Bipolar and ADHD: A Double Whammy!

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Living with bipolar disorder and ADHD. Imagine that challenge.

After my bipolar breakdown in college and spending several years getting my bipolar 2 treatment together, I realized I was still having problems. On top of my bipolar 2 diagnosis, my doctor diagnosed me with ADHD too. Being treated for both bipolar disorder and ADHD comes with its own set of complications. I talk about that in the video, along with what led up to the ADHD diagnosis.

I know that ADHD is a controversial topic that is mostly discussed with a negative tone. In my life, I look at it as a positive. If it were not for my diagnosis of ADHD, along with bipolar 2 disorder, I would not be where I am today.

Hannah posts a new video every Monday morning on the HealthyPlace YouTube channel. You can help spread awareness and understanding by sharing this video or playlist. And if you find the video helpful, I hope you'll give it a thumbs up.


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I almost cried because this is the most accurate way I feel. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and still struggle with it as an adult. I recently was diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder and have been dealing with that. The part that really got me was when you said you felt stupid and like you weren’t going to thrive in life like your friends. I remember thinking that in high school and the start of college wondering why my brain wasn’t able to obtain and store information like every one else and why I had to work twice as hard to understand the material. I’m now 23 and I realized that I’m not stupid and in fact very capable. I have graduated college and I am currently working on my master in Applied Behavioral Analysis. I have come a long way and faced many obstacles and I’m very proud of myself.


When I’m in a manic state is the only time I do well with anything 😓


Love the fact you keep your videos under 5 minutes, concise!


I'm also diagnosed with bipolar 2 and ADHD, it's good to hear that other people did great with the treatment. I've been struggling with it for years and I really hope I can get to graduate one day. I'm pretty sure I will, but it's always difficult to deal with it.


I'm starting school again on Monday. I'm 46 with ADHD and Bipolar 2 also with a side of anxiety lol. It's great to hear that you did so well with school. It makes me feel that it's possible for me.


ADHD and bipolar here too. i am in junior high and it sucks. i just hope that someday I can come back and look at this comment knowing that i have a loving family and a good future. its hard to cope with.


Made all the difference. I went from failing at college to restarting, graduating 1st in my class and went on to medical school. I’m a physician now. Now, when I say made all the difference I don’t mean it was easy. I still stumbled, frequently, and still do. More so in medical school as I had to take a break in my 3rd year and was fortunate that my school worked with me. I couldn’t complete a residency until my 3rd attempt…. I matriculated into three different programs and it wasn’t until more adjustments in my bipolar regimen that I could finally complete residency. I’ve managed to land on my feet so far … or at least get up when I stumble and fall but I’ve made it work .. FAR from perfect and not even optimized to the best I could be (I hope this is the case 🙄) but I soldier on. One of my favorite motivational quotes is from Winston Churchill, “ If you are going through hell, keep going ! “. Good luck 👍


I have adhd and bipolar 1, Good to know we are not alone.


Thank you so much for sharing this! I was diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago and Bipolar today. I really want to go back to college too, but I'm so afraid of screwing up again. This video makes me hopeful!


Hannah, your videos are on point. I have symptoms of ADHD which have been more obvious now that I work in an office /front desk. Since I'm only diagnosed with BP2 and still learning symptoms of that, the one thing that the medication and therapy hasn't help yet is my lack of focus.

I thought I just couldn't multitask and kept sticky notes stuck to my work computer with steps on how to do my daily reports (keyword "daily"... I've been doing those reports for at least 3 years now, and still have to reference the sticky note)

I thought I just always a late person despite the effort I take to get prepared the night before, because of "one more thing"

I thought I finished people sentences because I knew what they were about to say, and they talked to slow

I thought me being impatient with waiting in long lines and having to wait my turn was just, me being impatient, for good reason, every time..

I thought the conversation was just long winded when my thoughts drifted while someone is talking to me more than a couple minutes.

I thought it was "normal" that majority of the time when people talk I "take notes" regarding what they are talking about (at school and at work) so I can get down as much of their words as possible, then can't understand what the hell my handwriting says afterwards or what the big picture was.

I thought losing my phone, pen, wallet, etc when "I just had it!“ nearly everyday happened to everybody...

I thought all of these things and more... I texted my therapist last night to tell her this and about me thinking I have ADHD. She replied that I have symptoms of it. My appointment is today so I'll see what she says and communicate it to my psychiatrist as well.


My late husband was bipolar and had ADHD, also was an alcoholic. It was a love, hate
Experience. I know now it wasn't my fault and he was out of control.


Thank you for ur positive video and it's very encouraging to see how well you are despite having mood disorders. I have always had symptoms, but today actually I went to my first psychiatrist appt (nerve racking) and was very quickly diagnosed with BP2 as well as ADHD. I'd always suspected, but since this was my "normal" personality I really didn't know any different. Watching and hearing your story helps me to think and be positive through the stigma of these diagnoses, and I'm looking forward to the right girl!


I've got exactly what you have and it's destroying my life. None of it is treated and I feel completely lost. It's like a curse. I'm 23 and I already feel so worn out. Sometimes I feel so inspired, but my issues make achieving anything impossible. So many missed opportunities you know? It's taking a long time to find a decent doctor. I'm worried because I'm not sure how long my treatment will take since the disorders can cause the medications to work against you. I just want to be well. I wouldn't even mind being a workaholic if it meant I could finally focus with a completely clear mind. Thanks for the vid. I hope you can talk about this topic again sometime. It's really rare to find someone who is open about having both ADHD and bipolar 2.


Hi Hannah! Just discovered your channel, which I love. I have both of these too! Diagnosed wirh ADHD as an adult about 10 years ago but only got serious about treating fairly recently. Few months ago diagnosed with Bipolar II as well and now taking meds for both. So disappointed that I don't have an "OMG my life has transformed!" success story (yet). I am (or so I am told) highly intelligent and creative, but struggling with debt and minimum wage, twice-divorced and no self-confidence! At 56 I feel so despairing that it is way to late to ever achieve my creative dreams and not even a 'normal' life of a decent-paying, ok job, a stable relationship, own a home...


Focus has always been such a terrible problem for me, at least since the condition began to manifest more fully. Medication has helped somewhat; I've been able to read books again (with some effort), when I previously couldn't concentrate long enough to read a pamphlet. I'm also terribly impatient and can't stand to wait for anything. And it's going to be a *long* wait until the final season of "Game of Thrones."


I’m so thankful for this video. I was diagnosed ADHD 3 months ago. But I think all of us knew we were when we could comprehend the meaning of it. Today, I was diagnosed ADHD with Bipolar 2. I haven’t treated myself as I wanted to breastfeed. Not being treated has left me with a bold head for months, manic modes leaving me suicidal even though I generally do not think life is that bad. Because it has went untreated, it has left me on the verge of going crazy. I’m 19 with a newborn, a toddler & a husband that works 50+ hours a week with no known babysitter to take a break. This video, although straight to the point, helped me so much! It helped remind me that it’s not always a dark alley. Thank you for this! I’m quite nervous to start on my meds to say the least, but I’m just so thankful I got on track with getting help as soon as I turned 18. 🥰


Tears are in my eyes right now.

I have Bipolar 2 and was diagnosed last year. I finally found the right medication and I've been diagnosed with ADHD too.

I've also just started studying again and having this diagnosis has given me some confidence. Currently awaiting medication.

Thank you for your video!


Amazing story!!!! Im working to get things right with my medication so I can finally start living. I felt when you said that something wasn't right with your mind. I have always felt that way, I still feel that way as an adult. I just started medication for adhd low dose of adderall but I may talk to my dr about trying something a little different and adding a mood stabalizer. Your a brave soul for sharing this video and thanks 👊👊


I was diagnosed with bipolar I as a teenager and have had several doctors tell me they think I have ADHD ever since I was 5. I've never received treatment for ADHD because my psychiatrist says you can't treat both and bipolar is more important to treat. I have also struggled with feeling dumb and unable to focus. I really want treatment for ADHD but know I'd have to get a new psychiatrist willing to help me for it. It's going to be hard to do since I live in a small town. Seeing you being successful treated for your bipolar and ADHD gives me hope that I can get treatment too. Thanks 👍


Hey girl! I love your videos. Your story is inspirational. 6 days ago I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar. Doctor prescribed me Aderall and lamictal. Obviously it’s a bit too soon to be able to tell if the lamictal is really taking effect. But the Aderall has been helping me immensely with my focus, organizational skills, communication (especially listening to others), clear minded, less irritable, not impulsive, and more patient. However it has caused me to experience some insomnia probably due to taking my evening dose too late in the evening. Overall though it has been a great experience besides yesterday and today.
Exhaustion from not sleeping or eating properly caused me to feel fatigued and unmotivated. When I did get started though I was able to finish the task. I also was not sociable these last 2 days and just wanted to be alone.
Wondering if it could be my bipolar coming into play there.
Idk, I just hope this works for me 🤞🤞
