The Woman With The Issue of Blood Explained

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In Mark 5, we hear the story of a woman who had an issue of bleeding. Through faith she was driven to reach out and touch the hem of Jesus' garment as he passed by, knowing this would heal her condition.

In Season 3 Episode 5 of The Chosen, we finally get to see this miracle take place.

Jacob Coyne explained the Biblical meaning behind this miracle by teaching the true meaning of the hem of Jesus' garment.

#thechosen #god
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The lord healed me last month of epilepsy, a condition I’ve been dealing with for 36 year’s that I was Muslim. After my conversation to christianity, I’ve never been happier. Jesus stands for and represents love and compassion. ❤ God is the greatest!
I’m thankful for everything the lord has done for me 🙏


I shall be touching to Jesus with my great faith to have my sins and past mistakes healed 💖✨️💛🥲🕊🕊🤲🏽 - In Jesus Name, Amen❣️


I’m Robert and I need a prayer that my lord Jesus heals me with my Surgery I’m having today on my heart and that everything goes good cuz I’m tired of the pain and suffering I ask in the name of our father Jesus amen plz pray for me sisters and brothers ❤


I gave my life to Jesus recently but I have so many doubts, I feel like nothing has changed at all, God feels so far. Please pray for me thank you 🙏🏽


Brother Jacob I just came across your video just now and was hesitant to watch it and I was blown away from the revelation in Malachi and the bleeding woman. Could you please pray for healing for my entire body. I have allot of things going on and only God knows since no drs can help figure out and I been diagnosed with glaucoma and I can't afford the drops. I ask for healing in my body as well as spiritual growth and obediance to God for me and my loved ones in Jesus name. Thank you so much


I need prayer to sleep naturally. These heavy medications are giving me anxiety and depression but I can't sleep without them. I haven't worked in 8 months because of insomnia. I would appreciate prayers for me and my family


I am a pastor of 20 years at the same little country church.... We have been through some tough times and I refuse to preach the world and focus on MONEY but rather salvation and repentance so our church is under attack. Please pray for us... In Jesus name!


Amen….God Bless..I believe Jesus is healing my heart that is leaking and from a hernia in my belly and my blood pressure being a bit high.’, I believe HE is healing my daughter from bipolar, asthma and eczema and praying that she comes back to Our Jesus…In HIS ALMIGHTY NAME WE ARE HEALED AND ANOINTED WITH HIS BLOOD AND THAT WILL BE BACK RUNNING TO HIM AMEN 🙏❤️👍🏼✝️🙏


Hi Jacob. Thank you for this video. Please pray for me to find my spouse God has for me. I broke up with my fiancé a few months ago and feel completely lost. I haven’t felt normal without him. But I’m trusting God and saying to Him “I believe Lord, help my unbelief”. Thanks Jacob.


Awesome Brother! Let the LORD continue using you and your team, be blessed in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!


Brother this whole incident made me cry just Tears rolling from my eyes, the way she says One Thread it touched my Heart, and I cried loudly when Jesus Touched her and Said Daughter… This keeps me strong to be faithful….. Jesus I Love u


I'm believing Jesus for my IVF treatment next month going really well, becoming pregnant, and having a blessed 9 months carrying my healthy babies and becoming ready to be a first time mum at 48. Amen. Thank you Lord. 🙏🏾


I love this story!, In Jesus name we shall rejoice !, For there is no mountain we cannot conquer, or evil we cannot defeat, with love and Faith in our Savior Jesus Christ!! Amen


Please pray for healing for my illness...also pray for my children's renewal of faith...that we may not be distracted with the cares of this world.


This is an Excellent teaching that conveys biblical truth that not many in Christendom know or would care to search out from the Scriptures. Thank You and may YHVH Bless You!


Children of God Father please pray for me and my family to REBORN from the HEAVEN. I am Dejan Rac from Serbia, I have intrusive thoughts please pray for me and my family and Greetings from Serbia.


Hey Jacob, I am going through a tough time mentally right now and it would mean the world to me If you would include me in your prayers.
God Bless all of you 🙏


I need prayer for my broken self family and school. Basically please let’s pray for the world.


Healing of my lower back..Thank you God bless


Hi my name is Jonathan Nottage And I watch your video today It has give me aspiration It has give me aspiration You see I'm in a hospital right now because of the condition that I have and I do wanna be healed And I hope that I pray that I will go to heaven I am and I am taking this time to try and reprint for my sins that I have done And I have a father I'm so sorry that I for the things that I have done in my past yes I am so sorry for And I have a father I'm so sorry that I for the things that I have done in my past yes I am so sorry for
