What is Lewis's Trilemma? (Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?)

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A video briefly examining the argument from C.S. Lewis called Lewis's Trilemma, the Liar, Lunatic, or Lord, Argument, the Mad, Bad or God argument, the conman, madman, or God argument, or the charlatan, madman or God argument. This video introduces two forms of the argument and previews the objections we will make to both versions in the argument in the coming series.
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Information for this video gathered from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Collier-MacMillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the Dictionary of Continental Philosophy, and more!
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Information for this video gathered from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Collier-MacMillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the Dictionary of Continental Philosophy, and more!
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