The History of Glamdring, Foe-hammer - Artifacts of Arda

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Glamdring the Foe-hammer was the sword of King Turgon of Gondolin and Gandalf the Grey, and though it has a short history, it is one of many fascinating threads between the Silmarillion and the Lord of the Rings! Thank you all so much for watching, let me know your thoughts about Glamdring in the description below! As always, a great thanks to the online artists whose visual works made this video possible! If you are one of the artists, please let me know and I will post your name and a link to your work in this description!


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Turgon, King of Gondolin - Epic Character History:

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Reincarnation in Tolkien’s Works - Building a World:

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I like how these artefacts bring all the anthologies of middle earth together, through their histories. I can just imagine Turgon's reaction if Gandalf brought it with him to the Undying Lands. Yet another great way to end the weekend, thanks Yoystan!


I learned English just so I could read Tolkien in his original language. and I don't regret it 😬


I love the thought of Glamdring going back to Valinor and Gandalf (now Olorin again, I guess) proudly presenting it to King Turgon. "This blade, my liege, has walked a wondrous path through the threads of history, almost as wondrous as your own. Many dark creatures have fallen before it. Many fearful soldiers have rallied around it. It shaped fates beyond reckoning and helped save Middle Earth from the Foulest Shadow. And now, my king, it returns to its rightful owner. Wear it proudly. Carry its legend."


This what I love about the world of Tolkien and it's lore. Everything and everyone have an connection with each other, through weapons, foods and even places.


"These were forged in could not wish for a finer blade!"

Perfect sword for the perfect story for the perfect wizard 😊
I would love to follow this swords back story and journey up to the troll hoard. What a tale that would b!
Better believe I'm part of the army of fans who will point and say that's going to b Gandalfs sword!! Haha


I blame Tolkien regularly for my bladesmithing hobby.
He names the greatest desire of any bladesmith that ever was...or will be.
"So passed the sword of the Barrow-downs, work of Westernesse. But glad would he have been to know its fate who wrought it slowly long ago in the North-kingdom when the Dúnedain were young, and chief among their foes was the dread realm of Angmar and its sorcerer king. No other blade, not though mightier hands had wielded it, would have dealt that foe a wound so bitter, cleaving the undead flesh, breaking the spell that knit his unseen sinews to his will."
I hear those words every time I hammer on a blade.


Noldorin craftsmanship is just too awesome.


I've been wondering about Glamdring for so long. Thank you for filling in the gaps.


Orcrist was definitely carried by someone favored by Turgon, Ecthelion of the Fountain!


I still like to hold on to my theory of Turgons last words "Great shall be the victory of the Noldor" which laid a curse on Glamdring and Sting, and also Orcrist, that those weapons forged in Gondolin played such a key role in the final defeat of the legacy of Morgoth. Glamdrings time with Gandalf was more than great.


Thank you for the indepth on Glamdring. Excellent work!


I'm currently in Bree, the Hobbits of the Shire are very difficult to leave. They have tendency to shove ale and sweets in your face.

Another awesome vid sir. It was an awesome blade for an awesome character.


Glamdring has been my favourite weapon in Arda since I first read the trilogy waaay back in grade 7, and then doubly so when the film’s depiction of that legendary blade was so profoundly beautiful—better even than my own imagination had conceived of it. All the blade craft in those films were praiseworthy but to me it seems like that particular blade was crafted with a deep reverence and appreciation of its history and importance to the mythology

Nice vid, man, thanks for making this 🗡


My all time favorite name for a sword= Foe-Hammer!


My favorite weapon of Arda! I want a replica SO bad!


It would be awesome to see Glamdring again in Live Action again (not in the series but somewhere else) because it's part of the big 4 in Swords in Middle Earth!!!
Thanks Mellon, for the history of one of the most (again 4 way tie) important swords in the legendarium....Until Sauron's Plans per age, Marion Baggins Out!!! (Back in person Baby)


I met your channel through Nerd of the Rings and I really enjoyed diving in your videos! ❤


I love glamdring foehammer. It’s a wonderful weapon. I think it lived on to be found when the rise of evil came in later ages…


This is by far my favorite sword in the legendarium. It's amazing how much of a history it had in Middle Earth, from the First Age to the beginning of the Fourth Age. I believe it should've been returned to Elrond after Sauron's penultimate demise, as it was no longer needed for battle.


Glamdring has always been my favorite sword from Tolkien's works, although that is in large part because of the sword used in the movies. I've always loved that subtle leaf-style blade shape with the sharp point. It just looks like a sword that really would be carried by a hero of old and used on foul, evil creatures on some great quest! The fact that in the movies it doesn't glow blue in the presence of orcs was a bit irritating though, ditto for Orcrist. There was no reason to make that change and plenty of reasons not to. Still, Peter Lyon & Weta Workshops did a superb job on all the Swords from LOTR, although I was disappointed with many of the swords in "The Hobbit". Orcrist was fine, but some of the dwarf swords were pretty ridiculous-looking.
