What Are the Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis? | Neck Pain | Best Explained

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What Are the Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis? | Neck Pain | Best Explained

The first and main symptom of cervical spondylosis is pain in the neck portion of the spine. It occurs due to compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots from disc herniation, bone spurs, or thickened ligaments. In most cases, the pain of cervical spondylosis increases with movement. The reason for this phenomenon is compression of nerve roots during movement of the cervical vertebrae.

Pain in the arms may be a symptom of cervical spondylosis. It occurs due to compression of nerves that extend into the arms through the neck portion of the spine. Besides pain, cervical spondylosis can cause weakness, numbness, and cramping in the arms. These conditions arise due to nerve compression, too.

In severe cases, cervical spondylosis can cause compression of the spinal cord and difficulty walking, loss of balance, and impaired coordination. In very rare cases, when cervical spondylosis causes compression of the spinal cord, bowel and bladder incontinence may occur.
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I thank this what I'm suffering from
Thanks for all the information


I have cervicothoracic spondylosis and I get neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain that radiates to my hand. Also upper middle thoracic pain that spreads to my rib cage and chest. There’s also constant numbness between my shoulder blades. Feels like my rib cage is squeezed and sometimes it’s hard to take deep breaths or talk. I’ve had RFAs every 5-6 months and recently a neck epidural. Occasionally I get numbness across the bridge of my nose. I’m scheduled for a CT myelogram of the neck and lumbar spine. Had prior TLIF years ago and my right leg goes totally numb with prolonged sitting especially on hard surfaces. I do have a pain pump and spinal cord stimulator and I have thoracic and lumbar stenosis as well as DDD and arthritis. I was diagnosed with RA and had shoulder surgery in the same arm affected by cervical radiculopathy. Do you have any ideas as to what is the cause and what I should do? I’ve been offered cervical SCS but I already have 2 implants. I think I’m not a surgical candidate bc of FBSS. Much appreciated for any advice, please. Thanks 😊


Does it sometime you feel little dizziness or light headed ?


I have degenerative disk and neck cervical spondylitis. How can I get treatment. Nerves on my neck is very thin with little mobility


Is surgery help, 2004 infusion to C4, 5, but 2017, tripped spun, slammed head against file, held on, not falling, sustain Rt. hip injury tare surgery done & lower back pain, no surgery, 2023 nausea, uneven off balance, bubble head, NO neck brace, till 2023, all treatments are temporary relief, back & neck brace is necessary at my desk, my walking stick, if I can afford it Acupuncture 1wk relief, I would continue, no MD, suggestions more surgeries ( considering it, neck & hip, & knees.)


Is the pain of cervical spondylosis up to head?


Can neck problems cause sinus problems


Can it affect your bladder and bowels?


Due to this we have muscular pain on the side where we have this


Can’t it feel like you have pressure behind your head and calls your blood pressure to go up


Is this disease is deadly and where i have get best treatment for this


I have disk and neck cervical spondylitis. Nerves on my neck are very thin after taking Planet Ayurveda Medication. I am fine, totally. Thank you very much.
