Saving Fish From Abandoned Pet Store!

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In today's video, my friend and I found an abandoned pet store in Miami Florida! There was tons of rundown ponds filled with koi, goldfish, and other exotic fish! And inside the abandoned building was several fish tanks filled with pladys, angel fish, tetras, and goldfish. So I decided to buy them all and save them!


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Rats everywhere ✅
Had to net the fish myself ✅
Had to pay $5 for swordtails ✅


You should report them to the humane society because a lot of the animals and fish are living in miserable conditions. They should not be allowed to neglect those poor fish and animals.


The debarked dog broke my heart. Seriously. The fish and the emu and the-- all the animals there, that is incredibly and terribly sad.


This store could be one of the coolest pet shops but the neglect is insane.


Their excitement for fish is heart warming and I hope these animals/fish are ok :(


I live in Australia and its so sad seeing an emu locked in such a small enclosure where in the outback they have large wide open spaces to roam.


I agree with all the comments. This guy is cruelly keeping these animals & needs educating/fining. Rescuing fish that have no filtration or oxygen in Florida’s heat should be something for the authorities.


Pet shop like this often have the BEST and most beautiful pets…just wish they were better taken care of because this really could be the most amazing pet shop ever


I'm glad you managed to rescue and save some of the fish and that you might return but DEFINITELY report this place to the authorities or call in about it at least. This place is obviously a bit inhumane and some of the environments and tanks, and the ways the fish themselves were kept was not okay. I'm a local in florida and sadly this happens more often than one would expect, I've seen alot of places like these tucked away, hidden in corners. All these fish deserve much more of a better life.


That bunny is definitely a pet one, I fear for its safety running around in the open like that 😢


Shame on the owners to neglect all these animals. Pretty sad. 😓🤤🤢
Thank you for saving some of them 💖


after looking up more information to this topic i have to say, that the only animal that was handled unfairly was the emu. Cause those animals need a lot of space. As it turned out, sworttails and Plattys don't need filtration only waterchange and prefer muddy water cause they life in still ponds. Same for the anglefish. The male beta was in fact a expensive crown tail. because their Fins are extremely sensitive and rip easily it is not recommend to put decoration in it to prevent fungi infection. You can even see that he build a bubble nest if a female arrives. (sadly they sometimes kill females by stressing them out or to kick them out auf their territory) Meaning that he is chill and sees this as his home to have babies in it. They only do that if they like that place and you can't force that behavior. Also the ponds are really well kept and goldfishes are from the same groupe as carps. So they also don't need filtration and like muddy water the best. So my fazit is: They don't care if it is human appealing. Nearly everything is animal appealing (except that emu... He needs waaaay more space) and there were a lot of expensive rare breeds. Especially the Kois! Holy! My guess is, that they do their sellings online and actually sell for a descent price. The only thing that really bottered me was, that the dog was debarked. Those Watchdogs are being placed like those goose to alert, when someone is on the property were the rare fishes are. So why was he debarked?


The big white koi was absolutely gorgeous


The sad reality is that when you buy fish from conditions like this, you’re not saving them. You’re just buying them, and they will be replaced quickly by more fish that will live in equally deplorable conditions.


That poor pup needs a vet, and all those fish/animals need better homes. This place is obv not taken care of or it wouldn't look so abandoned 👍🏻


I have to wonder if that dog had its “bark removed”? Such a sad thing! I am so glad you saved what you could and please go back and save what you animals need to be saved by someone. ❤️🙏🏼


To all the people who say "they're just fish". Fish can form bonds with their owners. Fish can have different personalities.


That Butterfly Koi was freaking beautiful. As far as the ponds conditions go. As long as there's ample oxygen in the water the Koi and Goldfish will be fine seeing as they are of the carp family. Goldfish and Koi can live in some pretty nasty looking stuff. We had an old hatchery/breeder close down near where I lived YEARS ago when I was like 12, years later in my late 20's me and some friends went exploring and found a huge natural pond on the property with TONS of Koi and goldfish in it. hell even now as I'm entering into my mid 30's I bet there are still fish in that pond. The thing was like the size of a small lake.


Poor animals.. thanks for saving them, I hope all of those animals can be save too!


5:17 the catfish pulled up and was like sup boiss😂😂
