Pegasus Scam Email - Don't Fall for This Clever Trap!

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Pegasus Scam Email - Don't Fall for This Clever Trap!

Have you ever received a message claiming that your computer is infected with the notorious Pegasus malware?

This scam email alleges that by clicking on a malicious link, your device has been compromised, and the sender now has access to your browsing history and even webcam footage.

They threaten to expose this private information unless you pay a hefty ransom in cryptocurrency.

This video is intended solely for educational purposes. The content provided in this video is based on the creator's knowledge, research, and experience.

Pegasus Scam Email,
Pegasus Email scam,
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Pegasus email from myself,
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Pegasus spyware,
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How to detect Pegasus spyware on iPhone,
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How to remove Pegasus spyware from iPhone,
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This video managed to calm me down. My fear was not because of the photos, but because I thought someone could have access to my accounts. Thank you. The email was actually sent in my own name, but it is not in the sent folder or in the inbox, only in the junk mail.


I thought i was gonna have to have a talk with my family


Lol... I woke up to one of these this morning. Scared me for a second except I noticed a few things: 1) The photo is of my neighbor's house, not mine, and was very obviously taken from Google Earth. 2) Pegasus is a highly sophisticated and very expensive piece of software used by government agencies to catch terrorists, not idiots who can't properly form a grammatically correct sentence. 3) If it were real they would've included photos of my face with whatever embarrassing content they had on me. 4) I don't look at porn on my phone, so...


Honestly, I just found out about fake header emails recently and when I sent an email to myself it turned out to be different thank you


I received that email 2 days ago (more than 48h ago) and nothing happened. Just delete the email


I was worried that my family found about my foot fetish 😢


this is a huge i was so scared. i was sent to me via my email and it scared me more whenever i replied to it and i sent it back to I looked online and got it tested to see if there was pegasus on my devise and it came back clean so i went to youtube in which i found this. so thank you.


Also to add to a comment I posted . Notice emails come in at 1am or 3am. That’s because they come from mostly Nigeria or India locations .


Thanks, brother. I was scared but you calmed me down.


I got one of them. 7 days before my birthday. It’s my birthday now though. it’s so weird how people even do this


i just recieve this kind of email a month ago and don't even realize that i got one until today but nothing really happen in between the month. nice try scammer


Pegasus cost millions per virus to use. It’s all bs with these emails. I got 8 in 2 weeks and calls on my phone. I ignore it. Don’t worry people . Move on. Live a wild life 😂😂


Just got one of these emails too. I was tempted to reply, begging them to do so. Maybe that'd get me into a new career?! Lmfao...But I instead just marked it as spam and deleted it. Then looked to see about those emails on here. And, here we are now 😅


I received one this morning with a picture of my neighbors house. I mean close enough right ? Some of the things in the email are kinda right and some aren’t should I be worried ? Like they mentioned my setup and how nice it is and that whatever I play I garbage ?


My thing is how did they get my phone number and address my phone number isn’t linked to my name same with the address I get my mail sent to a friends house since my area in town loves to steal mail


Im really old, I got it, i asked for a copy of the videos, so I could show it to my friends. 😂


I just got this email too... even if it is real they clealy havent seen my ad twitter. Would be an awkward conversation with family if it is real but ill take a awkward convo over 1.25k lol


I just got a email like this last night scared the crap out of me when I saw my name and a pic of my neighbors house!! but knew it was a scam cause I don’t watch nor make “filthy” things as they put it lol I truly hope no one falls for this bs ….but the email wasn’t sent from my email like the others its got the persons name in the email I wonder if they stole someone’s personal email to use ?


Ngl I’m hoping this vid is true cuz lately been too reliable on ios protection and barely saw I got 2 emails from separate emails same photo and letter but wrong house looks like a older version of my front lawn and neighbors house


but they showed me a picture of my house? my full name and address?