5 POWERFUL Things the Blood of Jesus Does in Your Life

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In this powerful message, David Diga Hernandez shares revelation on the blood of Jesus. The power of the blood of Jesus is at work in your life. Truly, there is power in the blood!








Video Chapters:

00:00 - Intro
00:36 - Jesus Is The Perfect Sacrifice
4:26 - The Blood Brings Protection
6:44 - The Blood Brings Authority and Deliverance
8:53 - The Blood Brings Healing
10:17 - The Blood Brings Peace of Mind
12:27 - The Blood Brings Forgiveness
13:20 - Prayer
14:21 - Question For Conversation
15:23 - David Reads Your YouTube Comments
16:31 - Offering

#EncounterTV #DavidDigaHernandez #WordAndSpirit #Sermon #HolySpirit #Jesus #God #Supernatural #Spiritual #Blood #BloodOfJesus #Salvation #Healing #Deliverance
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I want to share my testimony on the power of precious blood of Jesus Christ.I was batteling with deep negative thoughts and I was not able to control my anger untill I came to know about prayer of precious blood of Jesus Christ, I started prayer the prayer with belief in the morning, at noon 3.00pm and before going to bed after very first day I started this devotion I got deliverance from the negative thoughts and curse upon my life which some one has out there I was not knowing about it.God delivered me and filled me with the holy spirit, my headache and stomach issues are all gone which were causing due to my stress. All the above mentioned benefits in the video are true, Every Christian must apply and pray the precious blood of Jesus prayer daily for their protection before preaching and dealing with worldy affairs. It is our shield that God has given us. It also keeps us away from sins and cleanses our fives senses.That will save us from tr wrath of God in the earth.Sharing this devotion can save tr world, that's why Satan doesn't want to spread this devotion.beause it's powerful and brings authority against him and gives us deliverance from their negatives influences.God bless you and protect you under his precious blood of Jesus Christ.Amen.


I believe there's is power in the blood of Jesus that's why whenever I pray I would always say "Lord cover me by Your blood"


RE: Blood of Jesus not preached

I believe it is the work of the enemy, to keep people in bondage to sin, to sickness and to fear. The Lord desires we are set free from all works of the enemy.

May the Lord heal me from cancer and several other health issues, by His beautiful precious BLOOD that I may more greatly serve Him 🙏🏼📖🕊🛡⚔️🩸👑


There is power in the Blood of Jesus.❤🔥🕊


I never know that the blood of Jesus can be applied to self for the healing and protection until I move to another church whose pastor preach about the blood of Jesus and Holy Spirit. Peter says "What I have, I give to you."


I am covered by the blood of Jesus.. amen
Thank you pastor David. 🙏


We don’t hear much preaching about the blood of Jesus Christ and the power therein, due to the lack of knowledge and faith in the power of the blood of Jesus.


I feel that a lot of people just don't believe in the power of Jesus anymore like they used to. The church has gone so far left and strayed so far and not serving and being the people we r called 2 be that generation after generation it just keeps getting more and more watered down. How can u believe in something that you're not being taught and that the church losing sight of Jesus has lost its power so you know nothing of it. We need to go back to where it all started to how the apostles were to how the apostles lived and truly give ourselves to Christ


Thanks Pastor from Namibia. I wish l could have invited you to come and teach and just see the beauty of our beautiful country. Money has taken over that is why Pastors don't want to teach their congregation in order for them to know the truth.
We thank God for Pastors like you who still worships in Spirit and in truth and to ALWAYS put God first by enlightened us also, so that we can teach others in Jesus Name.
May the Lord bless you and your family and members and keep you all safe and healthy in Jesus Name amen.


I think we don't hear powerful sermons on the blood because some people may think it's just too strong, but it is indeed what we need to hear! I hope you continue with these consummate messages. We don't need anymore watered down sermons that gloss over he important things that we so desperately need to hear and confront!Thank you, David!!!That was so powerful and every word of it, the ultimate truth!


Amen hallelujah 🙏, there's power in the blood of Jesus Christ


Thank you lord for your precious blood..


Amen Brother David
My Dad yesterday made it one month of salvation and alcohol free for he had addiction for over 20yrs but by the blood of Jesus he’s made new🙏🙏but pastor pray for my elder sister she has the same addiction and it’s worse pray for her to stop alcohol 🙏🙏 I believe in the blood of Jesus 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Thank you Lord Jesus for the power of your blood that activates in my life, I receive it in Jesus name..amen, Thank you Pastor David, May Jesus bless you and your family and your ministry, such a blessing to our hearts ♥️


Greetings in Jesus name
Sir my ans. to your question is because I read salvation is a free gift from God. Yes, that's true and I am eternally thankful for it. But I must also know the fact how Jesus suffered my infirmities in His body and bleeded His blood to give free salvation that connected me again with Father. Isaiah 53 is the chapter where I am grateful and sorrowful for the sacrifice of Jesus christ. Mostly the reason blood is ignored because Jesus is considered religiously. If I am in relation with Christ I'll take everything serious about Him.
Thank you Sir for every teaching which is completely spirit filled and it's blessful to watch you preaching and teaching passionately about Father Jesus.
Glory to Him forever and ever


Thank you so much, pastor, I was so hungry for such precious bread of life, now I am facing very challenging in my family, as my daughter Jeremy is possessing evil spirit, by having spiritual spouse and suicidal thoughts since from 2018 till today, I need deliverance, please have mercy on my daughter Jeremy.


In the church CTHIMM, we have everyday confession of the Application of the Blood of Jesus...
Indeed, precious Blood of Jesus is so powerful ♥🙏😇.


Halelluya!!!! There is power in the blood of Jesus.


Thank you Lord for healing me through the blood of Jesus Christ.


Thank you for this understanding. There is power in the Blood. From Kenya.
