What Foreigners in Germany Miss Most About Their Home | Easy German 546

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This is once again an episode that we filmed at one of our meetups in Berlin. We met many of our viewers there, most of whom live in Germany. We wanted to know from them: What do you miss about your home country? The answers we get are about food, weather, humour and more.

Diese Episode haben wir mal wieder auf einem unserer Meetups in Berlin gedreht. Dort haben wir viele unserer Zuschauer getroffen, von denen die meisten in Deutschland leben. Wir wollten von ihnen wissen: Was vermisst du an deiner Heimat? Es geht um Essen, Wetter, Humor und mehr.
Easy Languages is a video and podcast series that showcases language as spoken in the streets and among friends. Our goal is to help you learn languages in a fun and authentic way. We are based in Berlin, Germany, but operate with a global network of producers. Learn more about us and check out our other channels:
Hosts of this episode: Janusz Hamerski/Carina Schmid
Camera & Edit: Rawad Sabbagh
Translation: Ben Eve
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"Ich vermisse mein Auto" - That's the most American thing you could say, lmao!
I feel the Japanese guy, who misses konbini and proper public transport.


Ich vermisse das Gefühl, dass ich dazu gehöre. Ich brauche warme Menschen um mich herum und bedeutsame Freundschaft.


When I lived in Germany, and coming from a Latin country, I also missed many things like those said here, like being more spontaneous, friendliness and intensity. Now that I am back in my country, though, there are several things I miss about Germany that maybe the interviewees shouldn't take for granted: safety, respect, speaking sincerely to your face (much better than being fake-nice and then talking bad behind your back), minding one's business, friendships that are harder to make but which in turn are long-lasting, oh, and yes, believe me if you can, the cool (but not grey!) weather (speaking from an unbearable 40 degrees right now)! And summer is absolutely glorious in Germany too. Last but not least, I really miss Hanuta..lol! Much love to schönes Bonn, ich vermisse es


After living many years here, in Germany, a depression has hit hard now. I miss happy people... smiles and spontaneity.


As half german/ half indonesian who was born and raised in germany. I can say that in germany I miss the happiness and friendliness of the people in indonesia. The indonesians have not so much money like the germans, but they are more satisfied with their life.
In germany every focus is on work and money. I used to be a really open person, but most of the germans are cold and private. Of course not everyone, but the majority of the people.


The lady from Ukraine broke my heart. I can't imagine having to leave by force and having to leave without my dog, I can't imagine the emptiness in her heart. A hug for her and her dogs.🩵


Danke für die Grammatikkorrekturen in Klammern. Es zeigt, dass wir unvollkommen Deutsch sprechen und dennoch verstanden werden können


"I miss happy people"

In meiner Ausbildung lerne ich einen Mitschüler aus Guinea kennen er sagte, dass es uns hier so gut geht, alle sind sicher, man findet Arbeit und wird relativ gut entlohnt, trotzdem hatte er noch nie so schlecht gelaunte Menschen durch die Straßen laufen sehen.

Wieso sind Menschen in armen Ländern glücklicher als wir hier?


People touching and hugging and kissing! When living in Germany and Austria that was what I most missed! I could adapt to everything else, but not “properly” greeting people was the hardest for me. In Austria my Austrian friends understood that and they started hugging me and kissing me, they were very receptive but Germans acted as if I had lepracy when I would forget and accidentally try to kiss them on the cheek.
Also not smiling at people you pass by is hard for me! Again different in Austria. I still remember an elderly Austrian gentleman greeting me and he made my day!!! Love being randomly smiled at and greeted by random strangers!


Sehr interessante Antworten.
Gerne noch mehr solche Videos!
Ich komme aus Deutschland, und ich hätte nicht gedacht, was man alles vermissen kann. 😊


Ich bin austauschstudent aus Japan. Ich studiere in Marburg gerade. Das video ist sehr interessant.
Also ich denke, Japan Zugsystem pünktlicher als Deutschland. Ich habe gucken EASY GERMAN jeden Tag gelernt. Danke für EASY GERMAN!!


Die ukranische Dame dass ihre Hunde vermisst, wie traurig es sein muss, kann ich mir nur vorschlagen. Ich wünschte sie kann ihren lieben Hunden bald wieder treffen! ❤


Ich bin ecuadorianische, so ich habe die gleiche Meinung von der Frau, die in diesem Video Ecuador dargestellt hat, unsere Kultur und Biodiversität sind wirklich sehr wunderbar. So wenn ich nach Deutschland kommen natürlich ich werde diese Charakteristiken vermissen. Sehr gutes Video wie immer !!!! Dankeschön.


5:30 Er vermisst, dass man Lärm um jede Uhrzeit machen kann. Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich in DE in Ruhe schlafen kann 🤣


It's very interesting how each of these people keep their accents to some extent. The Italian girl clearly had the Italian language "rhythm" as well as the Japanese guy with those soft and short Japanese sounds.


glückliche, freundliche und offene Leute, Kultur, Mentalität und Gesellschaft, was mir in DE immer fehlen! Ich sehe sie als Freunde, aber sie mich als Fremde, dann habe ich meine Tür wieder zugemacht und nie wieder aufmachen, weil es sich nie lohnt! 😂


I had to go to Germany on placement as part of my uni course. I missed myself the most. To fit in I had to become like the other people. I felt like a rotten impostor and it was exhausting.


It would be nice to discover also what the German miss when living abroad.


Ich vermisse am meisten Bosporus in Istanbul, mit einem Schiff zwischen Kontinenten zu fahren, den Möwen "simit", also was zu essen zu werfen. Und auch unsere Tee Kultur ist ganz besonders, Tee ist für uns etwas, das die Leute zusammenbringt, und weil es in einer grossen Teekanne vorbereitet und in kleinen Tassen serviert wird, dauert das Gesprach langer und das macht spass.


I think those two wonderful people achieve more than multiple government agencies combined. This is so important for people to be received, understood and feel a part of society. This kinds of meetups not only improve peoples ability to communicate but also integrate people into society.
The guy who said he was lonely, imagine this feeling multiplied by tens of thousands of immigrants.
Its easy to imagine why and how some immigrants find themselves in "bad" company, because at least it(the environment) "gets them"

Amazing video, thank you very much to everyone who shared their feelings and longings )

And its a cliche but although everyone is a snowflake we all like the same things, friends, people
