This Country is Trapped in the 1950s (Cuba)

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Hello from Cuba!! I'm thrilled to be back in the best country in the Caribbean, and one of my favorite nations in the world! Seriously, guys, this place is full of life and energy, and I can't wait for you to experience it with me! I am here on a retreat with my YouTube post-production team, celebrating the recent success of the channel (thanks to YOU guys for your support!) In this video, we will take you all around Cuba's capital city of Havana to learn about the history, meet the local people, feel the lively culture, and try to unpack WHY Cuba feels like it's stuck in the 1950s. Wait until the very end, where we hear REAL STORIES from the Cuban people themselves, to understand the struggles that they have been living through for decades.

Have you ever been to Cuba? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

#cuba #travel #history


👨🏻‍🦰 WHO AM I?
I'm Drew Binsky and I have been to EVERY country in the world (197/197). I make documentaries about interesting people and cultures in faraway places. My ultimate goal is to inspire you to travel because I think it's the best education that you can get. And our planet is beautiful!



*Some of the links or other products that appear on this video are from companies which I earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.
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As a Cuban born and bred myself, I’m very happy to see you had a good time in my home country, all while remaining conscious of the terrible situation that locals are living in. Great stuff as always Drew, keep on doing these amazing videos. ❤


I am Puerto Rican. It is incredible how Puerto Rico and Cuba are very similar. We are like twins that were separated with time.. We have the same flag but with inverted color, we were the last Spanish colonies in Latin America. The streets of Havana look the same as the streets of Old San Juan but trapped in the 1950s. Que viva Cuba y que viva Puerto Rico 🇨🇺🇵🇷


i was backpacking through cuba for 4 weeks last year. havana and varadero are little oases in a country that otherwise suffers from extreme poverty and a lack of pretty much everything. i was in areas that had no electricity 12 hours a day, self-sufficiency with everyday things like bread and other groceries was associated with endless queues. i can only recommend not to judge the whole country from the big tourist spots.


Every time I watch a Cuba vlog I always think what amazing people they are! So warm and friendly despite everything they've been through. Viva Cuba!


As a Cuban i appreciate the video i think you did a great job showing our country and the kindness of our people and even through the struggles that Cubans go through they always try to stay happy and welcoming to anyone visiting and once again thank you for showing some of our culture and the beautiful aspects of my country.


Everytime I watch Drew's video I feel that I'm traveling without getting on a plane.


I’ve been to Cuba (Cruise), I saw 4 different cities and I fell in love with Cuba 🇨🇺 and it’s people. One of my favorite countries that I’ve been to. I need to go back!!♥️ 😘


Cuba is amazing, so much to do and see. People are so friendly and its so safe. I've literally walked havana at 2am and never felt scared.


i was in cuba from april 20-30th and the gas is the thing that shocked me the most. we didn’t have a lot of options as far as food went however that didn’t take away from the beauty that cuba has to offer. the people are also the nicest i’ve ever met. well done in encapsulating the cuba i hold near to my heart


Thanks for visiting my country, Drew and the crew! I really appreciate your empathy and I'm glad you got to meet the real people, who despite the precarious situation we face, remain welcoming and cheerful. Greetings ❤🇨🇺


Cuba is such a beautiful place and reminds me a lot about my home country Angola. vintage cars are also very common among the Portuguese Angolans and also the vibe of my country matches that of Cuba. i love it


Never clicked faster on any of your videos until today, as a American with Cuban roots, this is fascinating to see. Thank you for sharing a piece of my families country and showing it for what it really is. My grandmother still lives in the tiny Island of Youth till this day located just below mainland cuba, and the stories she tells me of the nation today definitely add up. You can connect to her island via a flight from Havana, which should be once or twice a day.

Cheers from Dallas!


Watching from Jamaica 🇯🇲
Cuba is on my bucket list . I've always wanted to visit there


SO PROUD OF YOU!! I've been watching you for years and Im so happy for your success and that you've grown your team! Keep exploring and showing us the world!


Ive been to cuba twice (Im a Canadian) and i found that Cubans were some of the nicest people I've ever met. Despite everything they've gone through/go through they're very vibrant and happy people.


That bar at the end of video is actually a tourist trap in old Havana. Random locals would approach you acting all nice and friendly, and bring you to that bar, which overcharges you for the drinks, and you definitely are paying for the "guides" drink too.


The fact that we get free travel videos on YouTube by Drew Binsky is truly a gift. 👏👏👏


I agree with you about the ancestral home, Drew. I was in Salerno Italy in Feb-March and I got to go to my father's family's palazzo which is 400 years old. I couldn't go in, It's starting to crumble but wow! I had been there 65 years ago as a kid and this visit was very emotional. I had wanted to get it when my grandfather died, he still owned it but things happened and it wasn't meant to be. Shalom, Shalom from Israel. p.s. I know a guy here who is a Cuban Jew.


When I was in college, I had a 10 day summer study abroad program in Havanafor a Afro- Cuban Latin Jazz program. One of the most surreal experiences I ever had, and it was nice seeing some of the places I visited in this video


People are not their government. I will always remember this!
