The American Nuclear Family is OVA!!

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In this video, we explore the changing dynamics of the American nuclear family and how it is evolving beyond traditional norms. Join us as we delve into the factors contributing to this shift, including societal changes, economic pressures, and cultural influences. Discover the impact of these transformations on individuals, relationships, and society as a whole. Gain insights into alternative family structures, such as single-parent households, blended families, and chosen families, and explore the benefits and challenges they bring. Join the conversation and embrace the evolving definition of family in the modern world. Don't miss out on this eye-opening exploration of the American nuclear family's transformation! #nuclearfamily #ChangingFamilyDynamics #EvolvingFamilyStructures #ModernFamily #BeyondTradition #FamilyTransformation #NewFamilyNorms #FamilyEvolution #RedefiningFamily #FamilyInnovation #EmbracingChange #traditionalfamily#homeownership #homeowners #americandream #pewresearch
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the female tribe already exists. I worked in a nursing home and women were never alone. even the ones with no family left and no kids or husband, would be surrounded by other elderly women as they met their final moments.


Mom and I live happily and peacefully together ❤️ she is my "nuclear" family. And when she passes away one day, I'll have all of these amazing memories we're currently making. I'm not against partnership, I'm against settling for the light bill Larrys Tyler Perry was yapping about. Absolutely NOT!😂


We need women villages in substitute of that


The nuclear family is an American concept from the 1950s. Many other societies have always had different generations of extended family living under the same roof. The government is still trying to push the nuclear family concept yet they implement policies that make it economically infeasible for average income people.


The article should have mentioned/included the raise of misogyny, incels, menosphere, anti-abortion legislations and the raise of domestic and random violence against women leading to more women staying single and away from dating/marriage and men.😒


It is interesting to watch having kids become a wealthy people thing.


Americans are stuck on the stuck on the idea of the 1950s nuclear family and try to punish people who don't achieve this ideal.


As a young woman, it’s freeing to realize that there’s no need to find a man to hold down


You said it. People cannot afford to buy houses for the most part. Plus the schools aren't safe. Until we really address these issues, the birth rate will decline.


There was recently an article about 20 or so women between the ages of 50s and 70s living together with great success. It hinted as to the possibility of similar living arrangements sprouting up in the future.


Women have turned a corner and there's no going back. I don't know if males can adjust, so we should plan accordingly 🤷🏾‍♀️


Personally, I think the downfall of the nuclear family as the ideal is a great thing. Nuclear families are really great for governments, churches and corporations - they put all the human needs on the shoulders of a couple people who make all the money and all the decisions, which keeps them overworked, treading water and easy to control. It's much easier to coerce labor from a man whose entire family will starve than if it's just him alone, for example. One person can leave and survive outside a church or in a new country/state, but a whole family makes it much more difficult. IMO we are in a phase where power dynamics are really shifting - especially among genders as BNB pointed out - so I don't know where we will land, but I think there will be more emphasis on communal living and task sharing and less on individual houses and autonomy, which in evolutionary terms is a much more natural way for humans to live than in our individual pseudo kingdoms. I also think these numbers will continue to plummet along these lines, and I am here for it.


I had a miserable childhood because my fundamentalist parents kept trying to conform to their religions' propaganda image of "family". I would not wish my upbringing on anyone. I'm delighted that so many people have chosen, and are choosing joy and fulfillment instead of the endless treadmill of unhappiness trying to conforming to some impossible standard a bunch of jerks in the 1950s said was "normal".


The nuclear family ended 4 AA ppl in the 1960s. AA culture normalized having babies OOW, cohabitating for several years instead of marriage, and men not taking care of their kids. I really respect the 4B women in South Korea. #celibate #childfree


I’m in my mid 40s and stayed single because as a young woman I could see the males were deficient. Granted for a lot of the years of my life I tried to engage in relationships with BM of course to no avail. I have dated a wide range of men and by far the BM is the worst and I do not care if he’s an educated lame or not. I grew up with BMW aunts, cousins, and my mom. I will never forget when my stepdad told me at 15 I’d be a spinster. He was absolutely correct. I raised my children alone and now I’m free. I’m traveling, have hobbies, sleep, and spend time with my dog. (I’m allergic to cats). Being from the older generation ladies, do not settle. I’m so glad I finally was able to see a shift in BW. Keep doing you ladies. The mens are not menning well.


Because we are so isolated, being a divorced coparent is amazing. Its essier and you get your weekdays or weekends back. Without intergenerational support, this makes more sense.


Both my adult kids work full-time but can't afford a studio, much less a 1 bedroom apartment around here. As much as I dream if being an empty nester, I can't make myself push my birdies out the nest.


I wish my nuclear family would just dissolve, I would live happily with my mom and nieces even if I had to do all the driving and providing myself 😂


The nuclear family is a very modern concept, popularized in the 40s and 50s to sell suburban houses and other stuff. Before that, 3 or more generations lived in one house.


We need tribal communities in replacement for that. The more family-centric and matriarchy centric the better. If there ever are men amongst us, they have to contribute just as much. The oldest, wisest people decide the major decisions, especially the oldest matriarchs. Each community will work in greenhouses and farm fields and green science and industry labs and every person has to contribute to the community's well being as well as the individuals in that community. Each member of the community represents the community itself.
