'He That Shall Endure Unto The End, The Same Shall Be Saved.' Explained

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A Biblical explanation of Mark 13:13, Jesus said "but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." What did he mean?

*This interpretation is applicable to Matthew 10:22 & 24:13*

#salvation #freegrace #christianity
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Hey, brother! I love and support your channel. It’s one of my favorite SOLA FIDE GOSPEL channels. I do have to disagree with this teaching, however. To my understanding, the audience addressed in Mark are the Jews. The church is not Israel. The church is a dispensation (the sealing of the HS)… which is OSAS. The tribulation is for the rejecting Jews and the unsaved Gentiles. It’s a period of 7 years in which Jesus pours out his wrath. The rapture and the 2nd coming are two separate events. The rapture precedes the 7 year tribulation which then comes the 2nd coming when Jesus touches down on the Mt. of Olives. Jesus was telling the Jews that if they endure to the end of the tribulation (avoid the mark, endure though the hardships of the apocalyptic events), they will be saved. During the tribulation, they are still saved by grace though faith, but they can lose their salvation (NOT DUE to sinning), but by receiving the mark. Basically, they aren’t “sealed” in the tribulation… which is why they have to endure to the end to be saved……. Or die as a martyr or die from natural causes … like starvation during the tribulation.

The rapture is when Christ meets us in the AIR. That’s why there’s two “judgement” seats. The BEMA seat and the Great White Throne Judgement.

Believers, after the rapture (during the tribulation), are at BEMA seat for rewards and casting crowns and HIS feet. The Great White Throne Judgement is at the END of the tribulation to judge the works of non-believers.

Believers CANNOT go through the tribulation because that is GOD pouring out HIS wrath. GOD CANNOT pour out his wrath on his bride again. He did it on the cross. He won’t strike the rock twice.

I don’t think this is anything to divide over, but I hope you can see how the rapture is pre-trib. I’ll see you in the PRE-TRIB rapture VERY soon. 😉 Much respect.


Christ is Lord. Christ is returning very soon🎉


I always thought that scripture was for the tribulation saints. Those who believed during tribulation,
And the church gets raptured before the trib starts


Our Blessed Hope is pre-tribulation. Any cursory study of Revelation reveals this, specifically the 24 elders crowned with Glory singing a new song (Rev 5:9-10) before a seal is ever broken. If you are in Christ, you are not appointed to God’s wrath. Christ will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth (Rev 3:10). Hold fast, that no man take thy crown. It is beautiful that we will be snatched/taken/harpozoed before the great tribulation. Praise Christ Jesus Our LORD.


The church is not mentioned in revelation. The tribulation is not meant to purify the church. The church is already pure. It is for Israel. It is the time for God to deal with Israel to repent and place their faith in their Messiah. We are the bride of Christ he would not let us go through the great tribulation.

I appreciate your ministry here on YouTube!


Let’s all remember (unless you’re a troll) everyone that follows this channel believes in a faith alone message & eternal security. Thus, we are all brothers & sisters in Christ. Even though eschatology is an important doctrine, we don’t have to sling mud at each other and debate. We will all get out of here before the tribulation starts rather you believe it or not. 😂


If all believers get raptured at the end of the tribulation and receive glorified bodies then who is left to enter the millennial reign in the flesh there wouldn't be anyone left..makes more sense that tribulation saints who manage to survive until Christ's return would continue into the millennial reign in mortal bodies..


We will not be here during the tribulation, we will be ruptured b4 the tribulation.


Thank you brother, read this scripture yesterday and have been searching for the meaning. Appreciate your channel


Enduring to the end is about our physical saving during the tribulation period, nothing to do with salvation at all.

Good work brother!


May I ask a question brother? Do you believe the church will go through the tribulation? I have been taught that the church will be raptured before the seven year tribulation.


I noticed there's a lot of Obsession nowadays with losing salvation I believe instead we should focus on Jesus who is the author of our salvation when I love and trust him I will never worry about losing my salvation and yes I know obedience comes in that he brings up a really good point thank you for making this video


I always enjoy your passion and urgency, in sharing a message. I would never think to debate, as my KJB warns against it. As my brother, I would offer some videos for you to look at and consider? If not, it's not a problem for me. I do think there are examples of brethren helping each other, in discussion and discernment. Blessings my friend. ☺️🌻☀️


Thank you Onorato for helping me understand this passage.


Ralph Yankee Arnold says that children of God. Will not be here under the tribulation


My King James bible tells me that Mark was teaching the Jews that needed to hear the Kingdom Gospel. The body of Christ will not be enduring until the end. Believers of the gospel preached by Paul will be raptured and not punished for 3 1/2 years in the tribulation. The body of Christ will be in heavenly places preparing for the coming of the Kingdom and the preaching of the everlasting gospel. God bless!!


GOOD MORNING catching up thank you for this message it was really helpful GOD BLESS I would like to pray for you today may God bless your ministry


Its addressing those who are alive during the great tribulation after the Rapture of the church


those that stand until the end are saved


Brother, I really like your messages and I agree with everything I’ve watched thus far. This one I have to respectfully disagree. The Tribulation is not the time of the churches trouble but Jacobs trouble, as we learn from the word of God. The tribulation is the suspension of judgement until the last week (7 years), which has yet to be fulfilled because Israel rejected the Messiah. The church is mentioned in Rev 3:1 and then, we depart, raptured, we learn in Rev 4:1.

According to 1 Thessalonians 5:9, For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.

As we learn from the word of Gods, the church, is not destined to suffer the wrath of God, and therefore, the church must be removed from the earth before the Tribulation begins.

The church is not mentioned in Revelation until chapter 20. This is because the church is not present during the events of Revelation because in chapter 4:1, John is called to "come up here", raptured and therefore it is in heaven during the days of the 70th week of Daniel. It’s clear chronological, according to Revelations. We’ve heard it said, “why would God beat up his bride before the marriage?”

It depends if we follow a pre tribulation rapture, mid or post. The tribulation saints are people who get saved while having to go through the wrath / tribulation of God. That’s my understanding of studying the word and prophecy brother.

We all go up together, praise God! I trust this meets you well.