C3 C4 C5 Definitions. Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Recovery.

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C3 Vertebrae Injury, C4 Vertebrae Injury, and C5 Vertebrae Injury are all defined. C3, C4, & C5 Vertebrae Anatomy is described. Cervical Spinal Injury treatments, as well as C3 Vertebrae, C4 Vertebrae, C5 Vertebrae recoveries are all discussed.

C3 Spinal Vertebra Defined
The C2 - C3 junction of the spinal column is important, as this is where flexion and extension occur (flexion is the movement of the chin toward the chest and extension is the backward movement of the head). Patients with a cervical vertebrae injury at the C3 level will have limited mobility in both their flexion and extension.
The C3 vertebra is in line with the lower section of the jaw and hyoid bone, which holds the tongue in place. The flexible C3 vertebrae helps aid in the bending and rotation of the neck.
C4 Spinal Vertebra Defined
This central portion of the spinal cord, which relates to the C4 vertebra, contains nerves that run to the diaphragm, which helps us breathe by contracting and pulling air into the lungs. The C4 vertebra is located in the neck region of the spinal column, just above the thoracic vertebrae. It is located in close proximity to the thyroid cartilage.
C5 Spinal Vertebra Defined
The C5 spinal vertebra is the fifth vertebra from the top of the column. The C5 vertebra is significant for determining the severity of neck and spinal injury. If the injury is at or above the C5 vertebra, the person may be unable to breathe since the spinal cord nerves located between the third and fifth cervical vertebrae control respiration. Damage to the spinal cord at the C5 vertebra also affects the vocal cords, biceps, and deltoid muscles in the upper arms.
C3, C4, & C5 Vertebrae Anatomy
Cervical vertebrae from C3 through C6 are also known as typical vertebrae since they share similar anatomical characteristics to the other vertebrae further down the spinal column. Typical vertebrae share these features:
Vertebral Body
The thick boned vertebral body is cylindrical-shaped and located at the front of the vertebra. It carries most of the weight for a vertebra. Most vertebrae feature an intervertebral disc between 2 vertebral bodies for cushioning and shock absorption.
Vertebral Arch
The vertebral arch is a bony curve that wraps around the spinal cord toward the back of the spine and consists of 2 pedicles and 2 laminae.
Facet Joints
Each vertebra has a pair of facet joints, also known as zygapophysial joints. These joints, located between the pedicle and lamina on each side of the vertebral arch, are lined with smooth cartilage to enable limited movement between 2 vertebrae. Spinal degeneration or injury to the facet joints are among the most common causes of chronic neck pain.
Functions of C3, C4, & C5 Vertebrae
These vertebrae form the midsection of the cervical spine, near the base of the neck. They control function to the body from the shoulders down. All three vertebrae work together to support the neck and head.
Causes of Cervical Spinal Injuries
The most common causes of cervical vertebrae injury and spinal cord damage include a spinal fracture from diving accidents and sports, as well as medical complications. Other common causes include:
• Tumors
• Trauma
• Birth defects
• Motor vehicle accidents
• Infections or diseases
• Slip and fall incidents
C3, C4, and C5 Injury Symptoms
Symptoms of a C3 Level Spinal Cord Injury
Symptoms of a spinal cord injury corresponding to C3 vertebrae include:
• Limited range of motion
• Loss of diaphragm function
• Requirement of a ventilator for breathing
• Paralysis in arms, hands, torso, and legs
• Trouble controlling bladder and bowel function
Symptoms of a C4 Level Spinal Cord Injury
Patients with C4 spinal cord injuries typically need 24 hour-a-day support to breathe and maintain oxygen levels. Symptoms of a spinal cord injury corresponding to C4 vertebrae include:
• Loss of diaphragm function
• Potential requirement of a ventilator for breathing
• Limited range of motion
• Paralysis in arms, hands, torso, and legs
• Trouble controlling bladder and bowel function
Symptoms of a C5 Level Spinal Cord Injury
Damage to the spinal cord at the C5 vertebra affects the vocal cords, biceps, and deltoid muscles in the upper arms. Unlike some of the higher cervical injuries, a patient with a C5 spinal cord injury will likely be able to breathe and speak on their own. Symptoms of a spinal cord injury corresponding to C5 vertebrae include:
• Retaining the ability to speak and breathe without assistance, though respiration may be weak
• Paralysis in the torso, legs, wrists, and hands
• Paralysis may be experienced on one or both sides of the body
• Patients may be able to raise their arms and/or bend their elbows
• Patients will need assistance with daily living, but may have some independent function
Рекомендации по теме

Ive got C3 through two C7 spinal cord damage due to a car crash, had major surgery at Stanmore Orthopaedic Hospital,
Before the surgery I was told I’m going to be severely disabled for the rest of my life,
I have surprised all the surgeons at the hospital and almost made a full recovery,
I can do everything that I was doing before the accident just slightly weaker.
Don’t give up, motivation determination and hard work and you will see small improvements over a long time you can do it, 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Fifty-four years ago, at the age of 18, I was in a motorcycle accident caused by a hit-and-run drunk driver. As a result, I broke my neck at the C 3-4 level. (Complete) I am a living miracle, and I give my thanks and praise to Jesus Christ. By the way, seven years after my accident, I forgave the drunk driver, which was the best gift I could have given myself.


As a retired Medic I sympathise with anyone who has succumbed to a "C - Spine" injury as I myself have a C5/6 disc herniation making life pretty challenging and painful. My symptoms are less severe than many but I also have had multiple major surgeries on # (fracture) to L3/4/5 over the years resulting in continued pain, paralysis and complete lack of feeling in one leg, causing multiple falls. I use sticks, wheelchair, scooter to get about. I used to do loadsa sports but alas I only dream them now.

My cervical spine causes total lack of feeling in one arm resulting in many coffee cups and dinners covering both me, the floor/furniture!

For anyone out there whose pain is severe there's support somewhere. Analgesics (pain killers) are an option, but be careful if you choose the "Opioid" route, such as MST (morphine sulphate). Highly addictive and a list of side effects as long as ur arm. I went thru a mere 4 days of withdrawal to get off the damn stuff!

There's help out there with not only your family doctor but other well trained medical professionals.

In the end life can have a bright side. A laugh with friends helps a lot. As does putting the world to rights, over a cuppa of course. Remember, there's always someone worse off than you! Take care out there.


I had injured my cervical spine - specifically herniated discs, C3-5. I am so very thankful that the actual spinal cord wasn't damaged, and I had no loss of anatomical functions other than temporary numbness to both arms.

But That was probably the second most painful injury I have sustained in my entire life. Every little movement, every little insignificant shifts in my body's center of gravity, and every forced breath felt like someone sledgehammering the back of my neck, head, back and my shoulders. It probably didn't help that this injury came paired with a delicious side dish of TBI.

Fortunately, I have made a very good recovery since then, and I can function almost at a complete normal level. I still occasionally experience "locked" neck and stiff pain, but considering all the other things that could have happened to me, I'm infinitely grateful. However, I later suffered a stress injury to L4-6 which did worsen my general spinal health. After 2 years of treatments, LOTS of physical therapy sessions, and a rehab center visit, I am able to function again. I now try to keep myself as healthy and fit as possible through proper diet and exercises, and I feel better than I have ever before, albeit a few things that I have to be cautious with in regards to reinjuring my spine.

The moral of the story? Take care of your body, folks. I don't wanna sound like that one old guy, but really, take care of your body even if you are young and fit. Whatever harms come to your body now will definitely show up not too far down the road.

Stay healthy and stay upright, everyone!


i needed a video for home recovery, not some advertisement that tries to scare me so i can follow their program.


I am also survival..now my age 30. Past 14 years ago i operation my c1 and c2 dislocation operation with 2 squrow. Alhumdulillah there are no problem in my body..but i am always aware for my vehicle joury..i am form Bangladesh. This operation was occure in Bangladesh hospital green life hospital..doctor in lab aid hospital in Bangladesh. Don't hope less..be possitive..allah is almighty.


Fractured my c4 and c5 luckily no permanent spinal cord damage. I'm nearly back to myself and and back in work 10 months later.


My c3 vertibra is damage in accident, but grace of Allah, Dr sunil pandit operate it and make me as good as I am before the accident, I always thanks him for this.


my father had an car accident 6 years ago and injured his spinal cord from C-3 to C-7.. miraculously my father still survive to this day. We try many method like physiotherapy, acupuncture, massages any medical treatment and etc. but there's no improvement and we still didn't give up cause we believe 1 day he will walk again. Has anyone experienced similar situation that ? Appreciate anyone could give me some advices on this. Thanks 🙏


A little while back my friend had received a c5 injury. He’s doing pretty good now, he can feel things and he has his sensory features . His problem is he lost 20 pounds of muscle. I think he completely recovered from his spinal injury. The doctors even say he’ll be able to walk and live a normal life again one day. Is that really possible?

Edit: My friend is now fully recovered and does everything he used to be able to do minus some more difficult things like swimming and heavy lifting. We are so greatful for all your kind words and I pray that anyone struggling through this type of injury gets the help they need❤️!


Great info, but remember that c3-4 still have ability to talk and yes, our breathing may be weak but I have the ability to to talk just fine- not vent dependent. I have a few friends at c3 again who are similar, and when it comes to incomplete injuries, as you know, there are walking quads etc...


C3-4 bulging disc killed my uncle at 39.
Rip Sam u'll always will be in our hearth.


All things are possible to him who believes. You can be healed in Jesus mighty name!!don’t believe the lies that “damage is irreversible” have faith!


I had spinal cord injury, C4 C5 subluxation was there, the same was operated.
After 3 months of my accident I started walking, after 6 months I started driving car, after 10 months bike and after 1 year cycle on road.

Trust me it's true...


My friend fractured his C3 vertebrate and he’ll never walk again and his arms won’t move either as well. It’s heartbreaking it was from mountain Biking please support the family #fightwitheoghan


What would happen if compression occur in c3 c4?
Would appreciate your response


Was just told I have a nerve root narrowing/impingement issue left C3 -C4. I do have problems catching my breath sometimes. I wanted the MRI to check the atlas - I get shocks in both wrists - since 2001.Not enough issues with my C6 C7 for the shocks they say.


The best channel I’ve ever seen on spines.


Iam gladd i watched this video iam struggling with top of the skull pain, buring sensation, waking up with both hands numb, mid back pain with shortness of breath.just got referred to a neurosurgeon for treatment maybe even fusion surgery.god bless our world


I am OPLL cervical C3-C5 soon Will do surgery 🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹
