Can't Stop Overeating Junk Food? If So, Watch This

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If you just can't stop overeating junk food, this video is going to be for you. In 6 short minutes I'll give you my 3 most effective tools I've used with my clients to get them to stop overeating junk food.

You see one of the main reasons you're overeating on junk food is because these foods are made in a lab to get you to overeat them. They are not made to practice moderation in any sort of way.

Even with that being true, there are still strategies you can use to overcome this.

The first is going to be I want you to think of this situation like an un open can of soda. Everytime you are saying "no", can't have this, not allowed to have this, you are shaking this soda can up.

Which eventually is going to lead to the soda can exploding, right? Aka you eating ALL of the food.

Next, you know that you are going to go back to NOT being allowed to have these foods.. So, when you're eating it you don't eat it in moderation.. You eat ALL of it.

Last, the feeling of guilt and like you f*cked something up sets in so you think "might as well keep going".

Sound familiar? I know.

If you can start to change those 3 mindset shifts like I talk about in the video, you will start to have much more "willpower" and moderation with these foods.

I hope this video helped if it did, feel free to like and subscribe, as well as check out some of my other videos on this channel!


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This mentality changed my life!!! As soon as I understood this concept I started to see major progress! And let’s be real, what’s life without cookies anyways 😆


Yes! Food does not have moral value. I know for me personally, if I say I "can't" have something, it only makes me want it more and makes it that much harder to resist. Also, love what you've done with the space. The podcast poster in the background really elevates it 😂


Yup, sugar is so addictive and it’s never easy. I stopped punishing myself and being a cardio bunny on days I messed up and instead focus more on ok, I had fun, get back to eating better. Found that having some dark chocolate has helped me a lot!


Focusing on abundance of vegetables, fruits, and other high fiber high volume foods (whole grains, legumes). Really helps. Filling up your stomach with all these foods 90-95% of the time makes it easy to not want to eat and definitely not overeat on highly processed treats.


My gosh Eric!! It's liking your talking all about my life. I lost 54lbs but the unhealthy way. Restricting those foods they labelled bad. Punishing myself for that so called syn I ate. To reaching my goal weight to then not understand or be educated on how to eat in moderation. This results into me piling it all back on and fearing who I trust to go to for fitness and nutrition guidance. Your podcasts, Instagram and reels are helping my to gain that trust back and move in the right direction.
For that I thank you


I have been following you for a year, and I have always loved your content. When I lost 90 pounds over a decade ago, not depriving myself was how I did it! If I wanted a brownie, I had a smaller portion than normal, but still had it. As long as we are “working it in”, hitting our protein and calories is what matters most, correct? I think this mindset has been liberating.


I’m such an all or nothing person i feel like having something in moderation ALWAYS lead to full on binge, it’s embarrassing and addicting and horrible lol


Haha great timing on this video. I’m good 90% of the time but today I had an ice cream cone .. but I promise I’ll be better tomorrow


This video was great in reinforcing the concept of moderation and not beating yourself up if you do eat certain foods. Love the fact I can keep coming back here for all these videos to help motivate me. MAMBA MENTALITY!!!!


Stop 👏🏻 pathologizing 👏🏻 food 👏🏻

I couldn’t agree with Eric more here. No food is good or bad. It either fits your goals or it doesn’t.

Tracking every morsel, hitting my protein and calories has made me so much happier in life. I know exactly when I can eat an Oreo or two v when I need to hit some cottage cheese. Makes me feel like a winner.


One thing that you mentioned that I struggle with is remembering that I didn’t ruin all my progress overeating one time. That will often cause me to spiral and end up overeating even more later in the day, which doesn’t make any logical sense and doesn’t help me in the long run. I need to focus on what you said, that one time didn’t fuck everything up, and get back on track. Thanks for the video!


I definitely do the whole “save the good stuff for the weekend” and more than likely overeat on weekends. Adding the food I actually crave but in moderation will definitely be a challenge but hopefully stop me from going crazy once I actually eat it.


You helped me recognize that It’s ok to remove the “morality” from food…no food is inherently good or bad… and that I don’t have to “punish” myself for “doing something wrong. There should be no guilt in my relationship with food.
Thank you for all of your education!


Completely agree. When I stopped denying certain foods from myself, I found a lot more freedom. That being said, I’m of the mentality that if you want something, to go out and get a “single serve” portion and I don’t keep bulk of them in my house. That way I’m not tempted by them, but I have to work a little 🤏 bit harder to get them. Worth it though haha


yes! making something "bad" or "off limits" automatically makes us want it more! when we have a craving and just have a bit of it, just that little bit is often enough to satisfy it


Those three simple mindset tips are 🤯 for me. I needed to hear them. I’ll also remember “we’re here for a good time, not a long time” when eating certain foods. Thanks for this video!!


This makes so much sense. Yup yup. I used to do this. Very insightful. Now to know I am not the only person makes me feel a hell of a lot better. Thank you my friend 😊


My grandma always said everything should be in moderation. I never really understood that until adulthood when I learned the "why" behind the psychology of moderation from people like you. You teach me that while it's not about simply willpower, there are practical ways to set yourself up for success, and it's also empowering to understand how the food industry is built to encourage us to consume, consume, consume. I have paired your teachings with what I've learned from Atomic Habits (best book ever). I've been habit stacking, so I tuck in my 3 kids for bed, put my shoes on, put on my headphones, and listen to your podcasts while I get in my 10K steps. Best part of my day. Thanks for your insight!


I have actively practiced this in the recent months. I definitely have an all or nothing mentally and over the recent weekend. I went to Costco with my family and of course my children wanted to have pizza and a churro. Knowing we were going I logged into my Fitness Pal and added a slice of pizza and the churro. Cause Mama wanted it. This my lunch and intended to have a light salad since the pizza and churro would keep me full and satisfied until dinner. In the past I would have gotten a whole pizza (for the family) and had several slices, a churro and an ice cream. I enjoyed every bit of it and yes I still was thinking of that ice cream after but chose to not give into my all or nothing past mentally. It's hard and it's Def a work in progress. The mind set of good food vs bad food is heavily pounded into the "diet culture". Relearning and teaching ourselves to enjoy things is moderation has been leading to my success in sustainable weight loss and working toward building muscle is my next phase in my healthy lifestyle changes. 💪 Thank you for your ongoing support Eric ❤
