Vitamin E for skin??

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I had gotten stitches on my face near the bridge of my nose a few years ago, the doctor recommended me buy vitamin E gel pills from over the counter, cut it open and apply over it. Fast forward today, you can’t tell I have a scar until you’re staring at my face up close. Thanks for the advise doc!


“Get a serum”
Serum: **4 month’s salary**


Vitamin e oil works. A few people mentioned on a different video that you can see results in 1 day. I took a chance and tried it and i can say it DOES work. Overnight it smoothed out a stubborn area under my eye and it has made a big difference all over my face. I have sensitive skin so i just bought the 12, 000 IU Vitamin e oil at Wal-Mart. It was about $6. Im 38 years old and have been trying tons of eye creams and face creams and nothing has worked like this. I put about 5 drops mix it in with Vaseline (small amount) and i apply it on my face and under my eyes after cleansing. Just try it. It works!! I leave it on overnight.


He just proved why you should always get a second opinion when seeing a doctor


You don’t need to mix it with lotion. Just put it on before bed and rub it in well. When you wake up your skin won’t be sticky. Absolute miracle of skin care. Older women, all fine lines and wrinkles will leave and I mean vanish like quickly.


the capsules work great for skin, most serums have weak blends has minimal vitamins.


This doctor knows nothing. My friends and I were doing this back in the day when we were teenagers and it works, in fact I still do it now and my skin looks great. Don’t knock something until you try it.


Are you kidding me doc? I have used vitamin e capsules and cream on my skin forever! I saw a friend I haven't seen in 22 years and he said I haven't changed at ALL in that time, and I give credit to genetics and vitamin e! I have sensitive skin, and I have never had a problem with it! Everyone is different, but I LOVE it!


I used this during my teen years and it really works!!! Great reminder to do this again since am in my 50s now and want to fight wrinkles😊


Dermatologists take your money that's about it. You are better off with most home remedies they work better! What dermatologists always seem to miss is you have to treat most skin problems from the inside out!


I used Vitamin E on my skin for years as a moisturizer. Never got sunburned or lines and wrinkles. As soon as I stopped ( because there was a shortage of medicine to our island), I got melasma, now I have lines and wrinkles. And i have not restarted the Vitamin e because I'm treating my skin with hydroquinone and other products, and can't use the vitamin e as I used to. Vitamin E works. I didn't mix it with moisturizer, just pop the pill and apply straight to skin overnight.


it works and it’s cheaper and yea frequently more concentrated than the oils. only thing i wouldn’t do is bite it, id puncture it with a clean needle or give it a little snip with clean scissors instead.


The doctor didn't know this I just started this from Africa my face is full of psoriasis it all vanished it works wonders for me my face is so flawless 😍


Its true. At first I was skeptical about consume it and apply on my face and guess what? It work like wonder

After microneedling + hyalo acid + sheet & vitamin E work was game changer


No hay duda de que la vitamina E es excelente para la piel. Lo que sí hay que tomar en cuenta es que la vitamina E que se consume vía oral no es la misma que se aplica directamente en la piel. Es solo eso.


I started using pure vitamin e oil. On the face i mix 1 or 2 drops with my moisturizer. For my body i mix it with baby oil gel in the shower you dont need very much i use 1 or 2 drops per limb same for other body parts. My scars and acne have gotten so much better and my skin feels amazing!!


❤ doc sorry but i use this like forever since a pharmacist advised me to use it for dark marks caused by pimples and it worked .


this works, direct vit e. literally liftimg my indented scars. im glad


He don’t like, bad business for him. 😂😂😂😂


*She is 100% correct. I'm surprised the "doctor" doesn't know that vitamin E can be applied directly to the skin. Quack and embarrassment to the medical profession*
