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My first impressions of the Quest 3, from a flight simmer's perspective in DCS World...

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I hate the lenses on my Reverb G2. They’re only sharp in the center. It’s a very small sharp area. I’d pick pancake lenses any day over the g2.


VR is such a individual experience. I have had the G2, Quest 2, Pico 3 Link, Pico 4, Quest Pro (Quest 3 on the way) and I tried the Aero for 30m. I must say what I notice the most when comparing DisplayPort to Streaming (Link, Virtual Desktop) it is the latency. The artefacts and streaming quality is really depending on the streaming software and bitrate and also the scene. There are games where I see with the 960 Mbits Bitrate no difference between Dport and Streaming but off course you notice it right away using VD with 150 in a foggy forest scene. But from my point of view, I prefer having great lenses, a huge sweetspot, edge to edge clarity instead of Display Port with small FoV, distortions or small sweetspot.
I prefer the Quest Pro over all of the other headsets. I prefer even my quest 2 over the Link and G2 because of other factors. But I appreciate that you are not on the hype train. The quest 3 is just a small upgrade from a Quest pro and a tiny one from the Pico 4 from my opinion with the better SoC that leads to better latency and higher bitrates and better lenses and almost identical resolution and PPD.


Hello. Thanks for this test. I know Quest 2 and its settings well. I have an RTX 3080. I was already using a supersampling of 1.5 with an fov of 0.8;0 8 and with Quest 3 I use the same supersampling with an fov of 1; 1. so compared to quest 2 the game runs better on quest 3 with the same graphics settings. So it’s a nice step forward in that regard. the compression is better on this headset. I play at 36 fps on the other hand. but with quest 3 I have less drop in fps in difficult situations. and of course the pacake lentils do a wonderful job. I would also say that this is really the main improvement of the quest 3. really nice this sharpness across the entire lens. I think that even with a 4090 it is better to play at 72 fps to have less drop in fps. have you already tried in 72 Hz?


I am mostly interested in the augmented reality aspect with a simpit cockpit. Whats your opinion on that?


Glad to hear that the G2 holds up to even newly released VR goggles.


Its maybe good for beat saber and arcade games, but for DCS? No, thanks . Totally not the way to upgrade from G2. Everything in G2 is better than Quest 3, expect Lenses. Q3 Lenses are awesome but the rest is just terrible. Terrible comfort, terrible audio, that ridiculous necessity to charge headset, EVEN with a TYPE-c connected. Terrible 72hz which gives me headache (i dont know how ppl play 72hz after they taste 90). That redicullous necessity to attach all of those unoriginal tuning and mods, wrapped up with cables, headhpones and powerbanks. And even if you deal with all of that - you stilll get compressed video signal, with fake darks and washed colors. I wish we get G2 kind of headset but with pancake lenses, one day. Untill that i stay with G2.


Very strange. I haven't seen screen door effect in anything i've tried yet and I was specifically looking for it. With Virtual Desktop and a 4080 I didn't think the compression is that bad either, especially with the new AV1 codec. Not saying the Quest 3 is perfect though, its still ridiculously uncomfortable with the stock strap and face plate.


For anyone out there the headset is alot better then some people is making out to be. Remember this, if you dont like the headset you can return it within 30 days to either meta or amazon which means there is no loss in this sucking. And im not understanding why people are crapping on the blacks on the quest 3 the quest 2 understandable it look like greys but on the quest 3 they look by far better. My predator asus $800 always had great visuals this headset officially is replacing my monitor. The colors is better the blacks looks better then my 4k monitor i wont milk anything the headstrap sucks in many ways. Bobovr is releasing the quest 3 strap soon which will fixed that problem. I dont have any negatives tracking is amazing (be warned pcvr vs standalone. The tracking is several times better on standalone because they have not pushed any update for steamvr for the quest 3 tracking in almost pitch black could be better( im a dork i like almost pitch black in standalone mode im able to do almost pitch black on the quest 2 i couldnt do this my room had to be lit) im nit nit picky but besides this which most people has lights on unlike me. The headset is well worth it and again if you dont think so just return it theres no return fee you basically have yourself a free trial test it do whatever you want with it if you dont like how it looks return it. Idk why people are scared to buy something your guaranteed to get your money back


Would be really interested how IL2 handles the Q3, especially how contact visibility works out when compared to other headsets.


I 'absolutely' can 'afford' a 4090, 'absolutely' no problem...that doesn't mean I don't 'absolutely' have much better things to spend my cash on than playing games...😂🙄 Absolutely...


Terrible statement - "you need a 4090 to get close to a Reverb G2 with a 3080". I have a 3080 and I have a Reverb G2, Quest 1/2 and 3. The Quest 3 destroys the Reverb G2 on my 3080.


I really appreciate the review however I’ve looked at other sim user reviews and they haven’t mentioned screen door affect. All say no screen door affect is visible and one particular review compared it to the g2 and was impressed with it being clearer and sharper and said it was an upgrade From the g2.


You should have been using VD godlike with AV1 at 200 Mbps + OXRTK, it is much better than link and even performance is better. Meta needs to work on their link, because since this summer VD is pretty much the must have unless you play Beat Saber on PC where controllers movement prediction is a must. Would be interesting how this compares to Pico 4 with VD via Ethernet cable at 400 Mbps h264+


The frame drops have their origin in the map you are using. If I'm not mistaken, this is South Atlantic. It's buggy, ever after the last overhaul. There in VR I have stable 70-80 frames with my settings that drop to 40 or less sometimes. Other maps are waaaay more stable.


I’ve come to a conclusion that fluctuation in frame rates and frame times are absolutely normal in DCS no matter what kind of hardware. The only stable fps is locking the fps.


You do not need a 4090... I have a 4070ti and run those settings amazingly


My Question is: Do we realy need this super resolutions, like in aero or others, to be satysfied from sim flying? Do we need this 1.5 SSampling? I dont think so... For this price, quality is good enough and my verdict is: I was satisfied with Quest 2 and with Quest 3 I will be super satisfied cause of biger resolution and fov ;) And Why? Because after few minutes of flying You use to resolution and focus at tasks, battles etc. Setup of Quests is like plug and play. So I decided to buy Q3. Anyone want my old Q2? hehe


Is it true that the link cable doesn’t use AV1 compression? Once they fix that I wonder how much better it might look…


This needs some work to get right. We will be using Oculus Debug Tool (ODT) for all of it.
1) VD looks better than stock settings but it's limited by it's bitrate and for the ultimate quality and performance it is no good. We will be using AirLink not wired Link but Airlink as it is using a better codec. Also avoid SteamVR we need Oculus runtime for the best results.
2) in ODT set FOV-Tangent multiplier to avoid rendering things you don't see. I use 0.7 and 0.7 which means 51% less pixels to render which is the difference between 72 and 120hz for my 4070ti in ACC although I recommend using 80hz for quality reasons anyway. The process here as follows: reduce FOV-Tangent multiplier until you see black bars then back off a bit. Some ppl report 0.8 other 0.6 it depends on your face shape I guess. Also horizontal and vertical may be different too. This needs to be set before connecting to AirLink.
3) Setting the right resolution. You always want to run close to Native Headset resolution with no SS in the Oculus home settings. You don't want to stream high res over limited bitrate it will not give you a better picture. You want to turn on SS in the game instead so that your game runs internally with the SS like 1.5 - 1.8 but you want to encode that to close to native res with the highest bitrate possible. This alone will double the pic quality. For example ACC has "VR Pixel Density" AMS2 has "Super Sampling" use those and not oculus home SS, which is there only as a backup plan for the games that have very bad VR implementation with no SS available and considered the worst case scenario.
4) Find you optimum bitrate. The process here as follows. Set your bitrate to fixed in Rift settings. in ODT start with 400 and see if your wifi can handle it if any frames drop go lower. Find the spot you have close to no frames dropped and switch to dynamic with the same bitrate. That will give you the best quality and absolutely lag free experience. If you set dynamic with no testing it will be reduced to a very low bitrate all the time and the quality will suffer massively. If you keep fixed on high bitrate any network hiccup can spiral in laggy unrecoverable mess. Get it right it may take a few tries.
5) Make sure Link Sharpness is set to Quality in ODT tune down in-game sharpness to avoid over processed image look.
If everything done right you may expect 30-40% better performance with double the quality compared to defaults with Oculus home res set to 1.5.


so far quest 3 is a decent/good upgrade over quest 2.the only thing id wish was that image quality was better at distance
