Speaking to a Woman in a COMA with the Spirit Box | Making History

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A mind-blowing video showing me speak with someone in a coma...

I was notified by my friend his mother was in the hospital in a coma and wasn't expected to recover. I felt I should try reaching out to her for some reason even though she hadn't passed yet. What I captured is history in the making. Never before have I effectively communicated with someone still alive in their body but I believe it has happened now. I also show a wild clip of me using the HSB1 app to try and help another friend find her cat Bodhi. Of course there's no way for any of us to know 100% that I am reaching these exact people. But between my intuitive ability and the compelling responses that I capture, I believe I am indeed connecting with these specific souls.

Download the fully updated HOPE Spirit Box App for FREE!

Joshua Louis, someone with a troubled past, struggled to understand the world around him and his purpose within it. Following a simple spiritual path, he would come to understand his purpose in a very profound way.

In 2012, his intuitive nature drew him to seek the truth regarding paranormal events and the existence of an afterlife. What he got was way more than he bargained for. As his intuitive abilities developed, he discovered he was able to communicate with souls on the other side. With his new group H.O.P.E. (Helpers of Paranormal Entities) and his intuitive ability, he dedicated his time to helping stuck spirits crossover as well as grieving people looking for closure. H.O.P.E. will always be dedicated to not only helping souls whenever possible, but truthfully showing all evidence that is captured.

Josh has spent years training at the International School of Clairvoyance under the tutelage of Debra Katz. Using a wide array of technological devices combined with intuitive means, Josh has been able to successfully reconnect many people with their deceased loved-ones. In addition to his work and research in to the afterlife, Josh is a devoted father and owner of a successful hookah bar cafe and filmmaker.

Watch as Joshua Louis conducts Real Spirit Sessions on location in cemeteries, houses and even in his own residence.

Buy My Book “Finding Hope in the Afterlife: An Honest Account of My Spiritual Journey and Afterlife Research”:

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#coma #hopespiritboxapp #hopeparanormal
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This helps verify for me what I believed to be true. When I spoke to my dad who was dying and not able to move or open his eyes, I told him I forgave him and loved him and a tear ran down his face. I believed he heard me but this confirms it. Thank you!🙏❤


Groundbreaking, Josh! - If they only would believe... There is really so much more between heaven and earth!
Thank you so much! :)


cats are amazing, back in the late 60s our cat left the house we were moving out of to one that was on the other side of the city, my mom went back to our old house for a couple weeks hoping to find her with no sighn of her, even asking the new tenant to give us a call if they see her! nothing for 3 months! in the middle of the night at our new house she showed up! my mom woke all us kids up to see she found us! we celebrated but it left a mystery in our life on how she could find us in a place she had never been!


Hi, this is by far the most incredible video you have ever done. What an awesome concept, to be able to communicate with a live person who is presently in a coma. You are astonishing n amazing n outstanding !!! The world must see this. Especially Doctors. Thank you for making History. I love that you are speaking with a cat. I wish to God I could have this incredible ability to be able to communicate with animals alive n passed away. You are so Blessed. I pray that God will Bless me in this way. Thank you. I love you n love all you do for everyone.


I wish I could have had your app years ago...my husband was in a coma for 18 years. my girls grew up without a father 😔 unfortunately he passed away 4 years ago.
I still feel his presence around us sometimes ❤️ his name was William James Suppah
in my opinion this is one of the most awesome videos that I have seen. thank you for validation. now I truly know that William heard us when we spoke to him!


Absolutely history in the making Josh what a amazing session. Just such validating responses and so thoughtful of you to do for your friend. Your such a good man Josh with such a huge heart


This was really interesting... I was curious if people in the coma can hear people around them?


I seen another that did this in a way through a coma and it was intense. When the guy woke up, he recalled some of it too.
Please keep this work up with the living
Also, having been in a coma myself. Trust me, some here those visiting too. I definitely did.
Also, so glad to see you posting again. I look forward to seeing new videos.
With the cat. Did she find out what sickness the baby had?
Truly Amazing Josh!
Please work with this. I truly believe this is a huge asset to helping others.
Prayers for her family. May they be comforted and feel her surround them.


Wow Josh, I have full body chills! I wonder if you can do that with Alzheimer’s patients. I’ve always felt they aren’t fully gone. It’s interesting because since I was a child I wondered if our Souls travel when we sleep because I’ve been over my body many times. I’ve been down that long hallway. After my uncle passed, I took my son down that hallway and my uncle came out and said I had to stop and not bring my son any closer. I can’t wait to read your book! 🙏❤️🙏


Josh, this was amazing. I'm happy she was able to come through before and after death.
I'm so glad your friends cat came back home.
Much love and respect to you.🙏🏼🙏🏼🕊️❤️


well Josh.Do i have alot to tell u.in 2017 i went into a diabetic coma for 3 days.during that time i floated over my body in the top right corner almost as if waiting for something. i saw and heard everything that happened around and to my body.the waiting was me waiting on my ride.when i came to i woke up being dropped onto my feet gently and was standing in line of some sort. when i got closer there was a man in front of me a couple people up and a voice said "depart from me worker of iniquity for i never knew u".a great hole opened up on an island on earth and the man was forced into it.i knew then where i was.it was judgement day and i knew i didnt have a chance at getting through those big golden gates.the closer i got in line the more i could see.Jesus was sitting on a throne above heaven.i couldnt see any of his features but i could see he was giant and i was the size of a pee ant. i couldnt see any features but just that he was the outline of a man but made of white blue light.God was on his left but behind a cloud so i couldnt see any of him.i couldnt see the floor or anything in heaven except the tops of the houses.they were made of gold too with gemstones and pearls and funny writing on the houses .the floor outside the gates was a purple pink and made of clouds.or see through ill say.there was angels leading souls in and out of another opening in the gate.God spoke to me with our minds.everybody there is glowing beautifully.He let me come back on one condition and it was that i tell everybody what i saw.so i am.i saw my mothers face floating beside Jesus.Then he came to me as my size and in his human form.he had holes in his hands and his face was full of suffering and you could see where he hadnt eaten in a very long time when he was living.his face was so thin and i had never seen anybody look so starved.he endured pure torture when he was alive and you could see it.i wanted to touch him so badly because the closer i got to him the more joy and peace i felt.it felt like that the closer i got in that line too.but as i raised my hand to touch him i immediately pulled back because i felt so dirty with sin that i thought touching him would tarnish him.i dont know who took me down there if it was Jesus or an angel but i went to hell.theres a big tunnel at first u go down for miles and it comes to a great big room and its so dark u i could not see my hand in front of me.and then u see a light and go toward it.the entire time your bones feel like theyre on fire with chemicals.when u get to the light u see that its coming from a lake of fire and there are columns coming up out of it and on top of those columns are people being tortured according to their greateat sins in life and eople are crying God please save us we are sorry we did not know.And God said to them "I cannot for you did not repent while u have the breath of life". i believe this is why God has allowed you to speak with them.so that u can give them the chance to repent before its too late.the devil sits against the wall and gives commands and is black with scales and a human looking body but has the face off the exorcist that looks like a cat kinda.there are demons of all colors shapes and sizes.i dont like to talk about this part much but i have to.i went or was brought back to heaven in the line and spoke with God again and he let me come back to tell everybody.people in heaven can see the earth and whats happening and loved ones but cannot come back to it to visit.oh.and he showed me a shelf with different gifts that he gave different people and we are to use these gifts to benefit the church together.the way i understood it we have all went and had a talk with him in that line but he doesent let everybody remember it.i dont know why he chose me.i never did anything right in life but i have kept this promise if nothing else.all i could think of was getting back and warning everybody that its real.i never even thought about nobody believing me.when i woke up i told my husband everything.everything i saw there and at my body that was said and done.theres something about the indians that wear the dot in beetween the eyes because thats where i saw from while unconscious.if anybody has any questions about anything i am here and listening.oh and by the way, pack your workboots folks because we got work to do after this life.heavenly work if we make it.theres no workers in hell that were once human.the demons do all that.just another way to mislead us and win more souls for his army because he thinks he will win with numbers but its all coming down to the final war and he dont win.


I love it when you think outside the box Josh you have a awesome gift thank you for being here much love


This was incredible ! I was in a coma myself and I did remember what was going on around me. You are helping many souls. God bless you !


Thank you so much! I know my pic doesn’t show but I am getting to that age and passing scares me. This sort of gives me some relief but wish it gave me more. But I appreciate all you do 🥰


Hey josh can you please do dorothea puente please that will be amazing


WOW Josh all I can say is this was a very important incredible breakthrough the proof and validation is undeniable Many Blessings Too You!!!


thankyou so much for making this, i was in a coma i saw myself i walked the hospital corridors and when i came out of that coma i was not brain dead or unable to walk, i was desperate to show my mother what i had seen . i could tell her all that had happened and while she sat and cried i wanted to tell her i was not going to die. nobody cud hear me. since that day i can hear people.


I lost my mother a week ago, ... her name is Edwina. please help.


see if you can reach Walt Disney and see what he thinks about the woke cult distroying his legacy!


I absolutely believe that we can communicate while sleeping. I accidentally taped myself one night and recorded myself talking to a spirit. Very odd!
