Quest 3: First Impressions

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0:00 - Intro
1:07 - Favorite Thing about the Meta Quest 3
2:46 - Importance of Pancake Lenses in Quest 3
3:20 - Overall Meta Quest 3 Design
5:31 - Meta Quest 3's Built In Audio
6:17 - Most Surprising Feature of the Meta Quest 3
7:30 - Mixed Reality on the Meta Quest 3
10:01- User Experience of the Quest 3
11:43 - Meta Quest 3 Screen Door Effect (SDE)
12:35 - Quest 3 Field of View (FOV)
13:43 - How Video is sent to VR Headsets
17:49 - Meta Quest 3 Tracking
19:21 - Biggest Problem with the Meta Quest 3
20:34 - Choosing the 128 Gigabyte or 512 Gigabyte Quest 3
22:06 - Pancake Lenses in Elite Dangerous
24:14 - Closing

If you have questions please comment below or email me. I will do my best to include answers in upcoming segments under the appropriate topics.

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-Meta Quest 3
-Pimax Crystal
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-Logitech G27 Force Feedback Wheel
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Wow didn’t lnow Gabe Newal had Quest 3


Finally! Another reviewer who sees SDE. Great first impressions Mark, it's an awesome headset for sure. I'll share this on my Discord. Take care


I got mine today and I'm quite impressed with it, I totally agree with you on every point. One big positive that should be mentioned too is how big the sweetspot is now, you can look to the sides and read text without having to move your head which is just great.

Absolutely everything about it is much better thant on Quest 2, it's a big leap in quality in every single aspect. Only one thing is worse, and that's the SDE that you mention in your video. I wasn't expecting that, it's not a big deal and nothing to do with how it was on the OG Rift or anything, far from it, but it was something I had totally forgotten about with Q2 and now it's made a bit of a slight comeback. Not a major issue at all, I guess it's the tradeoff of canting the lenses to get a wider FOV but yes, it's definitely there. On the other hand getting that extra FOV more than makes up for that.

I have to do more testing but I tried a few games via VD with the new AV1 codec and everything looked fantastic. That and the wider FOV might make me ditch my Index and only use Q3 for now, at least until an Index 2 or similar is out.

All in all, a fantastic headset IMO, totally worth the price.


I just grabbed a mint quest 2 with a bunch of accessories for $120.

At about one fifth the cost of the new one, I think it was a good move.


I'm about half through the vid. Glad to know you see a lot of positives with this. It looks like you are mostly covering the visuals / specs, so I thought I'd ask, which is the most important thing to me: is Meta / Facebook / Zuckerberg, etc, going to lull into their empire in any way, either directly or indirectly. Directly being they require you to create an "account" so you can "utilize all of their other fabulous services and experiences." Indirectly being they could still track your IP addresses and information, even though you don't give it, and of course have you in books. I'm really against stuff like that, and it's very, very important to me.


I just purchased mine for $1000 Australian dollars for the 512 version. The Crystal will cost me $3000


No one else had mentioned the orientation of the panels before. Great catch.


I have the Quest Pro, but the following should also be valid and help for tweaking the Quest 3.

For PCVR for nearly no loss of compression you can set the Bitrate in the oculus debug tool to 960mbit. You have to copy/paste the number e.g. from notepad. Otherwise it will not be accepted.

And as always SS helps a lot. I run it at the highest setting in the oculus app and add 1.3 SS on top of that.

And the headset can be charged while being used for PCVR. But you have to use an PD injector with enough power.


Can you test the latency of this vs a Displayport PCVR headset like the G2 or Aero? From the reviews I've seen it looks like the Quest 3 has 45-50ms latency both wired and wireless because of the encoding/decoding that is required. And since you have experience with many VR headsets, do you notice the difference in latency personally?


Haven't bought one yet but I will once I get off my lazy ass and sell my Q2. I am still having so much fun with my Crystal and playing such old games and gawking at the new mind blowing visuals of old games that looked like crap compared to now with the Crystal. So much fun and so much more enjoyable with these visuals.


I can't wait to see how much better this headset is over the Quest 2, will there be a big difference in the graphics with playing pcvr games over the Quest 2? I am already impressed with playing pcvr games on the Quest 2 now, I just ordered the Quest 3 512 GB with a Elite strap with battery, because I never use the default strap the headset comes with, the Elite strap with battery is a must buy accessory for me, more comfortable to wear and longer battery life on the headset, and I heard Meta made the Elite strap more durable this time, which is good, the bigger storage option for me is a must, I'll be able to have more games on it, a bigger FOV is a plus also, when vr cover comes out with a facial interface for the Quest 3, I'll most likely buy one for the headset, vr cover has the best facial interfaces for vr headsets, I've been waiting all year for the Quest 3 to come out, every Oculus or Meta headset that I have owned so far has been good and worth the buy


Crystal is so much sharper than Q3? How big is the difference? you can see more details can you estimate this how many percentage? And what about the 3d depth perception? Whis is the best?


Very astute observations. Many other reviewers I have to listen intently and pick out what I think is important information. With you I can relax and just enjoy the review. I ask myself ‘why is this so’ and what I come up with is I think it’s an IQ thing. Anyway, I ordered one of these, should be here tomorrow. I have Quest 2 and G2. I was blown away when I first got my G2 because I realized how much more comfortable the VR experience was with the Display Port and low latency. If only they had made a G3 with these lenses ! I am skeptical how much I’m gonna like this Q3 for PCVR but I’m willing to give it a try and it at least should be good for some stand alone. Good review, thx


What mounts do you use for the fans? Thanks for your videos on the SFU upgrade, I just finished mine, and your videos were very helpful.


Great review and impressions. Very detailed... I'm waiting for mine to be delivered today as an upgrade from Quest 2 that was also an upgrade from an Index... overall, seems like a worthy upgrade, as long as i pay for the cheaper option to justify. It's tough, because i know I'll eventually wish I'd have more space, but i will play more pc vr than stand-alone... though i do have a bunch of Quest 2 games... and I'll likely be getting a few more standalone only with Quest 3... but that $150 I'll have toward a future upgraded HMD maybe in a couple years.

One new concern I'm getting now from hearing of your noticing of SDE is the angle of the screens (canted) now. I have great eyes/vision, so i hope i don't notice it though. I really am hoping ....😢


Hi, can you help me? What headset would you recommend if you had a entertainment business in flying fighter jets with DCS? Consider software friendly, different users throughout the day, robustness and still a good immersive experience. No need for fancy secondary stuff like hand tracking. Pure game play experience.

Also I see you use a motion platform. How does this work with inside or outside tracking?

Thank for your time and your channel. Feels really genuine.

With regards,



Grab something with USB PD 18w or up. It'll drop to 80% and sit there.


Finally someone honest about camera quality. It’s not good by at all HOWEVER surprisingly it doesn’t really effect the gameplay or immersion all that much if at all. It’s pretty damn fun. It’s the modern day version of wishing you had an arcade machine at home. It’s really all mine to use as long as the battery lets me (about two hours) which is enough for me to want to rest my head anyways.


Just got mine yesterday, having had my first VR experience on the free ones with samsung phones a few years back. Mind blown using hand gestures to move and tap the MR interface. And mini golf is awesome!


I think the only thing other than the fact that the quest 3 is very uncomfortable and will need multiple accessories however the quest to I had I could not bear the controller's the pairing was a real problem for PC VR DCS Etc is there any problems pairing the controllers
