🇬🇧 Is abuse of UK politicians undermining democracy? | The Stream

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With the UK’s future place in the world still uncertain amid parliamentary gridlock over Brexit, there has been an accompanying rise in divisive and inflammatory rhetoric within British public debate. But for many Members of Parliament and other elected officials – especially women – the impact is personal as they face routine threats and intimidation, both in person and online.

MPs have reported a sharp increase in the number of threats of murder, rape and assault they have received from individuals angry at their stance on Brexit and other political issues. An all-party parliamentary committee report released on October 18 said that abuse of MPs is now "commonplace" and that it is "undermining their engagement with constituents, how they express themselves on social media, and carry out their democratic duties".

The murder of West Yorkshire MP Jo Cox just days before the 2016 referendum on whether the UK should remain or leave the European Union shocked the country, but now many MPs fear that they or one of their parliamentary colleagues will be next as the deeply polarised sentiment around Brexit leaches into other areas of public discourse.

On Thursday we'll get the thoughts of MPs and other public figures as an election likely to be dominated by Brexit approaches. What's needed to guarantee politicians' safety and keep UK democracy open, transparent and accountable?

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What do the UK politicians that are disingenuous and intellectually dishonest have to do with Democracy? That is an oxymoron? Did you witness the disdain for Margaret Thatcher's funeral? Should that tell you something?


What's going on is we had a vote with a massive turnout and a clear result and our MPs won't carry out the will of the ppl who bothered to vote. In the meantime, we still have hundreds of thousands living on the streets and in a variety of sub standard ways including children, you would expect ppl to a bit pissed off.


Is it that we need more women in politics, or that we need fewer sociopaths, regardless of gender or copulative preferences?
I would hope that by now we would be guarding ourselves with greater wisdom, against the tools of manufactured consent.

It's a common assumption that females are less likely to be sociopathic, and from a broad statistical standpoint, that's a trueism.
But who is it that most often backs people to hold a political office?
It's narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths, and obsessive compulsive wealth hoarders.
It's not an absolute, but generally the oligarchy vets puppets who will best serve THEM, and who will not serve the interests of the people.


When the people fear the government there is a dictatorship but when the government fear the people there is freedom. Loosely Quoted - can't remember the person.


elders who propose laws on national tv statuons, and have all citizents vote daily on app on all matters, deal or no deal style selection. We need government no more! These are targeted individuals, who are bought multiple times a day.


Jess Phillips made threats about the elected labour leader


This is what happens when israel become your friend and sticks around you. Godbless Uk.



A Islamic channel from the Middle East trying to save democracy in U F*cking
I think when you talk about democracy, Firstly You should think about your country is democratic (republic) or not.If your country is democratic (means equal rights have been given to minority) then and only then, you have the right to talk about UK's democracy.


It is being misused in this debate and I am sad that it is being misused because that misuse devalues the debate about issues I care about.


Remember, politic is both science and art. But watch your language. The way you was brought up yelling at home fucking language, bad communicator, bad listener, bad choice of words, verbal kung fu instead of verbal tai chi, emotional comments.. read your own books on effective communications


Threats should always be taken seriously are people abusing that right on social media should be stopped. People in the streets threatening it should be arrested otherwise the government we listening to the people and getting an idea of what they're fighting for. I certainly don't want people getting hurt


trouble representing the people because of abuse, ?? when you do not represent the people and democracy that, s what you deserve, however the Election will sort the Dross out


You can't be in a position of power and not receive threat.


It should be much easier to work with people when they understand what the people want


The why the question is put, to this video, makes me think of certain people, where they always want people to believe there always abused everywhere they go? Couldn’t help that thought. But there actions, is the reason, people will protest against them, then play it as there victims, because of who they are, which is the furthest of the truth, but its there dominance over everything an everybody is the TRUE reason.


Off with Their Heads...Off with Their Heads...


Of course Aljazera is for Muslim audience, but that's too far for you to judge the decision of our people, the people of UK has the right to decide our future, even if we have to face poverty to get to that stage


If you must assess how successful a teacher is, look at his or her students. How well are all British colonies are doing politically are doing?


I should be hearing from their constituents
