You Make Bad Choices By Time Discounting | Economics

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Ever wondered why we crave instant rewards over long-term gains? 🤔

In the field of behavioral economics, time discounting denotes the common human tendency to perceive immediate rewards or costs as more valuable than those in the future.

As you hit play, you'll feel the familiar tug of impatience and the lingering desire for instant gratification that defines thoughtless human behavior. 🍪🚀

This cognitive bias is marked by an inclination towards instant fulfillment at the expense of delayed rewards, even when waiting may bring larger benefits in the long run. This bias not only influences spontaneous decisions, but also significantly affects your savings, investments, and other areas of personal finance.

So, should we sprint for fleeting pleasures or wait patiently for profound satisfaction? I can't make that decision for you. That's for you to decide.

By studying time discounting, behavioral economists strive to demystify how you make decisions over time and devise tactics to promote more long-term focused decision-making.

Let's unravel this intriguing economic paradox together. 🙌🧩

Enjoy and share your thoughts below! 💬 Remember, your voice matters in our economics journey.🌏 #BehavioralEconomics #TimeDiscounting #InstantGratification

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#Psychology #CognitiveBias #Behavioraleconomics #cognitivescience

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