Fallout New Vegas Dead Money Heist of the Centuries part 3 of 7 Navigating the Vault

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In Vera's suite, a Big Book of Science is in the shelf outside the bedroom, and the chemistry set can make some drugs or stimpaks.

With all three companion quests complete, the Sierra Madre entrance lobby terminal gives you access to the music sequence needed to open the Sierra Madre Vault.

When you arrive in the lobby, it is infested with Ghost People. Run for the terminal and activate the security program (with the code from the Tampico Reception terminal) to obliterate the Ghost People.

Retrieve the audio files from the lobby terminal and return to Vera's suite. If Christine is on your side, your character will tell her what the passphrase, and she will unlock the vault.
If she is dead, you have to play the music into the speaker.

Once in the Vault, you have to reach the main, central portion, but forcefields are blocking you. You'll need to loop around through old broken catwalks, stairs, speakers, and holograms.

It's easiest to understand or manage if you watch Heist of the Centuries part 3 of 7. I would confuse you if I type out every little turn you have to take.

Anyway, once you reach the center section, don't step into the closed, central Vault yet. Across from its entrance, over the edge of the metal platform, you will see the skeleton of Sinclair. By his corpse is a duffle bag that contain a Nikola Tesla. Jump down, get the book, and return to the platform by jumping on a closed pipe valve.

Now enter the central Vault by using the terminal by the door. The door will close behind you. In this room, there are three terminals and a lot of loot.
First off, get all the pre-war money you want and some medical supplies from the first aid kit. Check the cabinet for any armor or weapons you want.
Now, grab a few gold bars, but avoid getting overencumbered.

With your pockets filled, hack the turret security terminal so that you can reprogram them later, or with 50 melee skill, smash their generator.

With that preemptively dealt with, use the Vault door terminal to deactivate security. The back-wall terminal is now accessible. Read only the file addressed to Vera. If you access Sinclair's personal accounts and his note to Dean, the Vault will permanently lock and you will get a game over.

After reading what is said to Vera, signing out of the terminal triggers communication with Elijah.

With low NCR fame, you can suggest an alliance, which also causes a game over and reload.

To finish Heist of the Centuries, you need to get Elijah to come down to the Vault. To do this, you can make threats, , claim you want the Vault's contents for yourself. or say you just want to leave.
You will then need to pass skill checks to get him to come down.

Alternatively, without any skill, you can say that you will do as he says and will just wait in the Vault. He pretends to be impressed with your cooperation and agrees to come down.

Problem is, as soon as he sees you, he has a panic attack and activates Sierra Madre Vault security against you. If you were able to hack the turret terminal, you can turn the tables at this point.

Kill him and flee back to the Vault elevator via the path you took to reach the central chamber.

Alternatively, you can try sneaking back the way you came before he arrives to the central chamber.

Either way, oncee you reach the elevator, quest complete and you are able to leave the Sierra Madre. Congrats!
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This is by far the most infuriating moment of the entire DLC. Pretty much makes you want to skip the entire DLC on another playthrough.


This is without a doubt the worst gaming experience I have ever had. And that includes Shrek: Fairy Tale Freakdown.


While doing this I never cursed so much in my life. This DLC was literally the worst part of FNV.


I'd rather fight a hoard of deathclaws


I will never do this DLC again. Hated every second of it.


im glad to see other ppl hate this dlc as much as me


You are a life saver, I've been screaming profanity at my TV and scaring my neighbors for hours. I hate this dlc with the fury of the bomb at Megaton city.


*Your collar starts beeping*
*You are being poisoned by gas*
*you are no longer being poisoned*
*you are being poisoned*


Guys I've got a great idea for a DLC. We put explosive collars on the players character! It's extremely annoying and means you have to follow protocol! Also we shall put in fucking irritating red smoke that drains the health rapidly! And if that doesn't piss off our very loyal fans we will also be putting indestructible holograms that shoot lasers out of their eyes! It's gonna have them shouting at their PC's and getting really fucked off! Sounds like a plan!


This that dark souls dlc for fallout 😂😂😂. Can't wait to finish this crap. I'm completely glad I'm not the only one that hates this miserable place/dlc


I seriously doubt there is any worse DLC than this. holy shit this is so bad i want to puke.


That one emitter that I couldn't find... the burden was enormous. Thank you for helping me solve this formidable quest


At 2:00 if you can get to the top of the staircase, shoot the blue speaker, jump down to the ground and climb back up for the terminal it's a lot easier.


So much fun dying over and over because you slip off a pipe or mistime a jump over a catwalk gap. Clever and well thought-out. Makes you want to do it over and over again... because you have no choice.


This is somehow worse than mothership zeta


How the hell did your head not explode at the red speaker by that computer... I backed up and my head exploded wtf it won't even give me two seconds before I die and I can't get passed it any other way I've done this 34 times


2:00 min is nearly impossible to pull off


Thanks for this, I am on my second playthrough. I only got through this bit initially because I had more HP and stimpacks than the Guards could strip me of as I ran through. Second time round and my character is still too low a level to do this.

Without a doubt this is the worst DLC for Fallout:NV. It is stupidly tough, the main opponents do not die unless you cut them up - easy when there is only one or two less so when you are being swarmed, if one of your companions dies before the scheduled moment in the plot you will die too and they have almost no armour - DOG/GOD is the worst for this as he insists in meleeing everything, the Cloud is everywhere and if you enter it you lose health stupidly fast, the Holograms are almost impossible to combat, every damned street, house, cafe and latrine has an active speaker or radio in it making moving around impossible and no amount of pre-DLC preparation will ever help you because everything you possess will be stripped from you and replaced with a shitty cloth jumpsuit that has no protective value whatsoever and a half broken four shot gun.

Oh, and the Ghost Peoples - the primary enemies - weapons do stupid damage when they attack you. As in my level 28 character lost a third of her health to a thrown spear.


Im stuck at the last part, the doors are still shielded idk why


On the 2:00 min part instead of running right away turn to the door up there and shoot the alarm you have a clear shot from there, then run up as fast as you can and shut the alarms off
