A Path to High Quality Respiratory Care for Canadians Living with Asthma

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More than 150 certified respiratory educators, respirologists, allergists, general practitioners/family physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and respiratory therapists from across the country participated in the first Canadian stakeholder consensus to lay out a path for high-quality respiratory care for Canadians.

With health systems across the country experiencing challenges, Canadians are struggling to access respiratory care, impacting their ability to control their symptoms, adding more pressure on an already strained acute care system. The cost of asthma to the Canadian economy is expected to climb to $4.2 billion annually by 2030.

Recommendations from the study present policy makers with a road map and best practices to improve the quality of care, resulting in improved outcomes, quality of life and patient experience for Canadians living with severe asthma and their caregivers.

Concerted action from policy makers and health system leaders will ensure all Canadians living with asthma have access to the quality and timely care they need.

Dr. Christopher Licskai, Respirologist, Professor of Medicine, Professor of Health System Innovation, and Clinician Scientist Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine
Dr. Samir Gupta, Respirologist and Clinician-Scientist, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital
Dr. Mohit Bhutani, Professor of Medicine, University of Alberta and
Ian Fearon, Patient Representative
Jeff Beach, President and CEO, Asthma Canada
Moderated by:
Carly Weeks, Health Reporter, The Globe and Mail

#asthma #healthcare #asthmamanagement #healthcanada
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