Light periods & getting pregnant

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Is it more difficult to fall pregnant if you consistently have light periods? What do light periods mean and what causes them? Most of all, what can you do about it? I’m covering it all in this video!

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00:00 Intro
00:27 Light periods & implantation
01:55 What is a healthy period
02:32 What is considered a light period
02:59 Ideal endometrial lining thickness for getting pregnant
03:38 What causes a thin endometrial lining?
04:30 Spotting low hormones from your charts
05:27 Supplements to thicken your lining
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I have been following your channel for a long time, and you have opened my eyes for functional medicine. I was certain I would never go that route, but I did. Trying to get pregnant and failing has made me realize that I was not healthy, and my cycle was indicating this. Ever since coming off my iud, my periods have been short, dark and scanty and I have also had shorter cycles ( 24 - 26 days, sometimes 21 days when I am super stressed), ovulating day 10 or 11, and feeling feverish quite often, stiff and I have mastalgia for 2 weeks before period, acne and slow digestion . Having taken vitamin d for a year, without any major difference, apart from feeling more alert and energized in the winter months. I started following the iodine protocol and also adding liver capsules for iron and vitamin b. And taking coq10, wheat grass capsules, resveratrol and NAC to prolong my fertility (reduce aging). My period was way better after 2 months, 1st month my mastalgia was worse however. But my second cycle was the first time my cycle was 27 days long, and I ovulated on day 12 and I had egg white cm for the first time in years, started about day 9 . My first day period was bright red with some slime as I used to get when I was younger. I finally feel like there is hope, my mastalgia is way better, from 14 days to 4 days, acne is gone, and I go to the bathroom every day, sometimes several times. And I am now looking forward to see if things further improve this month. I started this regimen after having done research for myself, and realized that ifv and iui are not miracle cures, and their success rates are not so good either, and often the eggs they pick are not the best. If you have pms and other symptoms of estrogen dominance, I would recommend the book, the iodine crisis, it has turned my life around.


Lighter periods don't always make it harder to get pregnant I've had light periods for years and we got pregnant first try and I was over 35.


This was a great video but now I feel discouraged. I can only hope that my period is normal with 2 medium days last 3 days total. Ugh.


You are a kind of inspirational motivator for me, I am thinking I am kinda starting loving you. Your videos are extremely helpful and I am watching on daily basis. Everyday it gives me a lot to learn about myslef. I am very thankful to you to be there as a cure of my type of people, who actually forget that we have to take care of ourselves to be productive rather than relies on medicines.


Post hbc i had about 4 years of very light periods, like 1-2 days light, no pad or anything needed, some were really just what most would consider spotting or only seeing blood when i wiped. i was charting the whole time. ovulating consistently. I assumed i would have trouble ttc but fell pregnant on the first try... 32 weeks now. Still don't know how i got so lucky...


Your content is always so good! My estrogen and progesterone levels test in a "normal" range but I have been convinced that there is still something wrong. I just haven't been able to convince my doctor! On a hunch, my issue is prolonged high-stress environment, combined with previous contraceptive medicine.


You mentioned you don't want spotting at the beginning or end, can you expand on that? I typically have extremely heavy periods, but I will have spotting in the beginning and end. What is the down-side to that? Thanks :)


my period used to be perfectly normal for a long time it was irregular but it was a healthy glow now that i’m off the pill it’s been light for months :(


Could you do a video on strength training and fertility? Does lifting heavy weights at the gym affect fertility?


I suddenly got much lighter period last two months😢 im 42 and i guess If it can be improved


So helpful!! I have had light and short periods ever since puberty and it was always strange to me but anytime I would look it up I was within “normal” range and even when I saw a OB/Midwife and voiced my concerns she said it was normal. This could not have come at a better time. We are trying to conceive but only have been trying two months, if I am not pregnant this cycle I will request blood test and for them to check my uterine thickness. Thank you!!!


This made me cry nonstop. I have had light periods for a long time, all the doctors dismissed my concerns saying that its normal. I am so worried now


I don't have any periods. But my wife get grumpy like everyday.


I had very light periods following a D&C for a second trimester loss with retained placenta. My last period was still very light, but thankfully I'm now in the third trimester, so it all worked out. I did have a chemical pregnancy before my current one, though. One thing that made a slight difference is that I started raspberry leaf tea and hibiscus tea after I experienced a chemical pregnancy. It made my periods slightly better, but still not much. I was worried that my lining was too thin to get pregnant, so I thought I should do more to fix it... Then I got pregnant by surprise. I'm so thankful to have made it this far already. I stopped the teas when I had a positive test because I don't think they're recommended during pregnancy, especially early on.


Hi! Do you mind talking about regular period and infertility? There is almost no information out there. All information about PCOS refers to irregular but no one talks about PCOS and regular periods. I’ve had regular periods all my life thank GOD. I’m working on my weight and eating better to help boost my chances. I also suffer from hirsutism but most of my blood work came back normal. Only thing that’s off is my iron levels are just slightly low and DHEAS is slightly elevated. Thank you in advance!


I can't get my doctor to listen to me about my period! She keeps saying "if it's normal for you, then it's normal." But I'm not foolish.
5 days of spotting where I NEVER even come close to filling a panty liner, not even overnight, is NOT normal


I never had a light period but only this time and i got worried😊


Can you please open topic on retroverted uterus?


I would love a 4 day period. Mine is 9 to 10 days, so heavy i become anemic after. And im very fertile. I get pregnant so quick.


What if my endometrium is always thick (even 14mm) but still having very light period
