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Here's an advanced golf hip turn drill to get power in your swing. The hips are the power source in your swing so you need to feel them hitting the ball, not your arms.

This hip drill is a little tricky so when you try it do it for more than a few balls so you can get used it. Unfortunately too many people try something and if they don't see immediate results they give up so please try this golf hip drill until you start to feel your hips powering the swing.

Once you get this feeling of using your hips try to memorize it because this is what you should be feeling on all shots into the future.

If you're not on an advanced level then come back to this golf hip rotation drill in the future because using your hips as the power source in your swing is vital.

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This is the perfect drill for anyone e who has lost their swing. This got my game back in the high 80’s. Everytime I went to the range I did exactly this only going half way to the top and letting my hips bring the power. Now I’m uncoiling hitting my 7 iron 160 yds. Thanks Paul again


Bought your lessons, great instructions, been golfing for 50 years and this is the best instructions I have seen.


Ive watched 100's of hours of videos, read several books and spoken to many people about the swing and it wasnt until i found your series that i finally had the "AHA" moment. Thank you for making golf more enjoyable. Im not a bot or paid commenter just a hacker who appreciates the videos


Hi Paul, It never cease to amaze me how often I run into a hurdle or get stuck in my swing mechanics and you post a video that is exactly what I need to move forward. I am now using your body swing warm-up (1/2 backswing w/7 Iron - engage lower body - lose wrist - no arms) to start each of my practice sessions including before I hit the course. Thanks for all you have done for my golf game. Keep those tips coming - Joe in Seattle.


Hey Paul. We have conversed over the years and you have helped me get better. I just could not “get it” until I found my swing. Once I starting swinging back and forth with very low tension and let the club find Its own arc I then became aware of what the swing should feel like. I think this feel is essential to getting the powerless arms you suggest. Once I got the swing, turning off my arms was much easier and the body positions became a natural extension of my swing. My body reacted to the swing and improvement became much easier. In my case the position information wes not


For years I've been adamant with the notion that we all could play so much better with a 3/4 back swing. I play my best when I forget about distance and suddenly I'm in balance and I'm hitting the best shots of my life. I had several segments like this in my round this past weekend and hit some of the finest iron shots I can recall, with a shorter back swing. It's getting there, Paul. TY!


This is a very very good tips, I played almost all pars after adopting the body swing technique! Fantastic 🙏thank you very much


Thank you Paul, a fantastic basic lesson all high handicaper's and especially beginners should always start their practice session with. After a 24 year lay off due to illness playing off 16 after 3 yrs. Now at 62 I have returned, played 18 holes shot 100 on par 70 course and felt like the tin man from the wizard of oz and needed a chiropractor and I'm a reasonably fit gardener but nothing can compare too the bio constructional mechanics of the human golf swing as it doesn't happen in any part of your life so back to the drawing board . That was 7 weeks ago and luckily I found your golf channel at the same time and as a believer of the big easy arching swing I have improved immensely and I dont feel like I've been in a car accident afterwards, I'd also like to thank you for reinventing my hand grip positioning which is now more neutral and works, goes straight like an arrow ( a lot of the time anyway 😏 ). your club head awareness posititioning directly behind the ball at address advice was brilliant although this may sound stupid but most high handicappers just address the ball pull back and fire without knowing their flight path but the obvious loft angle at address prior to strike tells and reminds us which flight path the ball will be going with arms straight and correct stance and that along with concentration and your other tips has improved my game so much I shot that same course 90 this week gone, the thought process and muscle memory is coming back driven on by my enthusiasm of your lessons. When I was a child in the 60's my grandfather used to practice his golf swing in the garden using a yard brush which gave such a huge arching swing it looked as thought he was trying to throw the broom over the wall, you used to see this training technique back in the day in magazines but funny how it's never taught these days. By the way I'm using the amazing 2006 callaway big bertha Irons and all warbird woods, these suit a easy slow swing because of the weight as you know, they way a ton but amazingly balanced, defo a trolley job. Thanks again and good luck for the future Paul, to think its Christmas in a few weeks 👍and as a gardener would say ... Ho Ho Ho. Sorry.


Hi Paul. This tutorial has transformed my golf and has been a lightbulb moment because it works, simple as that. I also realised on the range how many golfer were only arms, that used to be me, not any more, thanks very much.


Another great video, Paul. The Body Swing really does work. I have only been playing for a few months and can say that your techniques have changed my game greatly and all for the better. Thanks, Paul.


Hi Paul, thx for the great tips and tricks, after 1.5 years after starting I finally played my best round/game ever !! 45 points, 95 strokes ... hope to beat 90 really soon


Played my best round. Took awhile to get use to your concept. Also, I don’t get hit with severe tennis elbow anymore. Thank you for the free content. I watched your stuff since 2012. The coil and uncoil concept along with zero arms is still timeless to today’s game of golf.


Thank you Paul. I watched your video yesterday before heading out to play 9 holes. My game this year so far has been sad to say the least. After watching your video I was hitting the ball so much better, with power I didn't know I had; Thanks again and I've already shared the video with 2 others.


This is right down my alley. I have a shorter swing due to shoulder issues and getting my hips into the swing makes all the difference!


Such a great teacher. I have always felt “abnormal” with my teaching style and watching you i know Im not alone! Thank you for the confidence.


enjoy more golf with your tips, thank you


Many thanks for sharing another great tip Paul.


Thanks. This is a really good drill for me.


Been working on your Body swing this last few days. Really works when you are not over doing it with your arms. So smooth. Lots of work to do. Been hitting off the mats with bare feet for ground forces purposes. Always good stuff Paul.


I finally got it! Hitting driver straight telling myself to just hit it a 100 yards and easily hitting it 250 just using my body! Your the best
