ESP-NOW - Peer to Peer ESP32 Network ESPNOW using ESP32 #arduino #esp32 #espnow

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ESP-NOW is a protocol that allows you to use ESP32 and ESP8866 boards to create a private peer to peer network. Use two boards, or use ten. Transmit in one direction (half-duplex) or bidirectionally (full-duplex). With or without encryption.

This magic all comes courtesy of the 2.4GHz radio transceiver that powers the ESP board's WiFi and Bluetooth features. We can also use this radio to set up a network to send small (250 bytes) packets of data between ESP boards.

No WiFi or Router is required. Mix and match boards as much as you want.

I’ll be showing you how ESP-NOW works, and we’ll perform a few simple experiments with a bunch of ESP32 boards. We’ll end by building a remote temperature sensor system, then expanding it to use multiple sensors.

ESP-NOW - Peer to Peer ESP32 Network ESPNOW using ESP32 #arduino #esp32 #espnow

Components required:
1. ESP32
2. Esp cam
3. breadboard
4. LED
5. Push-button

0:00 - introduction & Review
0:44 - Find a device's MAC address ESP32 (1)
1:21 - Find a device's MAC address ESP32 (2)
1:44 - Steps to close the circuit ESP Cam
2:14 - Find a device's MAC address ESP cam (3)
3:02 - Programming Receiver and transmitter in network and protocol ESPNOW device (1)
3:42 - Programming Receiver and transmitter in network and protocol ESPNOW device (2)
4:06 - Implementation of receiver and transmitter code and network ESPNOW
4:17 - Steps to close the circuit ESP32 LED and Push-button
5:11 - Circuit map esp32 ESPNOW
5:14 - Programming ESPNOW led and pushbutton Receiver and transmitter device (1)
6:03 - Programming ESPNOW led and pushbutton Receiver and transmitter device (2)
6:23 - Programming ESPNOW led and pushbutton Receiver and transmitter device (3)
6:51 - Display ESPNOW protocol and eso_now network with LED device and push button

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This video is for demonstration and education purpose only
Each demonstration presents risk and hazards that must be fully understood before attempting and should be performed only by professionals
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Peer to Peer ESP32
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Рекомендации по теме

ESP-NOW - Peer to Peer ESP32 Network ESPNOW using ESP32
