Moral Scrupulosity OCD

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Moral Scrupulosity is a common OCD theme that is often experienced with other OCD themes.

👉🏼 If you are tired of your OCD and need help treating it with ERP so that you can feel better, I can help you.
Find out more about my course for OCD here:

👉🏼 Here is a link to a FREE SELF ASSESSMENT for OCD:

👉🏼 Here is a GIFT for you. A PDF for The Top 10 Things to Know to Practice ERP for OCD, Phobias & Anxiety:

The theme of Moral Scrupulosity is concerned about whether or not one is a good person or a bad person. People with ocd have intrusive, obsessive, ego-dystonic thoughts that make them anxious. With Moral Scrupulosity, being a good person is something they identify with and care about. Consequently, having a horrible or shocking thought creates an intense internal conflict and they may begin to develop compulsive behaviors to try to relieve themselves of this anxiety and discomfort.

Moral Scrupulosity is often combined with other ocd themes like contamination ocd, checking, harm, sexual orientation, relationship and religious Scrupulosity to name a few. Some common compulsions with moral Scrupulosity include reassurance seeking, analyzing, mental checking, neutralizing thoughts, excessive apologizing and extreme caring and generosity.

Here is an OCD playlist that includes several informative and treatment videos on OCD and Pure O:

Here is a link to the video on Mental Compulsions:

Here is a link to the video on ERP Scripts:

#OCDwithPaige, #PureO, #PaigePradko, #OCD, #MoralScrupulosity, #Scrupulosity, #OCDPureO, #PureOOCD, #religiousscrupulosity, #amIagoodperson, #obsessivethoughts, #intrusivethoughts, #unwantedthoughts, #ERP, #OCDtheme

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Please comment below and feel free to ask me any questions. If you would like your question considered on an upcoming Q & A video, please let me know. Thank you for helping me spread mental health help and education.

Until next time...I will see you in session,


(Although Paige Pradko is a licensed psychotherapist, the views expressed on this video and this YouTube channel including comments or any related content should not be taken for medical, psychological or psychiatric advice. Always contact your physician and mental health provider before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.)

Eskimo Nebula by Curved Mirror
Unexpected Visitors by Curved Mirror
Edited by Amy at Twin Suns Studio LLC
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👉🏼 If you are tired of your OCD and need help treating it with ERP so that you can feel better, I can help you.
Find out more about my course for OCD here:

👉🏼 Here is a link to a FREE SELF ASSESSMENT for OCD:

👉🏼 Here is a GIFT for you. A PDF for The Top 10 Things to Know to Practice ERP for OCD, Phobias & Anxiety:


Ollie is Here in the Background once again . . so thrilled, so happy


thank you paige for these videos. always appreciated. Doing ERP. stronger each day. Now started jogging too which i wasn't for last one year.


Another great video from Ms. Pradko! Allow me to share a tidbit - I struggle with "health scrupulosity" because when I found out that anxiety caused physical symptoms, I began to scrutinize if I was doing the "most healthy" or nourishing thing at all times (read: or else I'll get sick or else I'll get sick or else I'll get sick)


Never, thankfully, have I ever believed that the shame I felt, this weird moral perfection I feel, etc actually meant I was a bad person. It might be more like an intense and perhaps exaggerated awareness of a perceived flaw. Could also be more like because of this flaw, I cause other people to feel pain. Something along those lines.

Even still it can be very distorted - very. The distortion and anxiety disguise themselves as just the cold, hard truth. Some I can tell the difference. Sometimes I agree.

Very annoying. Pretty hurtful to my self-esteem.


Hello Paige. I watched some of your videos and one or two of them helped me greatly, at least for 3 or 4 days. But since it happened again, and since it started to make my life unbearable, I would like to share. I don’t know if my situation can be described as “ruminating”, but here it comes:
I think a lot about politics. And when I do, naturally some topics pop up in my head. Even if they don’t, I wander a little bit in Twitter, or check the news, I suddenly get topics pop up in my head again. I try to solve these topics in my head. For example, I know Mr X is a very bad leader, but when I see someone type “Mr X is a good leader”, I try to list the reasons about why Mr X is a bad leader. Sometimes I can’t remember all the reasons, and I can’t convince myself. When I can’t convince myself, I feel extremely exhausted. I can’t study properly because of this. And it’s not just politics. Even if I see someone typing something completely false, like “the Earth is flat”, I try to convince myself that the Earth is not flat. I list the reasons about it, and the process continues as it is. This “situation” is fairly new, it’s been with me for 1.5 years. I watched one of your video about rumination, and I stopped thinking about them. But it worked only for 3-4 days, and it started again. I just can’t seem to stop thinking. I ruminate about everything. I humbly thank you for your videos, for bringing me peace again, even if it was for 3-4 days. Do you have any suggestions/videos that might help? Thank you.


Hello Paige, I’m 23. As I grew up I have done some good things and some bad things I am not proud of. I repented, I tried to learn more and I was guilty for the things I have done in the past. I know they don’t represent me anymore and I have changed. But after entering in a relationship, I’m ruminating over those on and on again. I told that person that I was a horrid person in the past and she said she belives in this me and since I was guilty and I stand against everything I did in the past. But those events haunt me, make me want to confess which I don’t want to. First of all they are neutralising my OCD enabling it more, secondly People have secrets. Everyone does something they are not proud of, even continue. But I’m guilty and I tried to work my way through this. I don’t want to change my lover’s perception of me. I want to be a normal person who changed but used to be a bad person before. But these thoughts haunt me at night and make want to stay away from my lover at times feeling vulnerable and fragile.


Very nice video Madam .. Whatever be the form of OCD, the treatment is ERP .. that is the summary of your above video .. People with ocd also have a sense of heightened responsibility and if we don't match that standard, we sink into a loop of disappointment .. I can go on writing positively regarding the above video but YouTube may not allow me to post it here due to the length .. OLLIE DEAR is fabulous as usual .. Thank You Madam .. It's afternoon now in India .. Unbearably HOT !.. ..


Thank you. This was an excellent introduction.


I haven't even watched the video yet and feeling stressed about her asking to like and subsribe to help her out!
I now know that is fairly ridiculous, but only because I had to go mentally through the reasons why I shouldn't feel guilty.
I don't know why I've become like this!


Thank you for the video. I ve had this since i'm 19 or maybe even before that age, am 49 now...grew up in a Christian & left wing family, so in a way it is no wonder that it happened to me.
Lately i have been asking myself the question: where did this all begin? and : when was the first time i believed that something like ' a bad thought' even existed? Because when i was young, i don't remember ever thinking that a thought could be ' wrong', they were just thoughts and i did not think about my thoughts, i just thought them and moved on to the next one. But after this ' thought action fusion' happened, everything was different and i would end up feeling sinful for just thinking something. I wish i could undo that, but it's not easy...


My therapist says I have MS with porn.

Long-story short: I’ve quit porn but struggle with my failures. I went about 3 months, then avg about 1 slip up a month. This July I slipped literally every weekend, mainly because of my intense OCD setbacks and feelings.

I know it is “at odds with who I am”, but how could I be so naive and dumb to slip up.

I notice the cycle to. I relapse, reread the Easy Peasy method, and then some time later I slip up. I do not like this.

When I get an urge, I can get stuck to:
- should I recognize it a withdrawal from porn? Or should I completely disregard it.

Pretty annoying. Also, I want to learn to keep learning about porn addiction and be involved in that community, but cannot as I keep relapsing.

In short: how can I achieve my goal of being completely porn and masturbation free while NOT feeding OCD? Similar to a religious ocd person still practicing their faith even with OCD. I do not want to avoid my dreams.


Can my feelings of shame ever go away after experiencing a stressful situation and people are mocking and laughing over what I said?..and what is the best script of overcoming shame? Because the obsessive thoughts are shame.


But how does it help to just be nonchalant when it comes to ERP and “moral character?”
For example:
“Hey, I’ve lied and cheated many people and I’m ok with that.”
“Hey, I used to be a loose, promiscuous person, and I’m ok with that.” 😳
I just don’t understand why you’d want people to be ok with saying that to themselves as a way to accept their past guilt or terrible mistakes?
Many people in society walk around every day hurting others and don’t think twice about it and really, “don’t care.”
It would seem to be less shocking to have people say instead, “I’ve done some bad things in the past, that I wish I could change, and I’m truly remorseful and have repented, and I need to try and accept my apology to myself.”
Or, something like that...


Paige, I believe I've been dealing with this type of pure o ocd for years.. what do you suggest I do? I do take medication, but not doing erp as of yet.. also any good books or workbooks I can do on my own? Thank you Paige for your videos


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I am preparing for an exam and my real age is 20(exam permits age upto 19) and my age in documents in 18. So it means right now I am eligible to give exam. Everything was going normal until one day a thought came that I am cheating with the examinator and whole administration. I am a wrong person. I must not give this exam. and after that I am having anxiety attacks regarding this. I really want to prepare for the exam and crack it but this unnecessary thought of cheating never stops. Is this Moral OCD?
