The Evolution of Twilight of the Gods {Gaiden • 25th Anniv • SoV • Warriors • Flower of Enchantment}

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0:00 Battle Map 5 Final Map BGM - Fire Emblem Gaiden (1992)
0:42 Gaiden Story Medley (Battle Map 5 Portion) - Fire Emblem 25th Anniversary Festival (2015)
1:37 Twilight of the Gods - Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (2017)
5:35 Twilight of the Gods - Fire Emblem Warriors (2017)
6:30 Battle Map 5 Final Map BGM (Player Side) - Fire Emblem Music Collection: Flower of Enchantment (2018)


Battle Map 5 Final Map BGM is the final boss soundtrack composed originally for the Nintendo Famicom game, Fire Emblem Gaiden, released in 1992.

Gaiden Story Medley was a live orchestrated soundtrack for the The 25th Anniversary of Love and Courage: Fire Emblem Festival (愛と勇気の25周年記念 ファイアーエムブレム祭) released as an album in 2015, this is played alongside four (4) other Gaiden soundtracks as a single-track medley along with tracks from every single game in the franchise in its twenty-five (25) years as a franchise.

Fire Emblem Gaiden had its eventual remake after nearly three decades. released in Spring 2017 for the Nintendo 3DS titled Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. Battle Map 5 Final Map BGM, now titled as Twilight of the Gods, was an orchestra soundtrack enhancing the final boss fight of the game.

Fire Emblem Warriors, released for both the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS in early Fall 2017. Celica was included in the game, she is the only Gaiden/SoV representative, and one of the only two characters not from Shadow Dragon/Awakening/Fates that is part of the main roster. She is an unlockable for the post-game, which added one (1) track for Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, Twilight of the Gods; but was heavily inspired by the Gaiden version Battle Map 5 Final Map BGM since development of the game was done earlier than Echoes: Shadows of Valentia's development at the time.

And in 2018, after the release of Fire Emblem Music Collection: Faith and Engagement album, Intelligent Systems released a new album titled Fire Emblem Music Collection: Flowers and Enchantment. The album features fifteen (15) tracks in total, each with a new arrangement and few are given lyrical composition for their tracks. One of the new arrangements featured was Battle Map 5 Final Map BGM (Player Side), the only Gaiden representative in the album despite having three (3) tracks representing Echoes: Shadows of Valentia in the album.

And that ends the history of the track Twilight of the Gods, for now. I wonder if they are going to release a Premium Arrange arrangement of this track? I personally want the SAX for this track, I can't wait! Hope you enjoy reading the description somewhat that I made up.


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Track timestamps:
0:00 Battle Map 5 Final Map BGM - Fire Emblem Gaiden
0:42 Gaiden Story Medley (Battle Map 5 Portion) - Fire Emblem 25th Anniversary Festival
1:37 Twilight of the Gods - Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
5:35 Twilight of the Gods - Fire Emblem Warriors
6:30 Battle Map 5 Final Map BGM (Player Side) - Fire Emblem Music Collection: Flower of Enchantment


“A battle between God and mortal? Sounds exhilarating to me!” -Lukas


This is still by far the best Final Map OST in all Fire Emblem, and I can still say that Echoes has still the best Soundtrack in the franchise so far.


Twilight of the Gods has been a banger for 28 sexy, sexy years


28 years of Gaiden. Almost 3 years of echoes. Almost 30 years of FE. Man, how this song has changed overtime, yet stayed the same at the same time.


Unpopular opinion: Even when Three Houses came out, Apex of the World and God Shattering Star still don't hit me as hard as Twilight of the Gods did for Echoes. I'm sorry, I know it's heresy because everyone loves God Shattering Star, but Twilight of the Gods, even in the name, has more of a sense of the final battle that will pave the way to a future of peace and love, but the monster must be laid to rest first.


Men, that moment when the 25 anniversary version ends and the SoV starts is really epic...

Like a calm introduction before the battle


There's even a history of the song in the description wtf. I didn't even knew this song had so many versions of it


Alm vs Duma _Atleast what happened for me_

Alm _Crit_: "This is how it's done!" _Takes Duma to half from full, But not enough to kill_
Alm dodges the laser beam of death
_Then he does another crit, Throwing his shield and just ends it_

My Alm in that playthrough was truly a legend and yes I played in hard mode


A battle between god and mortal? Sounds exhilarating to me.


I feel like I finally understand why Twilight of the Gods still speaks to me more than any of the TH final theme does. Don’t get me wrong, all final battle themes of TH (yes that means u God Shattering Star) are epic and well deserved for its praise but, it’s the personal feeling I get when I listen to it that just doesn’t hit it.

A side note, no, I have not played either SoV or TH. I’m purely going on what I read or managed to grasp in the lore of their respective series.

When I hear GSS, all it gives me is “We will win. We’re gonna kick Nemesis’ ass so hard that we’ll sing about the thing and there is nothing you can do about it!” Which is empowering and great! But also no sense of dread. The Golden Deer are gonna win and you know it. They’re not thinking of the consequences of losing because they’re not gonna lose. Which, yeah, really badass, but misses the turmoil I hear in other songs. It’s new and refreshing yes but not what I’m looking for (which is also why End of All kinda misses as well for me, not like with Id Purpose or TotG)

Now we get to TotG. Basically, it’s a song that says “We’re gonna fight a god, oh god, we’re probably humanity’s last hope and we might die but we have to do it. It’s hopeless but we gotta try!” There’s a sense of build up, tension, uncertainty. You hear in the song that they won’t give up but they know that fighting a god is near impossible, but they’re gonna do it anyway. And as the song progresses, you can actually feel them renewing hope, maybe this is possible, we’re doing it! And the last chorus is just, you see Alm shield bashing Duma and you are in AWE. You didn’t expect them to win yet here we are! It’s a song about a group of humans taking down the impossible with little to no hope but managing to do so anyway.

Anyway it’s a personal take and it may differ from people to people. Just finally can be at ease now that I figured out why won’t GSS hit me as hard as TotG. Ngl Apex of the World probably also hits me harder but it’s main theme feels more like it’s making you see the what ifs and nostalgia, which is nice and sad, but doesn’t really fit well with me not like with TotG


Look how far you came Fire Emblem Gaiden


The Flowers of Enchantment version almost sounds like it belongs in TMS


"Who needs gods when you have me"


This is really fitting as a "last battle of a war" scenario. One of the best final map soundtracks


Man, it's so fucking wild how we went from disappointing to incredible in the span of several seconds from the Warriors version to the Flower of Enchantment version


Shadows of Valentia’s art direction is amazing. It’s pretty clear that this game was something made out of love.


Rest in peace, Sayuri. Love all your song.


As much as I want to love God Shattering star more than Twilight... I don't think I can lmao. God Shattering is amazing but in a different feeling way... Twilight of the gods was one of the only times a game made me feel somethin special. Also, final battle quotes not being in 3H takes it down a notch as well. Mathilda's, Forsyth's, and Boey's were absolutely amazing. Malthilda's in particular because she said "It certainly won't be YOU!" right when the beat dropped. 10/10


SoV's is pefection in musical form
