How to fix almost any Vizio TV Mainboard problem just using hot air! Vizio D55u-D1 TV repair.

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In this Video we have a 55 inch Vizio Smart/3D television model D55U-D1, that when powered on the little white led indicator light at the bottom left corner lites up as though the Television is coming on, however no picture or sound comes up, just a totally black screen.
In this case the problem that we are having are not the Led backlights, but the Mainboard instead. Once the mainboard is receiving the 5V standby from the Power Supply board it is ready to send the PS ON (Power Supply ON) and the BL ON (Backlight ON) voltages as soon as you hit the Power.
But instead, in this case the Mainboard only sends the PS ON voltage back to the power board and not the BL ON/OFF voltage needed to drive the Backlight circuit.
That Backlight On signal/voltage usually is produced right inside the Main Microprocessor Chip on the MainBoard. So we are going to reflow the Main micro IC on the Main board using hot air going back and forth around the IC for approx. 3-4 minutes at about 400 degrees celsius.
The obvious case is that after years of operation the IC's tend to have some bad solder connections on some of the Pins underneath the chip.


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Nice to see those that are still passionate about the craft especially when everything is either smaller or in a throw away society. Good job from a tech who has been repairing since the vacuum tube days and still going.


Buddy you just saved me several hundred bucks for a new TV I was ready to go buy since modern tv's are modular and people hardly repair now days. Even though I'm a retired technician I wasn't gonna fix it after I checked the power supply and seemed like it was working, thinking I didn't want to delve into troubleshooting the rest. I live in Canada and everything is harder to find and more expensive than the US. My tv (vizio 43-C1).
Taking a chance to buy the main board for a couple hundred $$ including shipping and not getting it to work I thought was not worth it since a new lower end tv would cost 400$.
I saw another video where the guy changed the main board three times till the vendor sent him the correct one.

So when i saw your video it made sense thinking it kind of reflows the solder beneath the big chips when you heat to 3-4 hundred degrees. But darn, my heat sink is soldered on the board so guess what, couldn't unsolder it obviously because the heat of two solder irons doesn't melt the solder. So I did heat on top of the heat sink to 600 degrees and put it back in the tv and low and behold, it worked.

Anyhow, can't thank you enough, keep up the good work!!


i found this exact TV on the side of the road under a bunch of boxes waiting for the garbage truck. the wife and I were on a walk through the neighborhood and she walked back with me covering her face because she was so embarrassed by me routing through the neighbors trash. this is what was wrong, I got a new 4k 50" TV. she accepts now that it wasn't a ridiculous idea (this time). i didnt have a heat gun, but i did have a butane pen torch and a fancy kitchen thermometer rated for 500 degrees. so, I layed the thermometer on top of the processer and heated it from about 2-3 inches for short bursts to keep the heat applied the right amount to the immediate area. I am so happy! THANK YOU!


Worked like a charm! When the TV first started the screen was blue for a flash, then green but immediately after started working as normal. It worked so well I also did the board for an M55-C2 that I thought was dead (same symptoms) . I had already paid 75 bucks to a repair shop to fix a M55-C1 last year. Here's a hint too, I used aluminum foil with a small square cut out for the chip so I could shield the rest of the board just in case.


Just came to add to the comments and say this worked for my TV! Thanks for making this awesome video!


I also saw the oven treatment; your method is much more precise. Thanks for the great video.


This Vizio D50u-D1 TV had the same problem! Your fix, fixed it! Thank you so much!


This worked for me after almost throwing out the tv. Thanks for putting this together!


Can't thank you enough for the video! Was able to use this hot air method on my M60-C3 just as I was going to give up on it. Great stuff!


Hi Big Dog. Great videos. I’ve watched a lot of your videos and learnt so much. Ive got the same model Vizio D55U tv with no backlights or picture. The on off light would light but starts to flash repeatedly. I tried everything you suggested in all your videos to no avail. I ordered a replacement main board but when I put that in the symptoms changed a bit where the backlights would now come on and the Vizio logo appeared but then went off with a totally black screen and the on off button flashing 15 times. I got another main board but that was worse. No backlights or picture with that in. The thing that fixed both of the main boards was baking them in the oven at 300F for 10 minutes each. I got the oven up to temperature then put the boards in as they were. No takingany of the heat sinks off or anything. Lo and behold both of them worked once I put them back in my tv with all the original parts, PS, LED bd and TCon bd. One main bd still has a problem with HDMI 5 input but everything else works fine. I’d tried heating the chips up with a heat gun, changing the EEPROMS, swooping out all the other beds . I even replaced all the backlight LED strips as one strip was very dim and another had one LED out . I know you don’t recommend baking the boards in an oven but it’s the only thing that got my tv back up and running. None of the plastic connectors melted or parts fell off. I just left the board in the oven to cool off then put it back in the tv. Thought this might help some of your other viewers as it’s taken me about a month to fix this thing.
By the way the power supply for this model only supplies 19 vdc to the main bd and 24 vdc to the led driver bd. The main bd then produces its own 5 vdc standby voltage . The 5 vdc voltage shows up on the power supply connector but it’s not generated there. Thanks again for your great videos. Couldn’t have fixed this tv without your knowledge.


I never leave a comment on videos but I gotta say thank you very much I've been trying to fix my TV for a month and your video helped me bring my TV back to life !


Thanks for the video. The heat gun repair worked on my Vizio M60-C3. I am happy I watched.


Thanks BigDog. I found the same TV today and got it working using your video.I am glad I had a heat gun and some heat sink paste so it was easy to do.


Thanks for the information. This fixed my Visio D55u-D1 55 inch tv. I would have never had a shot at fixing it until this video. I will add that instead of taking off the heat sink cover, I heated up the opposite side of the circuit board. This method worked for me and the television works great now.


Thanks to your video I was able to resucitate my dead 55in Vizio. We'll see how long it last, but definitely thanks for the solution!👍🏼💪🏼


This corrected the issue with my D55u-D1. I had suspected the bga needed resoldered, but wanted to see if anyone else had the exact same issue. Thank you for posting this video. Another TV saved from the scrap heap!


Just subscribed to a great detailed video, which I just found today. 4 years ago I sent my 55” Vizio mainboard away to be refurbished for $99 and it is still working great to this day. Symptoms, back then were none of the HMDI inputs receive a signal, so no HMDI devise would work. The rabbit ears worked for local channels, and the AV or component Yellow, red and white worked for older DVD player. Had your video been available 4 years ago I would have tried your fix, since I had to take the TV apart to remove the Mainboard and send it off for refurbishing. I like how you showed how to trouble shoot using a multi-meter on DC volts.

Our 42” Vizio works if you do not mind waiting 10-15 minutes for it to warm up. It comes on right away; you just cannot change anything for 10-15 minutes. No volume, up or down change, no change of TV input, etc. We have been living with this for a long time. I took it apart years ago, thinking I would find a bulging capacitor, but they all looked fine, so back together and live with problem. Any ideas?


I admit your a genius! I am not afraid to attempt this research but I don't have the space or tools. This was an excellent video. Thank You.


You Are The Master Mr.Big Dog...I'm was doing the Hot Reflow on 380 Degrees, Now I have 2 same Vizio D55u-d1 and I will fix tomorrow following your strategy...Thank you very much for share your Knowledge!!!


Great video. This technique brought my M60-C3 back to life. Thanks!
