Twilight of the Gods (Classic) - Fire Emblem Gaiden/Echoes: Shadows of Valentia OST

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"On the continent of Valentia lived a pair of sibling gods, Mila and Duma. These two gods fought a savage war over their conflicting ideals, before finally forging a pact to divide the continent into two. Afterwards, two nations–Rigel and Zofia–were formed around these gods. In the coming millennia, the continent ushered in an age of peace. However, in the current era, war threatens to engulf Valentia once again and only two youths–Alm and Celica–hold the power to stop it."
(Summary from Serenes Forest)
Composed by Yuka Tsujiyoko
(Summary from Serenes Forest)
Composed by Yuka Tsujiyoko
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