Treating Betta Fin Rot: Aquarium Salt & Stress Coat

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This is what worked for my case of fin rot, please note that what works for some cases may not work for others depending on the severity of the fin rot, as well as water conditions, tank size, etc. From what I've researched, treating this disease is a trial and error method.
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out of all the videos i've seen, this one is by far the most helpful and is so underrated! good tips and i'll try this when i do my next water change! (in two days)


I’ve been using the aquarium salt for about 2 weeks now and I’m seeing tissue growth. Thanks!


And make sure the water is warm! Betas are tropical fish, and if they don’t have a heater it can really stress them out. This was the main cause of my betas sickness. Nice video!


My Betta (Mercury) is going through some bad fin rot at the moment and I keep seeing different ways people think work and it’s getting a little confusing, but your video go to the point and I’ll try this and see what happens. I think he’s on the same level of severity as your fish and in the same tank too


It's so hard for me to tell if my Betta's fins are growing back because he is a cellophane betta and his fins are already clear XD This was a really helpful video


Nice aquarium! And thanks for helping me out with my bettas fin rot, he’s doing great now, his beautiful fins are even longer than before, I can’t thank you enough 😊


Thank you for the info! You're saving fish all over the world! 😀


I have a Halfmoon betta, and recently his fins have been looking torn, so I tried your method, a 50% water change, then dissolve some aquarium salt into water and add it. I hope this helps him, thank you for this video!


Thank you so much! This was the most informative video I’ve found so far, it confirmed all my research. You’re so underrated, you definitely deserve more attention💕


In addition, I would also try to remove the sharper decorations like your plastic plants and the sharp edged rock which can tear and cause damage to the fins. If using plastic plants, try to use the very soft smooth edged ones or use live plants, which are the best! Hope this is of some help also! :)


I just uploaded a video showing my Betta's full recovery from fin rot if anyone would like to see how the fins look when they've grown back!


saying fin rot can start off with the tips of fins looking tattered isn’t always the case! that can be new fin growth starting too! a lot of people get that confused with fin rot.


A good adjustable heater that never lets the water cool down and indian almond leaves did a great job in curing my male betta in about a week. He almost died to a short temperature fluctuation due to an underpowered heater in a 10g tank. Indian almond leaves are natural antibacterials that don't have any lasting negative effects on the fish's immune system. Yeah they tint the water over time a bit but bettas just love them.


API Melafix also works well, Ive used it for my angelfish and it cured it in three days. Aquarium salt is also a great choice!

By the way great video, keep it up!


You should definitely keep an eye on him to see if anything in his tank is tearing his fins. Injured fins can get fin rot easier. Watch his fins when he swims around where does he go a lot? My betta swam near the water intake part of my filter a lot and his fins were drawn to it, it turned out that the strength of the intake was stronger than his fins so parts of the fins broke off when he swam to close to it. I just put a filter sponge over the intake, it seems to be working. I also read that fake plants and rocks can have edges that are sharp enough to tear fins. To test this I read that you take some silk stockings and rubbing them along the decorations and if they tear than they are too sharp and probably hurting your betta. Silk fake plants are a safer bet for a betta and I read that you can rub smooth jagged edges of fake rocks. Check all these things carefully.


Betta Fix is more a vitamin than a medicine( it’s preventative). Good job with the aquarium salt. API also carries Fin & Body cure...General Cure.... these treat bacterial and fungal infections, from fin rot to parasites. I’ve learn to treat fish when I bring them home from the pet shop. Ich-X is another product I use.


I recently bought a male crown tail off petsmart. I put him in with my halfmoon double tail in my 6.5 gallon tank with a divider. What I didn’t notice though was the fin rot since he’s a really dark shade of red and purple-ish. but a couple of days go by and as I’m doing a water change I noticed how weird his fin was. Turns out I bought a fish with fin rot, now I’m scared he will contaminate my other fish. I’m buying an hospital tank as soon as I round up the money. Your video really was helpful, thank you.


I’m a little confused because I believe my Betta has fin rot — although, his tank is clean, filtered, heated, and I do 25-30% water changes weekly. Oh, and the tank is 5 1/2 gallons. He seems healthy besides fin rot, eats well but I don’t think I’m over feeding him..? But I’m going to treat him now for fin rot and hopefully he gets better ❤️💖 thanks so much for the video!


I was impressed with this video presentation and the information that was given. Thank you, Amanda Lauf.


Do you put the salt in every day within those 10 days? And also this helped me a lot thank you so much!!. Also do I change the water every day???
