With One Another - Acts 2:40-47 - Skip Heitzig

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Every week, sixty U.S. churches close their doors. The church should never need a reason to gather other than Jesus Himself, and it's at church where we learn how to be a vibrant and effective body of believers. As we study the early church in the book of Acts, we discover that as believers, we can't survive or thrive without fellowship.

This teaching is from our series Where Lives Are Changed with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque.
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(6) With the help of Jesus, I have come so far from the child of fear and trepidation. The murderers, alcoholics, addicts, the homeless and burglars can find a family and a home within the church body, but the deeply hurt, molested, mentally unstable and molesters cannot. Until the church influenced by mainstream society and culture becomes a safe haven for all, some will not be able to fit in and feel the necessity to leave—I'm on my third church body.


What a powerful sermon on the birth of the church. I was truly blessed, may our good Lord continue to bless and order your steps.


Shalom Shalom +
Praise God+
Joe Abrams
Bangkok, Thailand.


Thankyou !! I needed to hear this sermon ❤️ i have been use to being on my own since i was young and you took the words right out of my mouth! I have been wrestling with God about letting people in and i know i need a church home to also help me be wiser and grown beyond what i think. You don’t have to go to church to be a christian but christians go to church ❤️ Praise Jesus 🙌🏽


Thank you Pastor, Child of Most high YHWH GOD


Amen praise you Jesus thank you for loving and saving us thank you pastor skip watching from Dammam 072021 thank you for teaching us


(3) Some are luckier than others: I eventually realized how Christ Jesus protected me as a child from my father (the one with the small "f"). If He had not, I would have killed myself... I would not have been able to cope with what my father was and had been doing to my brother and me. So, Jesus incredible protection is a part of my testimony—how could I not share what he has done for me!


This is really insightful. I am enlightened.


There is a huge disconnect with people today…no on😢e visits each other at their homes or helps one another…believers don’t use their gifts if they are just listening to a one man sermon… believers don’t even invite others to do anything anymore!!! I’m speaking from experience..I’ve attended many churches in different towns for over 65 years…


There is something great to be said about the "up close and personal touch!" when we gather as a body. Bible Study last night, and every Wed. feeds me. We're listening, learning, AND agreeing, uplifting and loving on one another. There are those who cannot physically get out and GOD provides. For those who can come into the house of The LORD, We're fortunate and Blessed!! I have a long commute, but when you have a yearning to be in fellowship with those you feel connected to, nothing can get in the way. This message was so encouraging!!!


Thank you for your works spoken this evening for remembering we need to come together and fellowship, help each other to spiritually grow and have a better understanding to know the full truth! God bless you and keep persevering to your goal . Amen.


ACTS 2:44 "All those who believed were TOGETHER and shared ALL THINGS in common" : ​@


(1) Each Sunday morning, I prefer to go to church to recharge my spiritual batteries. There is always something new to learn and to apply to my life. We sing to and praise the Lord almighty. I look forward to seeing my friends and family. Fully charged, I am ready to go back to work and be an example to others, to look for cracks in the doorway to minister and give God the Father the glory He deserves. My spiritual family is important to me; we lift each other up, and we carry one another.


Thanks pastor message worth listening God bless 🙏🙏🙏


Every time I get into a church, I see unfair treatment, I meet hypocrites, I have to take sides as there is so much politics….I am a devoted Christian, but to tell the truth I am a little bit scared to get deeply involved in church activities, i am afraid of the “intimacy” as for sure I know I will see ungodly things and I cannot change it and most likely will feel hurt. My faith is strong enough so I am not leaving church as my savior is God. But I have an issue to get “I intimate”. Actually church members are like my siblings (and I think God’s definition is very accurate), we may not like each other, may not talk to each other but we support each other


(4) Now that I have gladly shared my testimony, a certain distancing begins as mistrust and misunderstandings circulate about the church body until I am in isolation, again. I pray for understanding but the body is not willing. Sure, people are friendly to my face, but we all know when it is a facade. The front door greeter is as far as I now am able to get with personal interaction. This is/was my family, and they are/were my friends. So, yes, it hurts.


(2) It pains me that some of our brothers and sisters are hurting and feel inclined to keep themselves under lock and key—to keep others at a distance. Their growth becomes stunted and they wilt. However, most will never know what it is like emotionally, psychologically and physically for a child to be raped, tortured, drugged and molested by their own father. The hurt is unfathomable and the child's brain is literally rewired so they can cope and survive the best they figure out on their own. Their everyday is filled with constant vigilance looking for dangerous situations and people to avoid in order that they may live yet one more day only to start completely over again the next. This becomes a habit that carries on and builds up well into adulthood and beyond. Practicing avoidance is in order to keep from breaking up into little pieces on the floor, getting hurt again or dying a violent, painful death.


Why do you need to be creative to get people to come to church?
It’s the Holy Spirit that leads people.


(5) Unfortunately, once I share my testimony, a variety of nerves are poked with a sharp wire and people are pained. Mainstream society generally still believes that men whom are molested become monstrous molesters themselves. People's trust of me goes out the window, and those whom are victims of molestations keep quiet for the same fear of mistrust our current culture perpetuates. Talking about our past hurts (any hurts) help us to heal and carry on. For some, anything "sexual" or criminally sexual is taboo and they avoid the topic altogether. For another group, sexual abuse is still too close to home and thus the subject is avoided. The last group are active (or have been) sexual abusers and avoid the subject at all cost to skirt away from incrimination, verbal assaults, excommunication, criminal charges or worse. So who is not avoiding something?


Not everyone is physically able to attend church. The Sick, elderly, the disabled, people who live in remote areas, how about believers in strict Muslim countries ? .... You do not have to GO to church to be saved or grow in faith and be blessed by The Lord.
There are many denominations, all claiming to worship the same God, Yet how many of them communicate with each other, very few in my experience. They all seem to claim to be the ones with THE Truth, like individual little Cults....
Jesus did not say GO to church, He said Go into all the World and preach The Gospel.
Church has become entertainment in many cases., imitating the World in order to fill the seats and to get the money in to pay huge salaries to the preacher and his staff.
