Finding Joy in Grief: A Radical and Mindful Approach to Grieving | Sky Jarrett | TEDxMargueriteLake

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I lost my husband 6 weeks ago, and lost my beautiful 23 year old grandson a week ago today, on my birthday, I’m destroyed, how can anyone move on from such pain, I want them back, I would gladly change places with them.


“You do not have to let them go just because they have passed” Comforting to me now in my grieving


I have lost my son Nathaniel to a road accident about 15 days ago. The pain of loss is unbearable, life seems meaningless.
I have been watching videos on grief n how does one deal with it, if at all.
It has been of help to me to strengthen myself to confront the grief, one can't succumb to grief, life has to go on for self and surviving kids n family.
This is one video which has in a gentle manner given hope to those like me who are grieving. Pray that all those hurting and grieving be blessed with the inner strength and grace from the Lord Jesus Christ, to journey in their grief and yet live life happily


My wife passed away of gallbladder cancer on December 21, 2023. She fought hard for 9 months. I experienced all the emotions and responses Sky described. The grief of losing a spouse is the most awful feeling, but I will continue to move forward, taking my wife, the love of my life, with me every step of the way, the rest of my life. "Mindful grieving"...what a great concept! I accept my grief, allow it and cry because of it. After, I actually feel better, much better than when I initially bottled it up.


Just lost my mother to cancer a week ago. I just searched "how to deal with grief" and this video came up. God brought me here, I'm in a difficult season 😢


I was absolutely side swiped by anticipatory grief. I knew mum was deteriorating rapidly but it wasnt until i started nursing her 8 days before her death that it hit me. This beautiful lady captured my pain. It has only been 2 and a half weeks and feels like a lifetime. I am feeling isolated but determined to not lose myself.


I don't know you all but I love y'all!


I appreciated this. I’m not there yet but I’ve lost my mom and now my son. It’s incomprehensible right now. I need to function so I’m listening. My mom had a wonderful life and passed at 94, but my son. My son. I just can’t get there yet. I have never felt such loss and grief.


My dad suddenly died two weeks ago.

One day It hit me that I will lose him one day. I wept.

Two weeks later he left his body.
I miss him greatly but I’m not broken.
I’m going through the motions but I can still on.
I’m shocked that I feel this way.


Everything you share here I have intuitively practiced since losing my beautiful daughter in April of 2022. That day my life changed forever but I set an intention that I would do everything in my power to honor her memory and live every moment of every day walking this journey in love despite the devastating loss I feel.


Sky Jarrett, thank you so much for sharing your experience, your advise, your wisdom, your acknowledgement. I have grieved a lot the past years to a point I am searching for intense mental help now. But it feels great to know that it meant I loved a lot. And it is great to be supported to sit with emotional pain until it is released by the body and being able to experience hope and joy too. It is ok now to know grief is part of my life, that means I loved.


Hearing that others feel disconnected when they are grieving is in itself a sense of belonging. I didn’t know what to expect when my parent died, and one of my struggles has really been not feeling connected with others who aren’t going through the same grief. Feeling like I can’t continue to talk about it, because people eventually expect it to hurt less, usually just within a couple of months. I think grief-groups are probably a fantastic resource. And I decided to reach out and check in with friends, who’ve lost loved ones, not right after their loss but months after, just because I know that time was and is really difficult for me as well.


I recently lost my grandpa and this hit home. Thank you for sharing your journey and wisdom


I am so sorry for your pain 😢. I lost my Mark 5 months ago and I know your pain. God bless you and give you his strength ❤😂


Time doesn’t affect grief, but putting the work does. Really good lessons here Sky. Thank you.


Like a comet hurtling through space, grief smashes into *everybody* multiple times in our lives; that's how life is designed!


I wish I was able to like this Ted Talk multiple times. It’s absolutely true. This was heartfelt and so authentically expressed. Thanks for sharing with me. ❤ Sending you nothing but love as always



It is actually the best video about grief that I had been watched in my life!


What an incredible gift of Wisdom Sky!!
I loved how you grounded us in the reality that we will all experience deep grief, that we do have some say in how we will experience it, and that preparing for it can lessen the pain. You provided a straightforward, step by step roadmap of how to do this. The mindset shift and suffering formula are so helpful.
Thank you for sharing the wisdom you gained from your experiences. I will be reviewing your presentation many times for myself, and will be sharing it frequently with others as needed. What a gift!!


This is so powerful! Sky shares from the heart about an experience we will all face in our lives, in a way that is compassion- filled, gentle, inspiring and comforting. The talk is packed with useful tools and strategies to help us navigate the pain of loss and grief. Thank you!
