Все публикации

neopixel Matrix for Arduino Color display MAX7219 8x8 LED Matrix rotary encoder

ESP-NOW - Peer to Peer ESP32 Network ESPNOW using ESP32 #arduino #esp32 #espnow

Sensor color TCS34725 | TCS34725 Arduino | TCS34725 color meter wemos tsc34725 #arduino#diy#tcs34725

Sensor color TCS34725 | TCS34725 Arduino | TCS34725 RGB Neopixel color detection #arduino#diy

Leveling by matrix display acceleration sensor ADXL345 module matrix max7219 #arduino#diy

timer webserver ESP32 | Counter webserver ESP32 GPIO Timer ESP32 and esp8266 #arduino #diy #esp8266

Sensor color TCS34725 | TCS34725 Arduino | TCS34725 color meter wemos tsc34725

How to Control Relay using Bluetooth module Hc-05 | controller Bluetooth by mobile #arduino #diy

the capacitive touch sensor is shown in OLED with Arduino Nano and Relay | TTP223B #arduino #diy

Relay control with DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor using Arduino with OLED #arduino #diy

How to Make Google Assistant control light | Home Automation IOT | NodeMCU ESP8266 #arduino #diy

Hall Effect sensor with Arduino hall sensor how to work hall sensor module #arduino #robot #diy

BMP280 temperature and pressure sensor on an Arduino UON| BMP280 module #arduino #robot#diy

Voltage Sensor for Arduino with code | Voltage Measurement using Arduino #arduino #robot #diy

How to use Allegro ACS712 AC/DC Current Sensor with Arduino | current sensor module #arduino #robot

ESP8266 HomeKit Tutorial Apple Homekit, Siri Apple watch Lamp Siri and Homekit #arduino#diy

L293D Motor Control Module Tutorial | Using the L293D motor driver Stepper Motors

Leveling by matrix display acceleration sensor ADXL345 module matrix 7219#arduino#diy#electronics

How to use NTC thermistor | NTC thermistor temperature sensor | NTC module

Ultrasonic sensor SRF05 ESP8266 | SRF05 OLED ESP8266 distance meter OLED #arduino #diy #electronics

SW-520D Vibration Sensor Metal Ball Tilt Sensor Switch - SW 520 tilt sensor Arduino #arduino #diy

ESP8266 Weather Report NodeMCU Web Server DHT11 temperature webserver Arduino #arduino#diy #esp8266

KY-017 Mercury Tilt Switch Sensor Module Arduino | Mini Mercury Switch Module KY017 #arduino #diy

TTP226 Switch Touch Sensor Module for Arduino 8 channel Touch sensor #arduino #diy #electronics