15 Classic Fantasy Book Recommendations (that AREN'T Lord of the Rings)

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This time I offer 15 recommendations for classic fantasy, excluding the obvious one (Lord of the Rings!). Share your recommendations in the comments.

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Full List:
Fafhrd & The Gray Mouser (Especially Swords in the Mist, Swords against Death)
Robert E Howard's: Conan The Barbarian (Especially Tower of the Elephant, Red Nails, Beyond the Black River)
The Broken Sword (3 Hearts & 3 Lions is also great)
Peace by Gene Wolfe
The Prince's Bride
Comet in Moominland (JADDÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ)
Tales of the Dying Earth
Mythago Wood
Till We Have Faces
The Dark Tower
Over Sea, Under Stone
Legend by David Gemmell
Guards Guards
Chronicles of Amber

I'm so adding these to my reading list, which I'll be done with when I'm an old groggy like y'all huzzah


You mentioned an appreciation for the Fantasy Western subgenre, have you read The Incorruptibles at any point?

As for me, I actually would recommend the Thomas Covenant books, at least the first and second chronicles. And the Daughter of Empire series from the Midkemia/Riftwar cycle - most of the rift war books left me fairly cold but the exotic setting of Kelewan that steals liberally from Tekumel and a compelling protagonist in Mara of the Acoma, a politician, merchant and diplomat rather than a warrior or sorcerer, really caught my attention.


Many thanks for these recommendations. I'm usually drawn to British fantasy, but keep meaning to broaden my horizons. A lot of food for thought here.


For some reason I've bounced off Chronicles of Amber a couple times. I'll give it another try. I think The Riddle-Master of Hed and its sequels have potential staying power. It's been decades since I read either this or Earthsea, but I remember enjoying Riddle-Master more.


Great list! I've read most of these and enjoyed them and agree they are a good way to discover the breadth of fantasy. Especially glad to see the Moomins mentioned.


Before watching:
List time, yippee
*fetches notebook* 🥳


Great video as always. There were a couple books I hadn't heard of before.


ah that reminds me, i read legend after you recommended before, but i never picked up more in the series.


Wonderful video as always 👍👌
I am unfamiliar with many of those writers.
I am glad you included Dark Tower, The Dying Earth and Imaro (I can't remember where I put my copy). I always viewed Dark Tower and Dying Earth as science fiction .
My favorite novel straddle science fiction and fantasy. I even view Moorcock as science fiction. His multiverse has certain rules depending on which part of the multiverse his stories are set.
Because you are familiar with Moorcock I won't recommend him. I will however recommend Mary Gentle. I think ASH: A SECRET HISTORY is an overlooked classic. Mary Gentle' work is a mixture of science fiction and fantasy too. I really would love your opinion on Mary Gentle's work. If her novels were released today in the current environment she would be praised far higher than Leckie.
Thanks for the recommendations. I need to check my library. I have never checked out Gemmel.
Keep up the good work.
Love your book reviews 👌.
