How to Terraform Mars

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Mars can be terraformed into an Earth-like paradise. By reestablishing a magnetic field to protect Mars, thickening the atmosphere, removing perchlorates from the soil, creating an ozone layer, and adjusting the atmosphere, we can terraform the red planet into a habitable paradise. A terraformed Mars would still be very different from Earth. The days and years would be longer, the gravity would be lower, and the climate would be much different. While terraforming Mars is possible, it would likely take hundreds or even thousands of years and would require technology and megaprojects beyond humanity’s current capabilities.

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Google Earth
NASA Goddard
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Why is it taking so long to teraform Mars, there’s literally tutorials like this everywhere. 😂😂


(Has to slightly mess up the planet to save the planet)
Humans: “it’s like I was made for this”


If we can transform Mars into Earth, then we can make Earth to be back like Earth. -- Neil Degrasse Tyson


Any technology we develop to make Mars habitable will help to solve climatic change here on Earth one way or another ...


So creating greenhouse gases to SAVE a planet....humans were built for this😂😂


i like that you present this subject in a more realistic way


I watch these videos and imagine a majestic planet filled with tons of wild life, and then i hear "it will likely take thousands of years to do this" and then snap back to the reality that i will never live to ever see it.😔


I’m glad that you mentioned the 1, 000, 000+ year timeline for a breathable atmosphere to be established on Mars. That is often not understood in discussions on YouTube. I’ve looked at a NASA article about getting enough greenhouse gases on Mars using a large number of factories which would put those gases into the atmosphere. Such a program could raise the air pressure and temperature on Mars to acceptable levels for humans but it would take probably over a 1000 years. And even then, as you said, the atmosphere would not be breathable. There are no quick fixes to turn Mars into another earth.


Sweet new video. I for one am optimistic for Lord Elon Musk's Martian Empire.


The key words he said at the end speaks value. “ Just Protect Earth". Great video!


Humans: *How to survive on Mars*
Le Mars: *How to survive Humans*


plot twist: He's actually Elon Musk with a voice changer


If it ever gets to that stage of deciding which strategy to use to alter Mars's climate, do them all at once


Definitely seed plants on mars! Just don't release cockroaches by accident..


Human searches- How to survive in Mars
Meanwhile mars- How to survive human.


It might be easier to do some light terraforming then gene edit ourselves to match the enviroment


Wow if we lived on Mars we might have to wear masks
outside, imagine that!


That last statement is what kinda grinds my gears "However right now we should just focus on protecting Earth."

The problem with that is that we have 7 billion people on Earth. We have PLENTY of people to spare who want to focus on terraforming and colonizing Mars and if they want to, they should be allowed to rather than be forced for protect Earth, especially since their efforts would as a byproduct likely do more to protect Earth than the rest of the planet's population focusing on Earth combined. If you're Earthbound, and you're shooting for the stars, and you only get to the Moon, you're still far better off than you were to begin with. That same philosophy applies to protecting Earth. Let's go to Mars, let's learn how to Terraform it, because that knowledge can be applied to protecting Earth too and it'll be easier and cheaper to do on Earth.


This is the best HOW TO video on terraforming mars I have seen ... ever. I would add that you want water ice asteroids, not ammonia based bodies, though nitrogen is needed too but the hydrogen is not. Crash a series of very large asteroid from the belt into the dark side of mars using nuclear engines that run on the asteroids own water resources and you can nudge one out of its normal orbit and use it to hit mars repeatably over the next 25 years or so. Not large enough to destroy mars just nudge it closer to the sun, give it more gravity, more atmospheric pressure, water vapor and water resources to make oxygen and gain more sunlight heat to help the process.
There is a danger of moving Mars closer to earth, however and that has to do with its affect on earths orbit. Do this one major thing and the rest will fall into place.
Make O'neill cylinders to house prospective colonists in orbiting ships with giant electromagnet coils wrapped around them to ward off solar ionizing radiation and wind. I also like the lagrange point magnet as well and that might be another good location for an O'neill Cylinder. The O'neill Cylinder might be a mile long and a thousand feet in diameter or perhaps only 500 by 2, 000 feet, but a nuclear powerplant on it could generate a very strong field. This would also provide livable space for future farmers and ranchers


One day this video will randomly pop up in the recommended feed for future humans... just to give them a laugh.
