this - the ending is the same. It's a rule or a law; if you don't do it, there's going to be some problems or you just won't be accepted. Can you think of an example in your life that you have rule or a law that you must or have to do? Good. Okay.

Let's look at also the grammar of "have to". So, "must" is very easy. It's going to be subject plus "must" plus your base verb. This is called a modal verb, which is "must". So, for example: Subject plus "must" plus your base verb. "I must have a ticket to get on that airplane." If I don't have a ticket, I can't get on the airplane. But when we use "have to", we have to be very, very careful or we must be careful with our subject and our verb agreement. So, if you have: "He", "She" or "It", we have to say: "has to"; but if you use: "I", "We", "They", or "You", we have to say or we must say: "have to". So: "It has to be great.", "We have to go now; it's very important." So, be careful with our grammar. The "must" one is easier. So, if you're deciding on which one you like better - choose "must" because you don't have to worry about the subject and the verb agreement. But again, they are not different. "Must" and "have to" are exactly the same. The structure is different, but the function or the way we use it is exactly the same. You choose which one you like the most.

The negative of "must not" is basically telling us a rule in the negative. For example, you can say: "On the airplane, you must not smoke." This is a very, very strict law or rule on any airplane in any country of the world that smoking is prohibited; you can't do it. If you do it, you will get arrested which means you'll go to jail. I don't know if you go to jail, but definitely the police will come and you have to pay a lot of money, so don't do it. […]
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Your teaching is awesome. I really appreciate the way that you teach this lesson. Thank you very much.


Thank you very much! I've learned this rule with English books but your explanations and examples are deeper, thank you much!!!


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