UFO And Alien Technology Governments Have Reverse Engineered

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UFO And Alien Technology Governments Have Reverse Engineered

In this video we will dive into the various technologies we have today that we can thank aliens for that have been leaked from governments about where they really came from. We will explore the different UFO's governments have supposedly captured and reverse engineered for technology we use today such as kevlar. Stick around and stay tuned for more exciting information in this video segment!

#ufo #alien #technology #government #reverseengineering #leaked #history #disturbing #secret #lifesbiggestquestions #lbq

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That old saying, your've hit the nail on the head, well these theories are so human aren't they. Stppping us from haveing free energy, no poverty, medical breakthrough, space exploration, the end of war all of these wonderful things we can't have because of money, and greed. Time to tell the truth we can handle it we're not children.


Advanced Research literally went Underground shortly after Kennedy...


I don’t know if any of this video is real or not. But to think we are the only life in the universe is incredibly conceded. There are two million billion stars in the observable universe with between 80 and 90 percent of those having planets orbiting them. It’s simply statistically impossible for life to only be on this planet.


Humans have been on earth for thousands and thousands of years but they never ever advanced as much as they did between 1960 to date which is about 64 years. in 64 years, we have cellphones, fiber optics, led screens, touch screens, hyper sonic weapons, wifi, etc BUT for the thousands of years we have existed on earth, no one did all these in the past over 5000 years before 1960. so something happened in the 1960s that man was able to advance so much in just 64 years. and man did this by reverse engineering or copying what they found. ALIEN TECH. Al the gadgets you see around us are alien tech and not originally made by humans,


Last 70 years human learnt more than 570 years alien technology


It may not be just a question of our ability to reverse engineer something but also material science. Some of the meta materials that are being studied have characteristics that we just can’t replicate. The Bismuth/Magnesium piece that is being researched appears to have been put together atom by atom. Some materials are said to have been forged by a different Sun. There is a piece that is theorized to have the ability to slow down the speed of light. So while our science is correct in that it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate faster than the speed of light, if you were to slow down the speed of light it would take much less energy.
Now there are a lot of people that believe we HAVE reverse engineered some of these crafts. Gary McKinnon who hacked into NASA found evidence of a Secret Space Program called “Solar Warden” with technology that may have been reverse engineered. I recently had a client that was in his mid 60’s who was former Lockheed-Martin/Skunkworks. He refurbished the inside of hangars. He told me that reverse engineering is real and electromagnetism is the key. I’m not saying any of this is true. I don’t know or have any personal evidence of it. But it might be.


I want to be alive for the greatest discovery in history. Aliens.


The transistor was invented by two English men in 1947.


If you ask the wrong question, you will always get the wrong answer. The Fermi Paradox is usually expressed as "If the Universe is full of highly advanced technological sentient species capable of Interstellar Travel, (and it is, ) then why in the name of your sacred thing are they not already here?" This is a logical question. This is a reasonable and rational question. But, it is the Wrong Question. Within that question are two unsupported presumptions. One presumes that they are Not Already Here. And another presumes that if they were here, then every time one came up to speak with you or me, it would say hello and then double slap our face and give us a sucker punch to our solar plexus while loudly announcing "Hey, Silly Boy, I am an extraterrestrial being and I come from an inhabitable planet around my Star that you have given the Funny Name Such-And-Such."
A lesser presumption is that they would look like our best Horror Film fantasy Invading ET Alien and it would be easy for us while looking at them to know that a Genuine ET was talking to us. to discuss the Fermi Paradox without accepting these presumptions is a foolish conversation.
In a Time/Life Yearbook of Science of the mid 1960s while reading it in grade school, I turned to the picture of a boy my age who body had been resized to indicate the level of nerve activity in any part. The head and eyes were very large, the hands and feet were exaggerated while the torso, arms, and legs were diminutive. This neural mapped image of what I would look like was in every way proportioned identical to the ubiquitous Grays. If our vision of what we saw while looking at any other person reflected the nerve activity in their bodies and was little affected by their surface appearance, we would be a world of little Grays.
If the Fermi Paradox is the Wrong Question, What is the Right Question? Perhaps it would be this:
If, as a physical person, we meet an Extra Terrestrial as a physical Alien, what should we expect that Alien to look like to each of us?
If you ask that as the Right Question to Ask, you will begin to get the Right Answers.
The brief answer is that every ET Alien that has some reason to come to you and have a conversation with you, will look in form, in substance, and in function exactly like every other person you are meeting and speaking to. And, they will be wearing clothes reflecting the culture you are sharing with them. In our half century of UFO literature there are a few mentions of an earthling asking an alien just how many distinct ET species are here visiting at any time. The answer is roughly near 3, 000 different species. From this, it seems possible that among us 8 billion earth people, there could be some low hundred thousand ET Aliens sharing time with us. Perhaps they have neglected to announce who and what they are if and when they meet with you.


So they can reverse engineer, spacecraft, millions of years ahead, but can't and don't know how pyramids were built, they could not possibly reverse engineer a ufo


Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !"
Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam ."
Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!"
Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window ? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?..."
Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!"
Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky."
Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction."
Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?"


Thinking about technology since man created the automobile, it's gotten pretty weird. To think about our technology coming from the human mind is foolish.


Each time he says allegedly or speculative player takes a drink.


3 reasons we know that we don't have alien technology, we still don't have unlimited green energy, we still have deadly diseases, we stll have war.
3 reasons why we don't have alien technology, Big oil, big pharma, the military industrial complex.


It is a very difficult thing to do reverse engineering anything.


YOUTUBE IS CENSORING more and more ...


Corso said the transistor was man made, he handed out IC chips, Kevlar and Velcro, among other things.


Any possibility to reduce the background noise?


Thanks, now I have B Role all over my shirt.


If they Aliens are so advanced why do they keep crashing into earth?
