Tesla Offering FREE FSD for a Month!

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Even for non-Tesla owners who won't experience being behind the wheel, this is a big demonstration of Tesla's confidence in the software. "Millions of Teslas trying FSD across the country all at once during this month long promotion, and the world didn't end?" This could change minds.


Personally I would have waited till 12.5 or .6 to iron out the minor issues before giving everyone a free month. Plus the highway is still on 11.4.9. But 12.3 is just crazy good so might as well. I haven’t manually driven anywhere since I got it 5 days ago


I think obviously not a lot of people are gonna buy it because of this, it's still a stupid amount of money, but maybe they will get a lot of new subscriptions....but 200 a month is still A LOT OF MONEY.

maybe that will work in the US, but if fsd comes to Europe ( maybe end of the year) Tesla will probably have a hard time finding people willing to spend that kind of money on a subscription! sure the crazy tech people will do it, but normal people? 200 bucks a month for something that can be done for FREE ( driving somewhere) ? 98% of people will not do that. 

I mean that's why Tesla is pushing this so hard now, with the free trials ( and mandatory ones...sigh) they want people to buy into it, they spent billions of dollars on this tech and now they want to make their money back at least a little bit.


$200 per month is still a lot of money for the convenance of "not driving" a vehicle when you are still in the seat and expected to be alert. For comparison this is almost the car payment for an econobox. You are essentially paying to risk help them improve the software which will allow tesla to stop selling vehicles to consumers at all eventually. They really need to do a per mile option (ideally lower for highway driving since that is already pretty figured out and speeds are higher)


Bought my Model Y about a month ago with 3 months of FSD. I got the v12 download last night. The difference between v11 and v12 is like the difference between riding with a kid who just got their learner's permit and a kid with a year experience who's almost ready to take their driver's test. However, on the first drive, v12 tried to pass a stopped bus by crossing double yellow lines into an oncoming traffic. I would have failed its driving test right there. Hopefully, it will get better in future releases.


Only one thing to do, for people to buy FSD. Make it profile side instead of car side. Make it 20k and available to every car in your profile. Attach it to the account. That way people are also more likely to buy a tesla again that way


I went on a trip to yellowstone recently and drove back to socal all in one shot. It was like 18ish hours, including stops for food and charging. I never would've been able to complete that drive without fsd beta. It prevented so much fatigue.


'V12.3.1' is actually pretty common versioning. It goes Major.Minor.Patch. Leftmost number (Major) is indicative of major rebuilds (complete redesigns basically), the middle number (Minor) represents substantial updates/changes to that version, and the rightmost number (Patch) is minor bugfixes & patches to fix issues. I'm a software developer by day lol


Eagerly waiting to try FSD ver 12 free trial but let's say alot of people are impressed with it and would love to own it, there is still a few roadblocks. Cost of using it monthly or paying the one time fee is extremely costly and need to be reduced especially in this high interest rate environment, plus if you pay the one time fee it doesn't go towards the car value if you want to sell and isn't easily transferable expect for maybe 1 time. Once you buy FSD you should be able to transfer it to any new Tesla you buy in the future, if you're fortunate to own 2 Tesla vehicles currently and pay once for FSD then you should be able to move it back and forth between vehicles, it would be worth it in those situations. Slash the FSD price in half and more people might consider it or have more options like per mile, per hour, per day. I would gladly pay $8-10 for the day on a roadtrip, or $2 for a few hrs.


You can get FSD beyond 1 month if you buy a used Tesla. Some performance model Y used have it included at no additional cost.


I've had a loaner from tesla w/fsd enabled for about 2 weeks. And while it's fun, it's not enough of an improvement over basic "autopilot" to justify the price tag. Let alone that they won't roll it over to a new vehicle when you eventually need/want one.


If t was $100 a month or $6000 and you get to pay buy the month to own when you get to the $6000 I would bet sales would be a lot more on fsd


We have had FSD for 4 years, beta since it opened to safety scores. It drives 90% of our miles.


It’s worth it now, version 12 is better in every way. Also gives a new option for auto speed, it chooses what speed it feels is necessary (needs a little work)


I’ll be happy to get it for free. I’ve got a 1000 mile trip coming up during mid spring. And I will not hold back any criticisms.


I got 12.3 Saturday night. Sunday morning it drove me to 3 different Publix stores without any interventions. I repeat zero interventions. It was good.


Considering how terrified I was of beta 11 I would absolutely try beta 12 for free. Honestly, it might push me over the edge to buy enhanced auto pilot. If nothing else. I really miss smart summon and navigating auto pilot/auto lane change


When is FSD coming for already Tesla owners?

How do you get version 12 I just updated and only have version 11.1.


I took a contactless test drive in a model 3 yesterday and an hour later when I returned I parked right next to a black wrapped Cyber Truck. At the end I went to plug in the level 2 charger, pushed the button on the charge handle and my charge port and the Trucks charge port opened in unison. Is that normal?


Yeah I had it in a loaner, really it’s a better autopilot. Thinks a little bit more and has character instead of giving up like AP does lol. But I like added convenience of feeling like a captain and making orders to my ship pilot to change lanes supervising it while it’s doing it instead of being the one to execute the maneuver. Since it lets you tell it when it’s safe to continue by pushing pedal, that helps make the ride smoother if you’re making the executive decision since you verified all is clear, roll out lol.
Would help on long road trip even more than AP has already helped me. I definitely feel less stress and tiredness when using it on road trips. Less strain on the body which makes sense
