Dr Jordan Peterson discusses God’s existence, praying and faith with Piers Morgan

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Clinical psychologist and public intellectual Dr Jordan Peterson sits down with Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan to discuss the existence of God, praying and faith.

Dr Peterson told Mr Morgan he's "terrified" that there might be a God.

"It's an Old Testament saying – I believe that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom – and that's actually about as true a statement as you can manage in such a short phrase," he said.

"People have congratulated me – I was at the Buckley Institute last night – they were congratulating me on my courage.

"And I said this last night, 'it's like you guys don't understand, it has nothing to do with courage, I'm just afraid of different things than the people who lie'."
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So refreshing to see Piers so eagerly listening and not talking over someone. You could tell the man has mad respect for JP.


“I’m terrified that there might be” is a great answer. The beginning of Proverbs speaks on how fear of the Lord is the beginning of through wisdom.


I am shocked to be seeing something so good televised in my lifetime. This short clip is full of so much hope. I never, never imagined that this could happen! Truly beautiful.


I love Dr. Peterson so much. He looks healthy and in good spirits. God bless him. 🙏🏻


He's almost there. He's asking the right questions.
Jeremiah 29:13 - "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."


Jordan is like Nicodemus in the Bible. He humbly seeks earnestly and admires the truth. Yet the Gospels are not explicit whether he believed in Jesus at the end. The way he speaks echoes the Christian thought so well. He is so so close, may the Lord open his eyes to His glory.


Matthew 10:32-33, “Everyone who acknowledges Me before men, I also will acknowledge before My Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies Me before men, I also will deny before My Father who is in heaven.”


There’s nothing compares with the peace God gives. I fell away from God but I remember where my help came from. God is absolutely real to me because it’s an inner working that the world can’t give. Wishing everyone all the best on their journey.


I love Jordan talking about prayer at the end. Truly it’s a yielding of ourselves to God, to His wisdom; putting Him on the throne rather than ourselves.


''The fear of the lord is the beginning of Wisdom and the knowledge of the holy one is understanding''. Proverbs 10:27


I'm not a fan of Morgan, but this was one of his more honest and validating interviews. It seems he was genuinely inquisitive and processing answers in an educational way


I think "Yes" would be the most hopeful and profound thing Mr. Peterson could ever say. Praise the Lord!


This is how someone speaks when they are extremely close to the kingdom. Lord God guide this man to full faith in you to the point where he can define what it means to believe in you. Amen.


The answer is the Stoics. Marcus Aurelius said 'Follow virtue. If there are just gods, they will welcome you even though you did not worship them. If there are unjust gods, they are not worth your worship. If there are no gods you will die knowing that you have lived a good life that will live on in the memories of those you love.'


In 1997, while living at 5412 berks street in Philadelphia with my elder sister, one day I left the apartment on foot to a dollar store to buy two meatball platters with spaghetti that the store sold for a dollar. I went into the dollar store and made the purchase. As I was done paying for the things I bought, I headed for the exit door. On my way to the exit door, a white lady was ahead of me to the exit door who had likewise purchased some items from the store. As I headed home on foot, she was going in my direction and in front. Suddenly, she dropped a small black wallet but kept on walking not realizing the wallet was not with her. People walking on the street were coming from behind and in front of us. Having realized this, I felt that if I walked over the wallet, the next person behind or in front coming my way that happens to see the wallet, could pick it up and decide not to return it to the rightful owner. Furthermore, I thought that if she got home and realized the wallet was not with her, she would be distraught depending on the content of the wallet. So I picked up the wallet and ran after her, yelling mam, mam. She turned around and I handed the wallet to her saying, “Mam you dropped this”. After collecting the wallet from me, she asked me a question by saying, “Who taught you how to do this? I said to her “JESUS CHRIST”. Then she said, “Thank you”, turned around, and went her way. As soon as she turned around and kept walking, a strong wind like a tornado came down from heaven and encircled me where I stood, and while in the midst of the whirlwind, it felt like someone was giving me the hug of a lifetime with tremendous peace. The peace was indescribable. Words would do it no justice. The wind was not destructive in nature but strong and gentle. People walking by did not realize what was happening because it was spiritual and only visible to me that day. Enveloped by the whirlwind, I felt like staying there forever because it felt glorious, so peaceful and full of such love indescribable that it was mind blowing as it happened. Next, the glorious Father from the excellent glory spoke out of the whirlwind with these words, “I AM WELL PLEASED BECAUSE YOU GLORIFIED MY SON JESUS CHRIST”. As soon as God the Father spoke out of the whirlwind these words, He instantly filled my heart with indescribable joy. The whirlwind remained with me for about 16 to 17 seconds after I heard those words with the arms of the Father in the whirlwind wrapped around me and then gently it dissipated from the scene and went up to heaven. This happened in broad daylight between the hours of 10 a.m. and 11a.m near city line avenue in Philadelphia. After this supernatural experience, I have never doubted the reality of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost as clearly presented in the Holy Scriptures.


Listening to Jordan speaking the words of wisdom about the most important subjects that have and will forever be talked about is truly a blessing to listen to. Thank you dr Jordan Peterson


Jordan Peterson is a truth-seeker. So refreshing to see this. God bless all Truth-seekers !


Best interview by Piers. He asks a question and waits for the full reply. Allows the speaker to express himself.
Interesting answers by JP. Very intelligent and genuine man, coming to grips with the big questions in life.


I can see in Piers’ face how much he enjoys talking to Jordan ❤ I love their interviews


By him not answering whether he believes in God or not he is basically saying, Anyone can say they believe but do they actually live like they believe in and fear God? So in his view its pointless to just ask if someone believes in God, cuz they might say yes, but live their daily lives doing things that are a sign of a rejection of God. Which means anyone can say they do but their hearts are far from him Mathew 15:8
So he is more focused on actually living in accordance to fearing God than simply answering the question.. Which that in itself answers the question
