Simple Golf Hip Turn Drill to Get More Distance

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Here's a simple hip drill that shows you how to move your hips in the downswing and into the follow through. The more hips you use in your swing, the more distance you will gain.

So many golfers are just hitting with the arms when they swing. This can be from not realizing they have to use their hips, they might not know how to use them or they are just hitting with the arms. In order to hit the ball longer with your driver golf you need to be powering your swing with your legs and hips.

This hip drill gets you learning how to use them. Once you know how, then you can start trying to power your swing with them instead of just hitting with your arms. This drill drill can be done at home. at the range or even when you play so start to do it as soon as you can.

The more you do this hip drill the more distance you will get because you will finally be using your body to hit the ball instead of just your arms.

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Hi Paul! We enjoyed your course in Vegas. We probably are ready for a tune up😂. Anyone on the fence about going to Vegas to work with Paul, just do it.


Paul, this tip on hip turning is the best. Watching all your videos for the past 6 months have gotten my game back on track. I thank you for that.


Terrific drill that I’ll add to my daily mobility and golf swing exercises. Thank you from Massachusetts 🇺🇸


I’ve been watching your videos for at least a year and I have to say this video has helped me understand how to use my lower body a lot better. Thank you


Waddaman. One day when I am able to travel again after this flu nonsense, I am coming to see this playa. Love it


Your tips are awesome Paul. I started redesigning my swing 2 years ago. I'm 68 in May and I'm hitting the ball 40 yards farther than I did in my younger days. Thanks so much for the great advice.


I’ve just come back from a lesson and this tutorial explains it easier as it’s something I need to do! It’s difficult as I’ve been playing for years not badly playing off 13 but lost distance! I want to get down to single figures again and this drill will help me get there! Great video 👍🏻


Paul I can’t thank you enough. You’ve basically been my personal golf instructor through youtube for the past week 🤣.
I had an extremely arm-dominated swing & was constantly hitting left & right for almost a year. Decided last week that I had to fix it before the summer time.

I started by incorporating your loose wrists technique which was a GAME CHANGER.
Once I got comfortable with that, I got the hips more involved. The impact has felt so much better without even trying. The less I try, the father it goes! Just like you said.
Seriously, couldn’t be more thankful that you are giving these tips and drills for free. Terrific lessons sir! Thanks a ton 🙏


Great tip that solved my distance problem. As always, your instruction is the best and I have listened to many teachers! Thanks much Paul!


Exactly the drills I’ve been doing, this just gives me reassurance. Thank you 🙏


Hi Paul, started using some of your drills and it has helped a lot. Hit my driver an extra 15 yards constantly now, but I am doing more of your drills so I hope to get another 15 yards soon. Thank you.


Pauls passion for sharing and teaching comes through in all his videos. Thanks again Paul 👌


Estupendo vídeo. Un magnifico profesor valiente y sincero en todo momento. Es la primera vez que se resalta la importancia de mantener la vista en la zona de la bola olvidándose de su trayectoria hacia el objetivo. Muchísimas gracias por su ayuda.


Perfect. This is exactly what i am looking for. I sure will try this drill. Many thanks Paul.


Great Drill .. while i was doing it i could not believe how tight my hips were.. I had to add stretching exercises as part of my routine. You did find me 20 yards on my Driver .. thanks Paul


5:58 - Excellent swing Paul. That position and sequence in and past impact is top notch. That ball was crushed!


I know this video is three years old but just wanted to thank you for the tip. I've been driving the ball poorly lately and that's caused me to keep trying different things, which has made it worse because my swing has become different on every swing with the driver. Trying what you showed in your video really helped get the ball in the fairways today. It didn't go far, because I purposely slowed everything down and wasn't getting very good contact consistently (I'm sure that will come). It was just refreshing to walk down the fairway to my ball today rather than looking for it in the rough. I need more practice with this, but it's a great start! I will DEFINITELY watch more of your videos. I really like your instruction. It's down to earth without the crap that many others do on YouTube, like promising things that are unlikely going to happen, or claiming they have the cheat code, and other gimmicks. Thanks again, Paul.


This just too good, Paul. Thanks for sharing it for golfers.


It's taken me years of trying to improve to finally come to the realization that the hips really do need to initiate the downswing sequence. I way always under the impression that everything needed to move totally in sync from the top, and as a result my hips were always square instead of open at impact. You really do need to get those hips turning to initiate the swing. It makes a tremendous difference in clubhead speed, smash factor, and dispersion. Great lesson.


Great drill to give a sense of body rotation….it will switch off our arms and can feel the power come from body rotation…..cant thank enough …..great coach, easy to understand and follow
