What Is CUBA Like TODAY 🇨🇺

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Mysterious to many, there is an island surrounded by paradisiacal Caribbean beaches. A nation of captivating beauty and exotic allure called CUBA. Join me as we embark on a journey to uncover the hidden gems of its capital city: La Habana Vieja or Havana City. Immerse yourself in the charm and history of this vibrant city with our newly narrated 4K city walking tour, brought to you by Wanna Walk.

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Cuba is known for its rich history, culture, and colorful architecture. The country has undergone significant political and economic changes in the last few decades, and its impact is evident in the daily lives of Cubans. Today we will explore life in Cuba today and provide insights into the country's current situation.

Life in Cuba Today
How Is Life in CUBA Today
This Happens in Real CUBA

Cuba is a country of contradictions. On one hand, the country has made significant strides in healthcare and education, with literacy rates at 100% and healthcare services provided free of charge to all citizens. On the other hand, the country faces significant economic challenges, with a significant portion of the population living in poverty.

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The Cuban government has implemented various policies to mitigate the impact of economic challenges on its citizens. For example, the country operates a dual currency system. The CUC is primarily used in the tourist sector, while the CUP is used by locals for basic goods and services. However, this system has led to inequality in the distribution of wealth, with those working in the tourist sector receiving higher wages than those in other sectors.

What Is CUBA Like Today? Life in Cuba today is characterized by a sense of community and togetherness. Despite the economic challenges, Cubans are known for their resilience and resourcefulness. The country has a rich culture and is home to world-renowned artists, musicians, and writers.

This Happens in real Cuba: In real Cuba, the country's rich culture and history are evident in the daily lives of its citizens. The country is known for its vibrant music and dance scene, with salsa and rumba music playing in the streets. Life in Cuba today is characterized by a sense of community, resilience, and resourcefulness. What Is CUBA Like Today? 🇨🇺

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Havana City what to do in the Capital City of Cuba? This is the multicultural centre of Cuba. They has a pink palace, great museums and some kind of old fashioned charm that we don't see often in Europe or the US. Be sure to watch the fading baroque buildings, painted in tropical yellows and reds. This city has centuries of history. It showcase an interesting colonial atmosphere, beautiful modern skyscrapers. Havana Cuba Walking Tour including street food. Locals likes to say: Asi es 'Cuba hoy' this is 'Cuba today'.

If you love CUBA, like, comment and share this video on social media.

Made with love by Wanna Walk ❤️
Рекомендации по теме

I spent almost 2 months in cuba backpacking, unique in the best way possible Pure LOVE !


A Nation that deserves better … especially the people ‼️‼️💕💕🇨🇦🇨🇦


Retired Canadian here. Before covid, I spent from 4 to 8 weeks in Cuba every winter (spend a winter in Toronto and you would understand) . Cuba isn't perfect but from the standpoints of safety, friendly people, and just plain fun, I prefer it to the various Florida resort areas I have also enjoyed.


I've been to Cuba 3 times. Love the Cuban people. The 3rd time there we rented a car and drove around the country. Not an easy thing to do. It's not covered by GPS, there's a lack of road signs and we were given a cartoon map. However the locals are very friendly and we would pickup hitchhikers (something we don't do in other countries). They would show us the way. They got a ride to their destination and we got directions. Win win for both parties.


I visited Havana for 5 days in 2002. Absolutley loved it. The people are so nice, despite the hard lives they live. And I love Cuban cigars. I want to go again.


Cuba is a wonderful Island with amazing people. I wish you and all viewers a nice day.


As a American, i visited Cuba for the first time back in 2017 or 2018 when it was open for us to visit. As a son of a Cuban father, it has been curiosity to visit my father's homeland. This video brings back memories of my visit. What is crazy, it doesn't matter a time when people share their experience of Havana, nothing has not changed. Everything still looks the exact the same. Before I visited and after. I have nothing negative to say about Cuba and its people. It was an enjoying welcome to be there. Not only see and feeling the culture but to be educated in the history is what really draws me to this county. No doubt, I would visit again if I have the opportunity to.




We were in Cuba just 2 weeks ago, I was mesmerised with it. We were the only cruise ship in the port which is such a shame as our guide told us that our tour was only the second job that month for him. I wish Cuba and the Cuban people best wishes.


I just found out that my family has a lot of cuban in us. I can't wait to learn about my family's culture and heritage thank you for showing what it's REALLY like over there and not sugar coating like the media does. ❤️🙏🏻


I met many Cubans living in San Francisco California, loved every single one I met!!!"❤


The Instrumental music as well as the Harmony of voices sound BEAUTIFUL.


Pese a la tristeza que me transmite ese pueblo, no dejo de ver tus videos que son ciertamente ilustrativos. Gracias!


It is excellent that you talk about the reality of the countries you visit and how their ordinary people live. Congratulations.


Beautiful Cuba . I love Cuba . Fidel castro n Maradona my favourite celebrities. I m 62 yr old . Since my childhood i m listening about Cuba Havana n cigar, n Cuban boxer in Olympics. Top boxers from Cuba. Great country. I have seen some English movies .hope I seen the view of Cuba . Once I remember someone Belgium Oldman given me cigar . In this vedio u shown us hawana streets n lifestyle old antic cars old houses .i was very much impress to see the country living just like 70 to 80's . And the man che Guerra is World famous. Last 15 yrs. South America is great continent. Love Cuba n Cubans . From India.


Je to krásná země a úžasní lidé . Ať žije Kuba.❤


Thank you for presenting us with REAL Cuba's life. I'm retired and I have not anymore the money to return to Cuba, where I was two times -in the resorts. The only time I was in the real life of Cubans was only in Malecon (in 2014)...I appreciate a lot the Cuban people. That's why I congratulate you for doing these vlogs, for us!!!


Me encanto ver este video. Tengo una conexión muy profunda con Cuba, aunque nunca fui. Mi padre es de La Habana. Me contaba historias de su juventud cada noche antes de dormirme como chiquita. Es un sueno poder ir. Espero visitar algún dia, a ver lucir todas las historias de mi padre. Mi corazón llora por la gente cubana. Espero que algún dia tenga la oportunidad de ver este lindo país y conocer a el barrio de mi papa, los amigos y familiares. Se fuerte Cuba!!


My father was born and raised in Cuba. He would tell me so many stories when he was growing up and how it made him feel about society and the environment itself.


Бывал на Кубе и не раз по работе давно.Что сказать кубинцы очень дружелюбный и открытый народ.Женщины очень красивые.Да еще вижу как хорошо и добротно строили в 18 -19 веках и в первой половине 20 века.Здания стоят хотя и заметно обветшали.Спасибо за экскурсию.
