Science Denial | The Common Script

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Much like the 'Hero's Journey' is a common script outline (see Star Wars), the 'Tobacco Strategy' is used my many science deniers to promote their causes. When you see the elements of the script, you will be able to pick them out in science denial arguments.

Deny the Evidence
Claim Bias
Put forth your own experts/evidence
Say all the evidence isn't available
Create Doubt in the Science
Demand Strict Proof with no alternatives
Give people an excuse to lie to themselves

'A Frank Statement to Smokers'

Note that the physician ad was from the 1930's but makes the point.

Link to summary video by Dr. McIntyre-

Dr. McIntyre's Book-

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"we're going to look at every possible cause of lung cancer except our product"
Does this sound familiar? Hell yes.


The cigarette smoking example hits home for me. My mother went in for tests to clear her for cataract surgery. Instead they found massive lung cancer. After surgery where they tried to save her by removing one lung and part of the other, it was still too little too late and we lost her at age 65. I'm almost that age now, have never smoked, but it's still a concern.

Dr. Bob, thanks for promoting active knowledge over passive belief. It's important.


Science recognises that no matter how many tests of reality you do a hypothesis can always be missing something. I have had someone translate that into you can't know anything is 100% true so you can't prove I'm wrong so therefore I might be right somehow and I can ignore anything to the contrary. That is very close to "I will keep my belief until you can prove your position is 100% true". The "Demand Strict Proof with no alternatives" matches that I think.


Reality, that annoying thing that contradicts my fantasy. It must be distrusted at all costs.


I have trouble with flat earthers since I find it difficult to understand how, with superficial knowledge of maths, they fail to see basic observation is sufficient to know the Earth is not flat.
Having said that, some of the FE explanations simply go into obvious fantasy land.
When I asked one recently how long was the Equator, he said only the Lord knew the dimensions of the Earth.


Bob, I like how you're not just showing an alternative opinion, you're doing what many conspiracy believers say they do: provide information and explanations so we your viewers can actually think and decide for ourselves.

To use another film reference, it's like the scene in _The Wizard of Oz_ where we see behind the curtain and learn the truth behind the Wizard's flashy effects. We then get to learn who he really is; in this case he's a decent person and still helps our friends in the end, but in the case of many conspiracy promoters they're in it for themselves.

Thank you for your efforts to educate and entertain us.


Smoking is a tough addiction to break. If someone is telling you it’s not conclusive that it’s harmful you’ll grab at that straw to keep from quitting.
Maybe people buy into the narrative because it’s what they want to believe.


I like the current shift of focus to analysis of the phenomenon of science denial itself. Good stuff.


Script make me think of presups in religion, but flerfs are presup centric, was watching MCtoon spank another flerf, the flerf had nothing but presup junk to back his claims.


You’ve been really killing it with your videos. Keep them coming.


The hero script sounds awfully familiar, something out of a 2000 year old book perhaps.


Don't tell people they should smoke, tell them why they should smoke Lucky Strike.


At the very beginning, you mentioned addressing the English majors. Was that a little test to see if anyone caught the small mistake in your description? 😁
I've mentioned the story of my nicotine addiction, so I won't burden everyone with a long comment. However, I'll say that there is an element of denial in most of us, especially when we're young. Most of us have the attitude of "Well yes, this is dangerous, but I'm indestructible" or "Some people get hurt, but it won't happen to me".
This pertains not just to smoking, but other things like unsafe driving, for example.


For an in-depth discussion of this subject, see “Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming” by Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway, published in 2010.


This looks to be the beginning of a great series, and I look forward to the rest! And I was so tickled to see _two_ videos out by you today! Thanks for what you do!


The funny thing is that Flat Earthers claim two "experts" that couldn't be farther from expert, Kyle Adams and Quantum Eraser. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


“The earth is flat! Deal with it!” inspired me.
“Flat earthers are stupid, gullible, or ignorant!
Deal with it!”


Overly Sarcastic Productions does some good stuff on story building, especially tropes.


Thank you for the research and concern that you are showing in this series.


Your videos have always been very good. But they're getting better and better. They are clear and focused.
