I Saved Fish From an ABANDONED House!

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In today's video, I find an abandoned house that once belonged to a fish keeper, but after they died all of their stuff was left in the house... INCLUDING THEIR FISH! So I searched the creepy house at night in search of these fish, and after finding empty fish bowls and a beta fish, I found a room FILLED with fish tanks! The fish tanks were all filled with green water and the fish were barely alive and wouldn't live much longer without my help! So I netted out all of the fish I could including cichlids, gourami, angelfish, albino plecos, goldfish, oscars, AND MORE! But things took a turn when we started hearing creepy sounds inside of the house, as we found a MONSTER arowana, gar, and ripsaw catfish living inside of the green slime water! We took back all of the crazy fish we saved and put them into my backyard ponds where they will have a second chance at life! Should we go back and see what's living in the pond?

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I can’t believe all the fish that were left in this abandoned house! Who’s excited for the part 2?


Well done saving these fish. It said he passed a few days ago but clearly looks like he was maybe in hospital or in care for a while. These fish have not been left for just a few days. Again Well done Bobby and Helen




You should definitely consider some safety glasses for fish splashes. Thank you for your hard work and compassion. Part two please. 👍


I’m sure the previous owner is thankful for you saving their fish. Great job


My heart hurts for these fish. They are so lucky that you rescued them.


My son enjoys watching your videos. His fave one is this one so far.


URGENT!!! Please save the goldfish get him his own tank and filter it, fill it with methalyne blue and apply aquarium salt feed him daily it could be a number of diseases such as ich but it is most likely a fungal infection so please save him I love goldfish!!!


You put them in pond without quarantining them, if they have any parasites or disease/infestation that may affect the whole pond.


I'm so glad you're back I wanted to message you but I'm 61 and useless with technical issues also my grandchildren will be happy as when they are with me they really love watching your channel keep well we all with you ❤️ ❤❤❤❤ Claire from England 🇬🇧


I see several comments saying please go back and save the Goldfish which made think he left the goldfish behind. I watched the entire video and he did save all the fish, including the goldfish. He didn’t leave any behind.


The guy who passed would love that you’re doing this. This is remarkable.


Okay, you have a pond for potential sick fish...yet none of the fish went in there. Then you put the sick goldfish and the other fish in Pond X, Okay Bobby either you have a lot of faith that they will get well or the worst will happen. I hope all the fish that was save grow healthy and big and thrive to have babies. Prayers to you and yours. And hurry to the pond! Can hardly wait to see what's there.


There's a spider on the ceiling and I'm naming it Dave spider Dave you better behave !😂😂😂😂 4:07


great job on saving these fish, bobby! these fish must have been suffering by this gross water! nice work.


So cool of that realitor for telling you about the abandoned fish. Still wondering why you didn't treat that big goldfish and his tank mate before putting them in pond X... Hopefully they don't infect other fish in there. Can't wait to see you clear out the pond. Keep up the great content!❤


Bobby: What was that??? Did you hear that? What was that!?
Me: You let the creature out of the pantry :)


Your best episode without a doubt. I enjoyed how funny that you and Rob were, but Helen's a real good camera person! Your enthusiasm for saving fish is the foundation of your channel.


well done saving all of these fish bobby and helen


So glad to see you do this for these fish! Not many would. Kudos!!!

I almost was like the person who died. I had 8 fish tanks, the two largest being 110 gallons each. The two biggest tanks were large Angelfish and Clown Loaches. The others were community tanks. I loved my aquariums and had all my tanks fully stocked. I took really great care of them all and worrying about them in the hospital actually worsened my condition. I finally had to make a choice of dying by going back home or taking the time it took to get friends to find possible adopters.

I suddenly got sent into the hospital back in 2016 for heart failure and was in the hospital for 3 months and a separate care facility for 2 more months. I nearly died twice in the hospital. I had paid rent for the entire time but once I left the hospital, I was required to go into a charity care facility and that was going to be for months. I was unemployed and unemployable and had no money left. Because I had previously had a large income, no charity would help me. I had no family at all and no friends willing to help me go in and care for them let alone adopt them. I finally found a person who would take the tanks and all the fish after 2 months of no care or electricity. I had to give him all my tanks and accessories to get him to take the fish as the apartment would charge me thousands if I left them. The manager said they would just drain the tanks and throw them and anything inside in the trash. Fish stores or shops or most hobbiests here won't take fish even if given.

When we went into the apartment after being gone 2 months, all the fish were amazingly still alive except some missing which I assume were cannibalized. But man, the fish poop and stale water smell was incredibly bad. And just like here, the big grass roaches were all over around the aquariums. They thrive on what the smells and stale water provide. I was so embarrassed that I had to let it get like that. But lack of any friends or family willing to help while I was in the hospital was unavoidable. And since I still had heart problems I couldn't help whoever took them with the physical moving from a third floor down the flights stairs.

Don't think too harshly of people like the one here who left these fish. Without friends or family willing to help, it's darn near impossible to even give away fish nowadays unless you find someone else with lots of room and tanks. People want empty tanks not ones with fish inside. I came close to being like the person mentioned here but I survived and kept the place paid for long enough to get an adopter. I was lucky all of mine survived in their nasty water. I no longer keep fish or aquariums as I am no longer healthy enough to keep them up. If you are a keeper of tanks of fish, or want to be, be sure you have made arrangements for someone to care for them in an emergency. If something happens to you, your pets will need another care giver.
