What Factors Affect a 50/50 Property Division Split in Divorce?

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Is there always an even 50/50 split of property in divorce?🏠 In this video, Attorneys Keenan and Eagon list factors that CAN and WILL affect property division in divorce.

▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

0:00 - Factors that Change a 50/50 Property Division
0:45 - What is Marital Waste?
1:37 - Benefits of Community Property State

Wisconsin is considered a 50/50 state. This means all marital property and assets will be divided 50/50 in the event of a divorce, legal separation, or annulment.

However, as Attorneys Keenan and Eagon discuss, this is not always the case in court. The factors that are most likely to affect the equal distribution of property and assets include:

- The length of the marriage
- The property each spouse brought into the marriage
- Age of and physical and emotional health of the spouses
- Each spouse's contributions to the marriage
- Substantial assets not subject to division by the court (e.g., substantial separate property, such as a large inheritance)
- Each spouse's earning capacity (the ability to earn income based on education, skills, job history, and local employment opportunities)


Dividing Property and Assets in 50/50 State
Selling the Home During Divorce
Finding Hidden Assets in Divorce
Who Gets the Engagement and/or Wedding Ring in a Divorce?

More on Property Division in Wisconsin: 📖

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i have spent nearly 18 years with my husband who controls all the money. He lives in a house 100% paid in full, while i live in the marital home. I was a stay at home mom/wife. He makes 6 figures.... the judge ordered the marital home be sold with no order of the house he lives in that is both marital property. I have health issues and not doing well and can't find any help at all. I need help. I'm getting beat up in court. i can't afford an attorney and am pro se' while he can afford any attorney. there is nothing "fair and equitable" about our divorce and it is all benefiting him. my physical and mental health is suffering badly.


What happens let’s say that if you have already bought a house and everything else and you get to married. So your partner hasn’t contributed to the houses, cars, savings and everything else and you decide to divorce? I’m asking because thinking of getting engaged and then marry but only god knows of the future. So I don’t want in an unfortunate situation in the future to lose half of all of my assets.


Question: if the guy spends money in a way that's deemed marital waste, how about the wife buying lots of expensive cosmetics/clothing/LV bags???? Or, what if the guy works extra hard to make way more money than say when they married? Is the policy looking out for the guys who are not only providing for the whole family but also helping the society prosper (via his job or taxes).
