Tracing the 165-mile path of the Kentucky tornado’s destruction l ABCNL

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ABC News’ “Start Here” podcast host Brad Mielke travels along the 165-mile route of the tornado that devastated Kentucky two weeks ago, as residents slowly work to recover.

ABC News Live Prime, Weekdays at 7EST & 9EST

#kentucky #tornadoes #destruction #rebuilding #abcnl
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Thank you for showing that not only human lives were lost in this tragedy. That owner truly cared for that dog.


"Put a couple milkbones next to him..." I feel this. My honeybear loved milkbones and I buried her with a couple for her journey.


Better build storm shelter and change rules at work place no one needs risk life over dam job 😠👎


Man, the gentleman that spoke of his dog- putting a pillow under his head- heart breaking. A woman rushing thru her house to her son. Poor souls. Poor souls. Bless them.


Me and my kids are from Alabama and I took my family there on Xmas and when I tell something out of this When we came over that hill to go into Mayfield, my heart stop beating. It was hurtful to see.


Oh...Kentucky!! It’s heartbreaking. I have never been through a tornado. Nope. Not multiple ones, either, like this whole region has. It’s terribly sad and difficult. Be patient and careful. Take one day at a time! Do this again each day! I am sending my wishes for total healing and recovery. Be safe and sound this holiday season. From southern Colorado!🙏🇺🇸⭐️


We got the tail end of a tornado on that Saturday morning here in North Georgia. Ripped a couple shingles off the roof and a couple sheets of roofing from the barn. I can’t imagine how bad it must have been for the people right in the middle of it.


"Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
and he will deliver you."
      - Psalm 50 : 15


Prayers for every single person affected by these storms and violent tornadoes. Prayers for healing and they're safety while they grieve and rebuild. I hope everyone gets a safe place to go to during tornadoes to keep them and they're family members safe including they're dogs and cats. Big companies like Walmart and Target and Costco should donate to organizations like red cross that help those affected by the storms and tornados. So many lost they're lives I think it is horrible. Prayers from my home in California 💕🙏


I live in Mayfield Kentucky and this is the hardest thing I’ve gone thru but we’re holding strong


God bless you all for this terrible tornado that ripped up your lives, I have been through several in my life and know how fast they can ruined every think you worked for, not to mention take lives, the whole nation is watching and sending help in this desperate time!!!


I live 25 miles north of Mayfield and as I was watching the news and watching the storm develop into this monster that it became. I went to mayfield to see the damage cuz I’d love to be a storm chaser and meteorologist and I’ve never got the chance to do that but the pics and videos really don’t do the devastation justice. The devastation that’s in Mayfield is catastrophic and as I was watching the news and they were starting to put out tornado warnings with catastrophic tags on them that it was gonna be bad then they showed the tornado warning with the catastrophic tag for the center of mayfield and I started seeing people on my Facebook sharing peoples lives that were stuck in the candle factory asking for help


Still curious if hobbit hole-like houses could survive tornadoes. Or just some other design than perpendicular walls that catches the wind.


Young man returned home battling brain cancer and the home is destroyed by a tornado? You couldn’t write that storyline and sell it as reality yet this is what this family must endure. God help them all.


my heart goes out to the loved ones of family, friends and pets that were lost.lets hope some of the movie stars will help out here, and


I live in the 16th floor in a high rise in Chicago right on the lake shore, and the winds were 35 miles over here it sounded crazy I could only imagine


"We're going to show the whole tornado track because all the coverage has been at Mayfield". Gets to Mayfield in about two minutes and stays there.


Very sad tornadoes like this are very common with global warming I believe as well as hurricanes here in Florida many blessings to these people


All of you guys have done a great job with your videos on this missing and found search and recovery.


Amazing how far it traveled and how powerful it was...
